Blizzard just revealed that big secret, they've been withholding, and it's this right here that get another opportunity to hop into Diablo 4 before release, and it's called the server slam happening May 12th through the 14th open to absolutely everyone to really test those servers, this article goes into extensive details as to what can expect during the service lab earning service lamb rewards as you play.
Diablo 4 New Beta Revealed - Diablo IV Open Beta Massive Updates!
Diablo 4 New Beta Details!
From May 12th at 12 pm through May 14, 12 pm PDT Time everyone can come to sanctuaries defense on Windows basically every platform, along with couch Co-op for consoles and cross-playing cross-progression for all platforms against the armies of the burning Hills to help out test out the servers.
This Server slam will give players one final weekend in hell to experience a fraction of what Diablo 4 has to offer while simultaneously passing the capabilities of servers prior to the launch of the prologue and the entirety of Act 1 will be your canvas to paint with the remains of slain demons fractured Peaks. The first zone is yours to navigate as you please reverse its record landscape, as Barbarian Druid Necromancer Rogue and sorcerer unleashing devastating power upon foes and honing your unique skill set in the process.
Any character progress made during the Early Access and Open Beta weekends will not carry over to the server slam, additionally, any character progress made during the server slam will not carry over to launch, now players May level up their characters to level 20. after which you will cease to gain ability points, but can continue to slay demons and earn alluring gear.
The legendary Diablo 4 item drop rate has been altered to reflect the drop rate that will be present in the launch version of Diablo 4. Now the version of Diablo 4 available during server slam will include all the bug fixes and updates detailed in the open Beta retrospective blog.
Especially go Hands-On with Druid and Barbarian with this one. They're doing something a little different with a Shava check it out, it says overcome server slam's biggest challenge Shabba, so what have they done differently here, it says steal yourself before one of the burning Hills most owl machinations Shava, she's a lumbering Behemoth with two razor sharp blades.
Your character can't surpass level 20 during server slam failing her will be quite the Monumental task. Here's when you'll have an opportunity to come back Shabbat during server slam, this is the time on May 13th starting at 9 am PDT and every three hours thereafter until the final spawn on May 14th at 9 00 am PDT, there are several chances to really slay a Shava.
Diablo 4 Ashava Unique Reward!
However there's also this right here, you'll earn server slam rewards as you play, this Shava Mount trophy says this feeling the pestilence spewing Ashava comes with a new earnable reward the Cry of a Shava Mount trophy, they've also reanimated rewards for Early Access and Open Beta weekends giving players another chance at earning these tokens of Valor by spilling Demon's blood players who unlock these rewards will receive them once Diablo 4 launches.
How To Download New Diablo 4 Beta?
How to download the server slam, there's no need to wait until May 12th to begin your download of server slam early download for this experience starts on May 10th at 12 pm DDT time.
If Diablo 4 is not already in your favorites bar, you can add it by clicking the plus icon alternatively, you can find Diablo 4 by accessing the all games page, you'll see Diablo 4 at the top of this list, once you get to Diablo 4 games page.
Diablo 4 Druid and Barbarian End Game!
Start out with what Riker had to say about the game, because he had the chance to go Hands-On with all of the new changes, and he says that he loves the feeling of the in-game Barbarian,
Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon Rotations!
Dungeons, there's gonna be something happening with nightmare dungeons every single season, there's going to be a specific amount of dungeons on offer every single season to become nightmare dungeons not all 100 20-plus dungeons will be able to become nightmare dungeons right out of the gate, they're gonna essentially rotate those every season.
Diablo 4 New Dungeon Layout Examples!
In-cap dungeons are apparently very challenging, and you're going to have to really fine-tune your build, if you want to overcome these in-cap dungeons, it's good to know if there are very challenging dungeons in this game.
Now they also changed the layout, of course for the dungeons, but they gave specific examples, here's one example you can see how sad this dungeon, actually is and you can see how much backtracking there would be considering that the points of interest the objectives are on the exterior of the dungeon making you backtrack.
Here is the new version of that dungeon, they adjust it to where it flows so much better, and the critical objectives are on One Singular path, you can get through the dungeon barely quickly without backtracking.
Diablo 4 Legendary, Sacred, and Ancestral Items
Some excellent changes right there for sure, they also gave more examples of legendary gear and sacred and even ancestral gear.
This is some really cool stuff, you can pause the screen, if you want to see all the bonus yourself, but they've done some very cool stuff with the uniques. Some Helms that you can actually acquire, and some cool stuff going on there.
Diablo 4 Resetting Dungeons NEW INFO
When it comes to resetting the dungeons, new clarification about that one, to reset dungeon, dungeons will actually naturally reset over the period of about 60 seconds when you complete a dungeon and leave, you have 60 seconds and then it will reset.
If you leave the dungeon, and it's half completed and you've left a good amount of enemies, it'll take about 150 seconds for that dungeon to reset, now you can also join a fresh dungeon by joining a friend or another player that's one way.
Diablo 4 World Boss Changes
Now the first time, you kill a world boss is when you get the most rewards, and will lessen a little bit more after that to discourage players from just sitting there and farming the world boss over and over again, they want you to really take advantage of the full world that they have built and explore all of it, so that's the reason that they've done that however they do assure everyone.
Diablo 4 New PC Graphics Options!
Seeing more Graphics options available with the new server slam, to get a chance to try those out as well, they plan on adding new infusions of new game content like legendaries host launch Beyond season.
For the vanilla experience, they still plan to update that portion of the game, but they still want you to experience Seasons, this is the way to experience Diablo 4. Now they also plan to add new skills and passive four classes down the road to add even more interesting play styles for classes,
Now they do have some measures in place to make it more balanced, of course, level 100 players will not be able to harass level 25 players in these PVP zones, for example, but be warned you can get ganged up on by a team of players that's just gonna happen they do describe this as not a battle of Honor.
Diablo 4 Sacred items and ancestral items
Sacred items and ancestral items, sacred items have a very wide range of power in World 3, and from the point that you are Level 50, you can actually pick up a Level 70 item and hold it until you're ready to use it, they gave that example that it's a wide breadth of basically power in World tier 3 on offer all right.
When you die in Hell Tides, of course, this is going to be those zones that offer tougher monsters to face off against, and guess what bigger rewards, when you die in Hell Tides, you lose half of your senders.
There's also a time limit on health tides and get this that are only around for about an hour to really put the pressure on when you are in a Hell tied event to make sure you use those senders, accordingly the hell tights also have very specific crafting materials and get this the butcher can even appear in Hell tied events.
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Diablo 4 Season 3 Leaks & Update: Runes, New Character & Class, Changes and More1/15/2024 5:22:00 PM