On the launch of Diablo 4, uniques are going to be the highest rarity in the game. Meaning these are going to be some of the strongest items in the game and they're being designed in a way that these D4 items can actually allow builds to existing. Today, we want to go over some of the leaked unique gear pieces in Diablo 4. First, we have to go over the unique system as a whole.
Diablo IV Unique Item Guide: Uniques Requirements, Rolls, Effects, Builds & Farm Tips
There are a lot of misconceptions about how this system is going to play out. Either giving already made build enough power to make them viable builds or actually giving builds an effect that the build is created around or that allows that build to actually function and there will be both class-specific and generic uniques class specific primarily being focused around one specific class ability.
-Generic usually is more focused on stats or an effect that every class can use. Even though, uniques are going to be some of the strongest items in the game. There's one piece of them that keeps them from being an item rarity that you want in every single slot and that is that a unique item is truly unique.
-Besides the special unique effect, they also have static rolls for all the affixes. So if you get an item that has crit damage, crit chance, attack speed, and strength on it, that unique would always roll those same affixes.
-A unique will always have the same FX rolls meaning that even though that power on that unique may be good for your build, the stats may be so bad you don't want to use it. This will probably play out in most builds only having or wanting a handful of unique items. Because if you just try to slap on all uniques on your build, it would take a ridiculous amount of time who actually farm up all the uniques you wanted, and your stats may be just incredibly bad.
How To Farm Unique Items In Diablo 4
Uniques are going to be incredibly rare, you're not going to be finding these things very often. In fact, developers gave a statement on this saying that average players should only expect to find around two to three unique items every season and seasons are going to last three months. For more average players, you'll be getting one or less uniques for a month of playing now. Obviously more hardcore players are going to be able to find a lot more uniques than that. But these are being designed in a way, so they are truly going to be chase items. You're not going to find it very often.
Diablo 4 Unqiue Item Requirements
You can't even start to get unique Diablo IV items until you get into world tier 3 which you also need to be level 50 to even unlock. On top of that, certain uniques won't be able to be obtained until you get higher than world tier 3. Because every new world tier past world tier 3 is also going to unlock more for you to obtain in those higher difficulties. So there may be a unique item that would be perfect for a build, you're trying to create that would make your build just ridiculously op. But you may have to get to a higher world tier to even have the chance of obtaining that unique in D4. The developers have also stated that we'll be getting uniques every new season, so every three months there should be some more unique items for you to go chase.
Diablo 4 Unique Gear Leaked
These Diablo 4 uniques probably all obtained from that end game closed beta because these would actually be obtainable on that. But keep all of that in mind, this is data-mined information and these are not all the uniques that are going to be in the game on launch. But these do give an idea of some of the effects you can expect to be getting on these items.
1. Generic Unique - Melted Heart of Selig
Generic Unique Roll
This generic unique amulet rolls with core stats, damage to spenders, damage healthy and resource gain. Not sure what core stats all is but damage spenders would be an increase to any skill that costs a resource. Damage healthy would be an increased damage to any enemies above 80 health and resource gain would most likely just be an increase to the resources gained probably a percentage.
Generic Unique Effect
The unique effect of this D4 unique item is fascinating, and the first part is you gained additional maximum resources. So this is probably just a percentage increase to the maximum resource you can hold. If a Druid could hold a hundred spirit, they may be able to hold a 120 spirit now. In addition, when you take damage, you instead drain a resource for every point of life you would have lost instead. So now you're actually losing your main resource before you're losing any health.
Generic Unique Build
This unique could obviously be horrible for certain builds. If you have a build that is very heavy on spending your main class resource, this would be completely horrible. You would never have any resources left so you can never do any damage. But there are some build out there and there are probably going to be a lot more that don't use their primary resource very often. In fact, in the most recent public betas, there was actually a Sorceress build you pretty much use nothing that actually spent any of your mana and this is primarily focused around the hydra. But you were using all skills that didn't use any of your mana. So this could actually be really good for that build, making it a lot tankier by using up your mana when taking damage instead of your health on a build that doesn't even use their mana.
2. Rogue Unique - Word of a Hakan
Rogue Unique Rolls
This Rogue unique is another amulet called Word of a Hakan. This rolls with damage type bonus non-physical, ultimate damage, current damage with imbued, and skill rank bonus to the imbue category. So damage type bonus to anything that's not physical, so that's any other element damage increase to ultimate which seems to be a more unique affix. Crit damage with imbued and abuse are a Rogue specific category and then skill rank bonus to imbuements, but this gives at least plus one skill rank to the entire imbuement category. Meaning with this, you could use all three imbuements just off of this one item.
Rogue Unique Effect
But the unique effect is your reign of arrows is always imbued with all imbuements at once. Any time you use an imbuement and then use reign of arrows, that reign of arrows is going to get the imbuements of every single imbuement the Rogue can have at the same time. It's actually going to pull these stats and effects off of your actual imbuement skills for the skill tree. So if you have five points into every imbuement, it's going to be much stronger in humans for everything applied to reign of arrows. But if you have all imbuements at rake one, that's going to be the strength of all the imbuements when you cast reign of arrows.
Rogue Unique Build
So this is completely going to facilitate and imbue focus build that uses reign of arrows as your main damaging ability or at least your big damaging moment.
3. Sorcerer Unique - Iceheart Brais Pants
Sorcerer Unique Roll
Iceheart Brais Pants is a pair of unique Sorceress pants this rolls with an increase in intelligence, increased damage to frozen enemies, increase damage to low-life enemies, and an increase to the freezing duration.
Sorcerer Unique Effect
Now the special effect on these is enemies that die while frozen have a chance to unleash frost nova. Frost nova is a Sorcerer's ability that is an AOE freeze around the Sorcerers normally, but this would be around the enemy that died while frozen. This means if you kill a frozen enemy and a big pack of enemies and it casts frost nova, it freezes everything around it. Then you can kill that and have a chance to cast another frost nova.
Sorcerer Unique Build
This could be an incredibly strong Perma CC build. With most of the gear pieces in the game that specifically affect class skills, they should also take the upgrades and effects of that skill into account. There are some pretty good interactions you could have with this. For instance, one of the upgrades for frost nova is that any enemy hit by frost nova gives you four mana. You could see how potentially ridiculous this interaction can be where you're just casting tons of frost novas by killing frozen enemies. Then freezing more enemies, killing those and everything being hit by these frost novas is giving you four mana. This could generate you ridiculous amounts of mana when fighting large groups of enemies.
4. Necromancer Unique - Deathspeaker's Pendant
Necromancer Unique Rolls
Deathspeaker's Pendant is a Necromancer unique amulet. This rolls with the damage increase to blood damage, a damage increase to seemingly all heavier Necromancer summons, a passive rank bonus to the coalescedblood passive which increases all of your blood damage, and a percentage increase to your healing which a lot of your blood skills also heals you in some way.
Necromancer Unique Effect
Now the special effect is where this gets pretty ridiculous. So anytime you cast a blood surge which is a Necromancer skill, you do this AOE that deals some damage but deals pretty big increased damage for every enemy that you suck blood from with this skill. When you cast blood surge, it casts a mini nova on all of your minions dealing damage and the damage is increased per target drained by your initial cast of blood surge. It's basically casting a copy of your blood surge skill that was used by your character. But casting that on all of your minions and the damage is being increased by how many initial targets were hit by your blood surge. Normally the blood surge skill has damage increased from 10% to 50%Vincrease depending on how many enemies were hit and that's probably how the one casts in your minions is also going to work.
5. Druid Unique - Mad Wolf’s Glee
Druid Unique Roll
Mad Wolf's Glee is a Druid unique chest and this rolls with a damage increase to physical, a damage increase to poison, a damage reduction to poison, and a movement speed increase.
Druid Unique Effect
The effect of this is kind of crazy. Werewolf form is now your true form and you gained plus two ranks to all werewolf skills. Werewolf form is now your true form means that instead of being in a human form most of the time, you're just in werewolf form at all times. Unless you go cast a spell that's not in werewolf, then that would take you to your normal form. At a baseline, you're always just going to be a werewolf walking around which is really cool. It would also be pretty cool if when using this unique, even if you went and cast say a tornado it would keep you in werewolf and your werewolf just pulls out of staff and uses a tornado.
Druid Unique Build
People who want a transform style of build would really like this unique. Besides the fact that, you just get plus two ranks to all werewolf skills which is really strong anyway. Just the effect of always being a werewolf is probably going to be really cool.
6. Barbarian Unique - Fields of Crimson
Barbarian Unique Roll
Fields of Crimson is a two-handed sword Barbarian Unique rolls with a damage increase to your two-handed slashing weapon, a damage increase to dot damage, or a dot damage proc, a cooldown reduction to your rupture skill, and a skill rank bonus to your rupture skill as well. Rupture on the Barbarian is a skill that does some damage and also wraps sure all bleeding effects on that target do all their damage at once.
Barbarian Unique Effect
Now the special effect of this D4 unique while using this weapon, so you have to use this weapon with rupture and apply the weapon to be used anytime you use rupture. But when damaging at least one enemy with rupture, you create a blood pool that afflicts bleeding damage over time and any enemies standing in this blood pool also take a percentage increase to bleed damage.
Barbarian Unique Build
This is obviously really strong for a bleeding build and going to actually change up how rupture is generally used. So rupture is generally used as a finisher, you would apply a bunch of bleeds to a target, then you would rupture them doing all that bleed damage at once. With this, you're probably going to want to be using rupture as one of your starting skills. Because it creates this bleed over time in the ground that makes them take increased bleed damage. Then you apply all your bleeds and then maybe rupture again at the end, because this also gives a cool down reduction to rupture. Meaning it's a skill you can use a lot more often. So this is just going to be ridiculously strong for bleeding builds that are using rupture.

Diablo 4 Season 3 Leaks & Update: Runes, New Character & Class, Changes and More1/15/2024 5:22:00 PM