Today is going to be all about the Sorceress and the Server Slam which is going to happen. This best Diablo 4 Server Slam event build is going to be op with just 20 points to be able to face tank and do some amazing damage as well. Let's get started with the D4 best Sever Slam build level 20 Sorcerer's build.
Diablo 4 Best Server Slam Build Guide - Best Sorceress Build In Diablo IV Server Slam Event
Basic Skill - Spark
Ice Blade Hydra is a nice critical hit build for Diablo IV Server Slam. It is going to be dealing lots of damage and you'll also be able to face tank a little bit as well. So we're going to be using sparks, we're going to plug in 1 point into that and then we're going to go with enhanced spark. So each time it hits an enemy and you have a 20% chance to hit up the 3 additional enemies. If it doesn't, we're going to get 20% extra damage to the primary target, and then glinting smart is what it's all about. We want to get a 2% increase in critical strike transfer cast for 3 seconds up their whopping 10%. So you should be able able to proc this quite a bit and get your crits off.
Core Skill
Basically, skip all of those core skills. Plug in 1 point into devastation so we can get a little bit of matter in potent warding after casting a non-basic skill. You're going to get 2% resistance and 1% after that which is just a little bit of tankiness and 1 more point into the mana.
Defensive Skill
So we can get over to our flame shield which is pretty good. Go for yourself in flame for 2 seconds burning surrounding enemies for 23.4 damage per second. This means you're not going to take any damage while this is up and the enhancement flame shield is going to get us a nice 25% movement speed and the shimmering flame shield is going to heal us with 50% of our missing so whenever we practice. We're going to be getting immune, we're going to be getting our health back as well which should help with our tankiness.
Conjuration Skill
We want to come down to the hydras, plug in 1 point into ice armor and 1 point into frost nova. A barrier ice of ice forms around you for 6 seconds absorbing a percentage of your base life and damage while ice armor is actor 10% of your damage his death is added as a barrier. So we're going to have this barrier and we're going to have enhanced ice armor as well. It's going to increase our management regeneration. Frost nova is going to help us get the freezing effect on enemies for 15 seconds. We're going to have nice little cooldown boots with 2 charges of that which is nice to be able to be vulnerable on them as well when we upgrade this. We're trying to get to the hydra. So the next point is going to go into the hydras. We're going to summon the three-headed Hydra for 3 seconds dealing fire damage up to 30%.
We're going to go with the ice blades for our next plug and this is where our build is all going to come together. This is going to help us get our cooldowns back. You're going to conjure repair either way for 6 seconds of rapid slash enemies for 30.7 damage and have a 30% chance to make them vulnerable. So we have another chance to get more vulnerable to the enemy. Hand size blade is going to reduce the ice blades by 1 second each time it hits a vulnerable enemy. So anyone getting that back quickly and summoning ice blade 50% off enhanced ice bullet cooldown is affected by the rest of our abilities. This is how we want to get all of our abilities back rather fast.
1 point into frost nova is going to be our next go and now we can finally upgrade our stuff. Frost nova is one of the least frost torrents. Enhanced frost nova 1 point into that now it's going to reduce the cooldown by 2 seconds. Then mystical frost nova is going to inflict vulnerably and take that point away. We had a total of 18 points. We can get up to 22 though if you go with your renowned system get those extra 2 points, so we're going to plug in one more point into our hydrants up to invoke hydro and this is how we're going to be getting our critical hits with our hydras. We'll plug in 2 more points into the regular hydra.

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