In the treacherous realm of Diablo IV, rapidly gaining experience points is crucial to level up your character and unlock powerful abilities. While grinding and completing quests are the standard ways to earn XP, some players prefer exploiting glitches to farm XP fast. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best XP farming spots, glitches, methods in Diablo 4.
Diablo 4 Best XP Farm Glitches & Locations - Fastest Ways to Farm XP in Diablo IV
The finest activities and strongest weapons in the game are only available to players who have reached max level. The game will have strong global bosses, Nightmare Dungeons, and PvP arenas, each with their unique set of rewards. While you may level at your own rate, if you want to claim the game’s rarest and most powerful goods first, you’ll have to speed level. Here are the best glitches to farm XP in Diablo 4, helping you level up fast.
1. Best D4 XP Farm Glitch & Spot - Morgan's Work
On the map, you want to locate Morgan's Work - the best dungeon to farm XP in D4, which can be found towards the South. So go ahead and travel towards this destination. If you have yet to unlock your mount, then definitely do it because you're going to want to use it in this scenario. If you do not know how to unlock it, then you do need to complete act 1, act 2 and act 3. After this, you will then unlock act 4. You will then receive a quest somewhere along the lines where it'll ask you to then complete a amount quest. Once you've done so, you can then use your mount and you're good to go.
In order to do this glitch, just going to simply travel towards a specific point of interest which is Morgan's Work. What you're going to notice here is that it's pretty simple, nothing's going on, yet if you progress a little bit further into the dungeon. What you will notice here in just a few seconds is that you will see that the spawn system is completely out of whack for some reason. You can actually activate these towers to then enhance your powers such as crits, become invincible and so on. What's great about this is that you can rinse and repeat this dungeon, just make sure that you do not free the prisoners, you're good to go.
If we progress a little bit further into the dungeon, there's even more enemies that pop up. What's great about this is you can just go towards the tower, activate it, and deal with all of them, especially if your build is not so great. Also if you're wondering why the XP bar is not too far up yet, it's because we've skipped past most of this dungeon to show you all of the spawns right now. When you do reset the dungeon, the dungeon itself is going to reset itself, so the path is not going to be the same every time. So that's just something to take note of and make sure that you're utilizing those towers, so this way you can take out these enemies efficiently.
With that being said, what else can you do with this? You can acquire gold, XP, legendary items, rare items, all of that good stuff. If you're wondering what you will benefit the most from, most likely it will be the gold the legendaries and those rare items that can pop up from just defeating these enemies. It is highly recommended that you try this out especially if you are low level, yet you may find it a little annoying and difficult because in order to get this dungeon to go back to its normal self reset, what you need to do is completely exit out of the game. Then at this point, you then want to load the game back up and it doesn’t mean to leave the game, it means completely exit out. You can even close the app just simply close it and then load it back up. Once you've done so you can then go back into the game, and you should see that the dungeon itself has reset. You can rent or repeat this as much as you want. And if by any means that your inventory becomes full, you can simply just traverse back to the good old point of interest that you are introduced at the beginning of the game where you can then recycle your weapons, scrap them down whatnot store some items if you feel like it and there you have it. It's pretty easy to perform, you can get right into the glitch instantly or exploit, it's definitely buggy right now.
2. Diablo 4 XP & Gold Farm Glitch - Braestaig
This is a wild glitch that can be done sort of early game if you go straight towards the North. Specifically at the Braestaig point of interest, if you are starting off fresh, what you can do is open up your map and mark in this general area until you're able to find the location. Once you do get close enough, you should see the icon on the map, interact with it so this way you have a place to spawn at. And there are a few other spawn points here that you can use. If you have them already unlocked, this way you can just simply spawn there and then this will make your travel a little bit less lengthy. Once you're at this location, we need to find one of the side quests and interact and talk to them. What we want is a specific quest “The Starving Strand”. This one is at the top and you just want to talk to her. This way once you've done so, you can then receive the quest which is going to be the “Stolen Artifice”. Once you have this specific quest, you're going to see that on the map, it shows one fella. This appears to not be the case because once you do get close enough, you will see that it's not just one person, it's actually multiple copies that the game had duplicated or spawned multiple of and it happens every single time.
Once you are here, just go up close enough and you should see a bunch of them spawn out of nowhere. If you are a Mage, what you want to do is just take it easy here and simply back it up and then take your Sorceress. But a little bit back more and then just cast down some slow spells and eventually as you can tell on the bottom, the XP is all the way towards the right now just from simply utilizing this glitch. There are chances of legendary gear dropping. Do not pick up the runic charm there because once you do it will completely ruin this glitch and you'll no longer have them spawn down.
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