A lot of news coming for Diablo 4, including a brand new interview with the game's director on cues class balance dungeon design.
Diablo 4 Beta Latest News: New Updates on Dungeon Design, Class Balance & More
Diablo 4 Beta Stats & Fixes
Diablo 4's hype level is of the charts, with over 1 million players confirmed for the Early Access alone, as this is just for the hardcore peeps who already bought the game or paid for the codes, and it looks like, for blizzards, they've achieved what they wanted which was to stress test the servers, they can better prepare for when the game truly comes out.
According to Rod Ferguson general manager for Diablo 4, there have been several big fixes over the past weekend that specifically addressed the long queue times and server instabilities furthermore, this was a way for them to prepare for the likely much larger open Beta coming up.
Diablo 4 More Secret Encounter In Diablo 4
However they also talked about the butcher encounter, and some of the other stuff present in the beta which found really interesting, especially this one which was one of the highlights of the beta, actually something it looks like blizzard is totally on board with adding more of these Encounters in Diablo 4.
According to the game's director Joe Shelley, one of the things that can be fun is changing up the player's goal at any given moment and the treasure Goblin does that by running off with a pile of loot that you want, so you're likely to opt into the extra Danger to get it, and the butcher does that by ambushing you and creating a situation where you're likely to run potentially into other dangers or navigate Under Pressure.
In Diablo 4, looking for other ways to add that kind of gameplay that changes the player's experience on the Fly, to add more things like that in the future as well, and of course, they did clarify, there is indeed a minimum level restriction for the spawn. However, they did not specifically mention it plus a few other conditions on top, mostly this is meant to be a very random and very unexpected encounter.
Diablo 4 Feedback on Dungeon Design
The dungeon design was a bit of a mixed bag for a lot of players, especially with a lot of backtracking to grab keys, and other similar objectives to unlock the boss doors well, it seems that a lot of that is here to stay, unfortunately, and it is made by Design.
There are cases within the dungeons where you're going to get a key, and then you're going to have to go somewhere else in cases where you're going to get the key, and you are running back through an area. There should be enemies that are showing up to refresh that according to him, it's the company's goal, so that players never have to run through an empty dungeon, basically even though if take a look at the beta, obviously that's not always the case, there were many occasions when you would clear a dungeon only to have to backtrack to grab a bunch of keys or maybe some of those objects to open up doors which had you run through rooms that were already cleared furthermore.
There are well over 100 dungeons in the full game, but in the beta, just a fraction of it about 20 per cent of the Overworld one of the design decisions, the dungeons individual dungeons to have certain properties about it that were consistent and tied to that dungeon and that place in the world, so that's when you go into it, it's not just drawing out a raffle of all the elements, there are some things about it that are consistent he mentions.
Anything will be changed in this regard by launch day, not only is this by Design but there's not even enough time to make such a drastic change up until then even more, so from the same interview it seems that blizzards are mostly going to address this via the end game mechanics, such as the nightmare dungeon modes in which you're going to be using sigils as modifiers to dramatically modify them.
Diablo 4 Class changes coming
A lot of changes coming to your favourite classes, including Buffs and possible Nerfs as well, Joe Shelley goes on to mention that certain things, like The Barbarians Hammer of the Ancients, feel a bit underpowered at the moment while Frost Sorcerers are pretty strong, Arc lash also for the sorcerer is a little weak right now and so on.
Felt like the head Runner of the beta, in terms of mob clearing potential, this was one of the classes that levelled up last, but finally did, because once got a build going and reached 25, it got some really interesting Concepts in there, like the Whirlwind build with the tornadoes is awesome against enemies, and looks very satisfying and they also like the Rand plus Thorne's mechanic again bosses to make them, basically slap themselves to death.
However, it's obvious that this is very early character progression and in no way representative of the true end game when things might change with every single level again giving the Barbarian as an example this class has access to the most amount of weapons so and game wise they'll have the most amount of legendary effects is who knows they might even be the best class of them all but it might also be different.
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