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D2R 2.6 Best Necromancer Build - Top 3 Most OP Necro Builds In Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder 3
4/6/2023 4:20:35 PM

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Necromancer is a powerful summoner who can raise an army of undead minions to fight on their behalf. The Necromancer has several viable D2R 2.6 ladder builds that are effective in different situations. So what are the best Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder season 3 Necromancer builds? Today, we break down the stats, gear setups, and skill trees for the 3 best D2R 2.6 Necro builds.


D2R Necromancer Build Guide 2.6 - Top 3 Best Necro Builds In Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder 3

In this D2R 2.6 Necromancer build guide, we bring you the top 3 most op Necro builds. First, we want to showcase a D2R Poison Nova Necromancer build for Ladder season 3. It is a powerful and effective build that can take down groups of enemies quickly and efficiently. Then we showing you the next best Diablo 2 Necro build for Ladder 3 start. This is not just any Necromancer build this one has a Wizardspike on instead of the Death’s Web. Lastly is the Hybrid Necro build, which combines elements of the Summoner and Poison and Bone builds. This build can solve all your problems with stone skin type monsters.


1. D2R 2.6 Best Necromancer Build - Poison Nova Necro

The Poison Nova Necromancer build in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder 3 is a powerful and popular build that focuses on dealing massive amounts of poison damage to enemies using the Poison Nova spell. For this build, you need to have enough strength and dex to wear your gear and then all vitality. For skill points, max poison dagger, poison explosion, and poison nova, that your poison skills. After that, there are a lot of different things that you're able to do, get down and get at least one of the lower resist, try to get it up because you're going to need it. Basically, we went like half summoners kind of allocated the points around enough to get get some meat shields on and keep some stuff off.


Poison Nova Necro Build Stats

Strength - 95

Dexterity - 95

Vitality - 350

Energy - 77


Poison Nova Necro Build Gear

Left Hand Weapon - Death’s Web

Head - Harlequin Crest

Amulet - Venomous Amulet of Fortune

Right Hand Weapon - Homunculus

Hand - Trang-Oul’s Claws

Belt - Loath Lock

Ring - Entrophy Band, Dwarf Star

Leg - Imp Brogues


D2R Poison Nova Necro Build Skill Trees

Summoning - 4 Skeleton Mastery, 1 Golem Mastery, 1 Summon Resist, 1 Clay Golem, 1 Blood Golem, 1 Iron Golem, 1 Raise Skeleton, 1 Raise Skeletal Mage, 1 Revive

Poison and Nova - 20 Poison Dagger, 20 Poison Explosion, 20 Poison Nova, 1 Teeth, 1 Corpse Explosion, 1 Bone Armor

Curses - 1 Amplify Damage, 1 Iron Maiden, 1 Life Tap, 6 Lower Resist, 1 Weaken, 1 Terror, 1 Decrepify


2. D2R Ladder Season 3 Best Necro Build - Wizardspike Necromancer

Wizardspike is godly on Necro. Now Death’s Web is one of the most rare items in the game.  With D Web on your poison nova is 6933 damage, with Wizardspike is 5900, so a thousand damage decrease but more importantly it's losing that poison pierces. But Wizardspike is an epic and classic D2R item. It's greatly changed in D2 because of the new mechanics like fcr and the increased maximum amount of percent things that are based on character level. It does give a 50% faster cast rate, so a massive cast rate is much needed on this build. The increased maximum amount of 15% mana is based on character level and a massive all-res of plus 75.


Wizardspike Necromancer Build Stats

Strength - 189

Dexterity - 83

Vitality - 483

Energy - 83

Wizardspike Necromancer Build Gear

Left Hand Weapon - Wizardspike

Right Hand Weapon - Trang-Oul’s Wing

Amulet - Mara’s Kaleidoscope

Armor - Enigma

Head - Harlequin Crest

Hand - Trang-Oul’s Claw

Leg - Sandstorm Trek

Ring - Dwarf Star, Dwarf Star

Belt - Trang-Oul’s Girth


Wizardspike Necromancer Build Skill Trees

Summoning - 1 Golem Mastery, 1 Summon Resist, 1 Clay Golem, 1 Blood Golem, 1 Iron Golem, 18 Fire Golem

Poison and Bone - 20 Poison Dagger, 20 Poison Explosion, 20 Poison Nova, 1 Teeth, 1 Corpse Explosion

Curses - 2 Amplify Damage, 1 Iron Maiden, 1 Life Tap, 1 Lower Resist, 1 Weaken, 1 Terror, 1 Decrepify


3. D2R Patch 2.6 Necromancer Build - Hybrid Necro Build

The Diablo 2 Hybrid Necromancer build 2.6 combines elements of the Summoner and Poison/Bone builds to create a versatile character that can deal damage, control the battlefield, and summon a powerful army of undead minions. If you want to have a fully fledged skeletal warrior army while at the same time having a pretty decent poison nova, this is the one for you. With Death's Web, a Torch an Anni, and then SoJs for that matter, this build will be godly as told.


Hybrid Necro Build Stats

Strength - 198

Dexterity - 72

Vitality - 402

Energy - 32


Hybrid Necro Build Gear

Left Hand Weapon - Heart of the Oak

Left Hand Weapon - Trang-Oul's Wing

Amulet - Mara’s Kaleidoscope

Head - Harlequin Crest

Armor - Enigma

Leg - Sanstorm trek

Ring - Dwarf Star, Dwarf Star

Belt - Trang-Oul's Girth

Hand - Trang-Oul's Claws

Hybrid Necro Build Skill Trees

Summoning - 20 Skeleton Mastery, 1 Golem Mastery, 1 Summon Resist, 1 Clay Golem, 20 Raise Skeleton

Poison and Bone - 13 Poison Dagger, 20 Poison Explosion, 20 Poison Nova, 1 Teeth, 1 Copse Explosion

Curses - 1 Amplify Damage
