Druid is one of the best classes to use in Diablo IV, centering around the character changes, we are going to present a Diablo 4 Companion Druid build that is designed for Server Slam beta in May.
Diablo 4 Companion Druid Build Guide - Best D4 Server Slam Build for Druid Class
One of the good things about Druid is that it brings unimaginable amounts of crowd control to the party and this build is going to stack five crowd controls. The Druid class got a huge buff during the post-beta patch notes, they buffed the companion damage and made some other changes. This is going to be a Level 20 Companion Druid build by Hawg for Diablo IV Server Slam Beta, with a companion that deals all the damage and pairs it with a couple of earth skills and defensive skills. In the middle of this build, there is going to be some rearranging that we are going to have to do the refund, you are not going to refund the whole skill tree, but the refund cost will be very minuscule. Below is the detailed skill tree and how it levels up to level 20.
Skill Tree
- Basic skills: Storm Strike (1/5) -> Enhanced Storm Strike -> Fierce Storm Strike
- Core skills: Landslide (1/5) -> Enhanced Landslide -> Primal Landslide
- Defensive skills: Cyclone Armor (1/5) -> Enhanced Cyclone Armor -> Innate Cyclone Armor, Debilitating Roar (1/5) -> Enhanced Debilitating Roar
- Companion skills: Vine Creeper (1/5) -> Enhanced Vine Creeper -> Brutal Vine Creeper, Wolves (1/5), Call of the Wild (3/3)
- Wrath skills: Trample (1/5) -> Enhanced Trample
Open with the Storm Strike, then go Enhanced and Fierce Storm Strike, this skill gives you 25 damage reduction and a 50% chance to make enemies vulnerable, which is very critical to have as a vulnerable enemy takes 20 percent more damage. For the core skills, we’ll have Landslide, Enhanced, and more importantly Primal Landslide.
At level 7, you’ll be in Primal Landslide, after you immobilize a stunning enemy, it grants you a Terramote, which causes a guaranteed Critical Strike and it adds a 40 percent Critical Strike damage multiplier, all you have to do is immobilize or stun the enemy. There is a spirit cost at this stage, which means you're going to have to cast storm strike twice to get the amount of spirit that you're going to need to cast a Landslide, but you're only going to be cast in Landslide when you want to consume that Terramote.
At level 8, take the Cyclone Armor, it gives you damage reduction, and it's got an active and a passive kind of ability on this skill, when it's active, it circles wins around you and knocks back enemies and it also makes them vulnerable. Then take Innate Cyclone Armor, it makes them vulnerable, it's guaranteed vulnerability. The nice thing about Cyclone Armor is if you are lucky enough to actually find the Aspect of Cyclonic Force, this will actually allow Cyclone Armor to be applied to all people in the party, that's a really nice damage reduction. You need more skills to advance into the companion skill tree, so take the Debilitating Roar, which is a really nice skill that makes all enemies deal 50 reduced damage and keeps you alive, then take Enhanced Debilitating Roar, which is used as a bridge to get to the next step.
At level 12, come down and take Vine Creeper, it immobilizes every enemy in the area, and it also poisons the enemies over time.
At level 14, you can start refunding, you only have to refund two, come in and take Wolves and then we're going to come to refund Enhanced Debilitating Roar with that refunded point and sync that into Enhanced Wolf Pack, this is a big skill that we're kind of stacking all these crowd controls, as long as you're doing your crowd controls, they're always going to deal 20 increase damage. The last one you want to refund is the main Debilitating Roar and convert that into Enhanced Vine Creeper. you've done two minor movements and you're more powerful you can actually deal damage now with your wolves. You are still at level 14 and have no aspects.
At level 15, take one more point into the Brutal Vine Creeper, your Critical Strike chance is increased by 20 percent against enemies entangled by Vine Creeper. Then come up and take Brutal Wolf Pack, when you critically strike, your wolves gain plus twenty percent attack speed for three seconds, this is what we're sitting here at level 16.
At level 19, pick up the Call of the Wild, companions deal 30% bonus damage, we're really stacking on the damage multipliers.
The last thing that we need to complete the build is Trample, get level 20 into Trample and the reason that it's a kind of movement skill as well as an attack, you can actually turn it into a seismic wave of the earth, the main thing that it does is it knocks back enemies and enemies that are knocked back are stunned.
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