Which build to play for the Ladder of Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 4? Here we have the Top 5 best ladder starter builds to share with you and go over the reasons.
D2R 2.7 Best Season 4 Builds (Assassin, Sorc, Paladin, Barb, Amazon)
Although it seems there are not a lot of exciting updates in Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.7, but we see a couple of these small specific changes will have a fairly profound impact on a few different select characters, especially the Next Hit Delay nerfs. So now if you are wondering which are the best builds to start the Season 4 Ladder, here go over the Top 5 picks for you!
Top 1 - Fist of the Heavens Paladin
There are some main reasons why you would want to use Fist of the Heavens Paladin as your ladder starter. It is a very good build with extremely budget gear, you get a ton of your damage just straight from the skill points that you put into your skill tree, then later on you can make this character even more powerful when you get items like the Heart of the Oak, Enigma and many other types of piece of gear that really boost up your damage and survivability.
Fist of the Heavens Paladin is known for easily stacking resistance because on your Paddling Shield the regular base that you would make something like will stay a Spirit in which is incredibly cheap and can have up to 45% res which makes it really easy to cap your resistances on a paladin. On top of that, Fist of the Heavens doesn't have a ton of synergies or a ton of other skills that you need to get the damage essentially maxed out on that skill, what you can do is use the extra points to either like sort of dual spec maybe you can get a point down to like Smite that means you can go out and take out Dclone with almost no problem at all. Along with talking about the resistances helping out your safety, because Fist the Heavens you can hit from very far away. You are really not in much danger at all because you can snipe monsters all the way across the map. If you are returning from an older version of Diablo 2, it is important to note that in one of the recent patches they changed Fist of the Heavens and Holy Bolt to deal damage to Undead and also now to demons and that's like 85 of all the monsters in the game. There are some monsters considered beasts, but that's it's really not that many. And for those monsters when you come across them, you can either use that Smite which will deal some damage with the crushing blow that you have on.
Top 2 - Fire Trap Assassin
Now generally people would do the lightning traps but because of how they changed the Next Hit Delay in this new season. Fire traps were always extremely limited on where they could farm because there are so many fire immunes in Hell difficulty, you'd be stuck with like Eldritch and Shenk, maybe hopping down to the pits or there is always the Spider Cavern. But things have changed semi-recently anyways with the introduction of Sunder Charms. Now you can at least break the immunity of the fire immunes allowing those fire traps to take them out. So even though you are using spider traps, it's probably always a good idea to go ahead and throw down a Death Sentry anyways to get that corpse explosion because it is so powerful. Now the main skill to do a ton of damage is Wake of Fire, now back before they made these new changes for the patch you used to only be able to really throw down two of them, and then as those two would hit, the next hit delay would cause any more of those traps to not really do any damage. But now with that change, you should be able to throw down maybe four or all five of these Wake of Fire traps and deal out twice as much or more damage. The explanation of the Next Hit Delay is really going to help out that fire trap assassin.
Top 3 - Nova Sorceress
This is a build that literally nobody has ever tried before and it definitely was not used very much last season and that's the Nova sorceress. Everybody will go to use the Nova sorceress in Season 4 for the same reason. The build just rocks, you can get a ton of damage when you're rocking Infinity. When you're rocking Griffins, you're plugging in facets getting a ton of minus enemy lightning res. On top of that Nova Skill only has it, it's got the one Synergy. It's got the lightning Mastery and that's all you got to max out to completely cap the damage for Nova so that leaves you a ton of points left over to do what most people do and that is maxing out Energy Shield and its Synergy. If you build this character with the best possible end-game gear, you are wrecking everything almost instantly and you are essentially invincible.
Every sorceress has the most powerful skill in the entire game - the teleport that allows you to farm any location in the entire game the fastest out of any character. Other characters can get Enigma but that costs two high runes and you got teleport from day one.
You never really have to aim, just teleport sort of near the monster and start flashing, so this build is a lazy build, you don't really have to pay attention a whole lot because you have so much survivability and the AOE damage. It works well with budget gear and works incredibly powerful with the end-game gear. There really aren't many downsides to this build.
Top 4 - Throw Barbarian
Weapon Throw or Leap Attack both make for actually really strong starters in Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 4. The Barbarian is one of the toughest to play through and early on with budget gear, it's a very tough character but it has what is kind of close to teleport as one of the most powerful skills in the game if you're out there magic finding anyways and that is the find item skill. You could get out there and farm items and even find high runes without ever killing a monster, you could hop into a game and just follow at a safe distance behind people. They get the initial kill, they take what they want, and then you come up and just use the item find over and over on all the monsters and see what happens. Another good thing about the item find skill is it has nothing to do with the players count in the game, the number of items that drop is solely based upon the percentage you get from the actual skill, so you can hop out and do things like run Trav which is known for high runes and Jewelry, and then pop the Item Find on. The Council members are as weak as they're really ever going to get because you're in a game by yourself, but you could be getting a 75 or 80 percent drop chance on the second chance drop from the find item skill.
Top 5 - Lightning Fury Amazon
The Lightning Fury/Charged Strike Amazon build is a great starting option for players looking for a powerful and versatile build that can handle both groups and single targets with ease. The Javazon excels in both clearing out groups of enemies with Lightning Fury and dealing massive damage to single targets with Charged Strike. And with the help of Infinity-equipped Mercenary's Conviction Aura, the Javazon can easily break through Lightning Immunity, which is commonly found in Hell difficulty. However, farming options for the Lightning Fury Amazon can be limited without Infinity or Crack of the Heavens due to the prevalence of Lightning Immunity in Hell difficulty. But this doesn't diminish the Javazon's strengths in clearing out mobs in earlier difficulties and even in certain Hell areas without Lightning Immune monsters.

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