Here we are going to talk about the best Barbarian builds for the Server Slam weekend, that can be used to hit 20-level fast and kill Ashava easily!
Diablo IV Best Barbarian Builds for Server Slam Beta
Now there have been some impressive updates to Barbarian since the last beta. A flat 10 passive damage reduction has been added and the skill tree passives that grant damage reduction effects have been reduced to compensate. Also, the Whirlwind skill will now deal more damage and consumes more Fury and the last double swing will refund its full Fury cost when used on standard knockdown enemies, now what's great about this is that some of the builds that were already really great for barbarian are going to be buffed because Whirlwind was already Barbarian's best skill and now it's even better. Here we take the latest changes into consideration and recommend these best barbarian builds for the server slam event of Diablo IV.
1 - Whirlwind Barbarian
Unleash devastation upon your foes with the formidable Whirlwind dumping build. As a Whirlwind Barbarian, you possess exceptional Fury generation, allowing you to sustain a relentless assault with a high-damage spender. Additionally, you bring great value to your party by utilizing the potent shout known as Rallying Cry, which bestows powerful buffs upon the entire group. Take advantage of this skill to provide support and bolster the strength of your allies as you cleave through your enemies with unmatched ferocity. Prepare to leave a trail of destruction in your wake with this Whirlwind Barbarian build.
Basic Skills: Frenzy (1/5) > Enhanced Frenzy > Combat Frenzy
Core Skills: Whirlwind (5/5) > Enhanced Whirlwind > Violent Whirlwind - Our major source of AOE targeting
Core Passive: Pressure Point (1/3) - One point into Pressure Point will give us some really decent vulnerability because of a deal of a lot of instances of damage with Whirlwind.
Defensive Skills: Rallying Cry (1/5) > Enhanced Rallying Cry > Strategic Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout (1/5) > Enhanced Challenging Shout > Strategic Challenging Shout - Rallying Cry will provide us more Fury, Unstoppable and also fortified life which is really good, Challenging Shout will provide more bonus HP and also as we take damage we also gain Fury, so not only it's defensive but also offensive
Rawling Skills: War Cry (1/5) > Enhanced War Cry > Mighty War Cry - It provides us with increased damage with berserk and more fortify. We also have legendary aspects for the war cry and it is the most cost-efficient for one skill point.
Weapon Mastery Skills: Death Blow (1/5) - It allows us to deal more damage to enemies, especially single targets and also to one-shot them.
Codex of Power (Legendary Aspects)
Now the aspects of the Whirlwind build are very straightforward, you want to get critical chances. This is the core aspect, which will give you close to 100% critical chance if you have this on the two-hand weapon.
Aspect of the Dire Whirlwind - Whirlwind's Critical Strike Chance is increased by +[5-10]% for each second it is channeled, up to +[20-40]%.
Aspect of the Expectant - Attacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by x[5-10]% up to x50.0%.
Edgemaster's Aspect - Skills deal up to x[24-34]% increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.
Aspect of Ancestral Echoes - Lucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Leap, Upheaval, or Whirlwind has up to a [40-50]% chance to summon an Ancient to perform the same Skill. Can only happen once every 5.0 seconds.
Aspect of Might - Basic Skills grant 25.0% Damage Reduction for [4-8] seconds.
Aspect of Numbling Wrath - Each point of Fury generated while at Maximum Fury grants [1.5-3] Fortify.
Aspect of Echoing Fury - Your Shout Skills generate [2-4] Fury per second while active.
Aspect of Unrelenting Fury - Killing an enemy with a Core Skill refunds [10-20]1% of its base Fury cost. Can only happen once per Skill cast.
Bold Chieftain's Aspect - Whenever you cast a Shout Skill, its Cooldown is reduced by [2.7-5.4] seconds per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of xx seconds.
2 - Thorn Barbarian Build
The Thorn Barbarian Build embraces the concept of turning enemies' aggression against them as you progress through the leveling process. This build, which has existed in various iterations since Diablo 2, remains a formidable choice in Diablo 4. By utilizing shouts to taunt all enemies and enhance our damage, we effectively gather up packs of foes. With the aid of the Lunging Strike ability, we swiftly leap from one group to another, ensuring a continuous flow of enemies to face the might of our thorns. This unique playstyle allows us to watch as our adversaries unwittingly bring about their own demise through their relentless attacks against us.
Basic Skills: Lunging Strike (1/5) > Enhanced Enhanced Lunging Strike > Battle Lunging Strike
Core Skills: Rend (1/5) > Enhanced Rend > Furious Rend
Core Passive: Pressure Point (1/3)
Defensive Skills: Imposing Presence (3/3), Outburst (3/3) > Tough as Nails (3/3), Rallying Cry (1/5), Challenging Shout (1/5) > Enhanced Challenging Shout > Strategic Challenging Shout
Rrawling Skills: Leap (1/5)
Weapon Mastery Skills: Death Blow (1/5)
Codex of Power (Legendary Aspects)
In order to make the thorn build work, we just need one very special legendary aspect - Needleflare Aspect which we can now craft it during the server slam.
Needleflare Aspect - Thorns damage dealt has a [20-40]% chance to deal damage to all enemies around you.
Aspect of Inner Calm - Deal x[3-10]% increased damage for each second you stand still, up to x30.0%.
Aspect of the Crowed Sage - You heal for [2.5-10] Life per second for each Cloase enemy, up to 50 Life per second.
3 - Bleed Barbarian Build
The Barbarian's strategy in this build revolves around accumulating multiple instances of bleed damage by utilizing the skills Flay and Rend. By effectively stacking these bleeds, the Barbarian can then deliver a devastating finishing blow with the visually stunning Rupture ability. This merciless technique not only clears all active bleed damage from afflicted enemies but also resets its cooldown if the enemies meet their demise. The Rend & Rupture Bleed Barbarian build is designed for players seeking a straightforward and satisfying playstyle. By utilizing the abilities Flay and Rend, multiple stacks of Bleed are inflicted on enemies, causing rapid damage over time. To deliver the finishing blow, the devastating Rupture ability is employed, instantly resolving all Bleed Damage on each enemy hit. This hit-and-run strategy allows players to easily satisfy their bloodthirst as they dominate the battlefield. Let's go over the skills and legendary aspects for setting up the Bleed Barbarian Build:
Basic Skills: Flay (1/5) > Enhanced Flay > Battle Flay
Core Skills: Rend (5/5) > Enhanced Rend > Furious Rend
Defensive Skills: Ground Stomp (1/5) > Enhanced Ground Stomp > Tactical Ground Stomp, Rallying Cry (1/5) > Enhanced Rallying Cry > Tactical Rallying Cry
Weapon Mastery Skills: Hamstring (1/3), Rupture (1/5) > Enhanced Rupture > Warrior's Rupture, Pit Fighter (1/3)
Codex of Power (Legendary Aspects)
Edgemaster's Aspect: Skills deal up to x[24-34]% increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.
Skullbreaker's Aspect: Stunning a Bleeding enemy deals x[22-40]% of their total Bleeding amount to them as Physical damage.
Aspect of the Expectant - Attacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by x[5-10]% up to x50.0%.
Smiting Aspect: You have x[12.5-25]% increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain x[25-50]% increased Crowd Control Duration.
Aspect of Retribution: Distant enemies have a 15.0% chance to be Stunned for 2.0 seconds when they hit you. You deal x[30-50]% increased damage to Stunned enemies.
Aspect of Might: Basic Skills grant 25.0% Damage Reduction for [4-8] seconds.
So here are the top 3 best Barb builds you must try in Diablo IV Server Slam, follow the setup and equip with the Diablo 4 items that you get from the leveling progress, we think you will easily kill the boss and win rewards during the weekend!

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