Today, we talk about the top 10 best Elden Ring bosses after patch 1.09.1. As for the criteria though it is just based on experiences, therefore it is a literal fact there is no other list after this one. This is a definitive Elden Ring best 1.09.1 boss tier list that should be incorporated by the entire community.
Elden Ring 1.09.1 Best Boss - Top 10 Best Bosses In Elden Ring 2023
Bosses exist in Elden Ring to provide challenging and memorable encounters for players. They serve as major milestones and obstacles that players must overcome in order to progress through the game's story or reach new areas. Boss battles often require players to utilize their skills, strategies, and knowledge of the game mechanics to defeat powerful and formidable adversaries. Bosses typically drop rare and/or unique weapons, armor, magic, and other stuff, and killing them rewards the player with more Elden Ring runes than other opponents in that region. Read our Elden Ring boss ranking 2023, we break down the 10 best bosses after patch.
10. Lichdragon Fortissax
Fortissax is the best dragon boss in Elden Ring after patch 1.09.1. You'll find this enormous black dragon with four wings and lightning attacks in Deeproot Depths. Godwyn befriended Fortissax during the War of the Ancient Dragons, when Leyndell's soldiers fought against the ancient dragons. Fortissax, who had tried to protect Godwyn from the death blight before his death, succumbed to it after Godwyn's death and was corrupted as a result. This is a side boss that may be avoided if you're in a hurry to go on in Elden Ring. However, a specific resolution requires its defeat.
9. Leonine Misbegotten
This is a top 10 best Elden Ring 1.09.1 boss and it is literal proof as to how you can have a very simple and basic moveset of a boss fight and it can still be very nice. This boss fight itself has very cool-looking attacks that all have different types of animations. They're very like distinguishable from one another you can actually dodge it and it feels cool when you're dodging. Players are not obligated to take on this boss in order to proceed. It may be challenging to locate chances to assault Leonine Misbegotten due to its high level of aggression. As a ranged character, you'll spend a lot of time rolling to create space, or as an alternative to Guarding because stopping its strikes will quickly drain your Stamina. The Grafted Blade Greatsword is dropped after it is vanquished. The Bosses you face in the Lands Between are each different and demanding in their own way. Spirit Ashes, weapons, spells, and other Elden Ring items can be dropped by powerful bosses.
8. Mohg, The Omen
Mohg is a decent fight, he has pretty cool looking attacks that are nice to dodge. He does have decent openings as well, overall he's pretty solid mob. He is lacking an actual good second phase hence why he's going to get lower on the top 10 best Elden Ring boss list. Mohg, the Omen is one of Elden Ring's Great Bosses. The Mother of Truth, an outside deity, speaks to this great Omen, who is of royal heritage. While defeating this boss is not required to progress through Elden Ring, players will need to do it in order to access Deeproot Depths and unlock one of the game's possible endings.
7. Morgott, The Omen King
Margit, the Fell Omen, and the "Last of All Kings" is really Morgott. Morgott adored the Golden Order and defended the capital when his fellow demigods attacked during the Shattering, despite the fact that he and his twin brother Mohg had been imprisoned deep in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds for being born as Omen royalty. Players must vanquish this boss in order to proceed in Elden Ring. We do hear a lot of complaints about Morgott having these never-ending combos which is just not true. It doesn't have never-ending combos, they probably last a few minutes but they definitely do end at some point. This boss is very similar to a lot of the other Elden Ring bosses they're over-designed and they're a lot of damage that takes a lot of practice to try and memorize their movesets. But they're also flashy and cool and you just feel so amazing throughout the entire time because it has these big giant hammers that he's summoning.
6. Crucible Knight
Elden Ring is home to the Crucible Knight, a Field Boss. It takes time and practice to overcome these highly armored soldiers. This boss fight is not required to go through Elden Ring. This is a top 10 Elden Ring best 1.09.1 boss without a doubt. Every single one of them they're all amazing. They're basically just regular knight fights but they have an actual good second phase that actually does enhance their entire combos. The first phase is a pretty simple basic Knight move set that's not like actually bad at all.
5. Malenia, Blade of Miquella
Malenia, the Blade of Miquella, is a Demigod Boss in Elden Ring, and she also has a second form as the Goddess of Rot. Famous for her heroic fight against Starscourge Radahn during the Shattering, where she unleashed the might of the Scarlet Rot and reduced Caelid to ruins, she is the twin sister of Miquella, the most powerful of the Empyreans. Is this boss fight a balanced boss fight? Absolutely not. It's literally the most optional of optional boss fights. Much like most of the other boss fights in the game, they're 100% over designed to the point that has these very complex movements that you're only going to really enjoy after you fight them a few times and then they actually ended up being pretty decent boss fights.
4. Starsourge Radahn
Elden Ring's Starscourge Radahn is a legendary boss. But he is a shardbearer, and you need to beat two of the four shardbearers before you may enter Leyndell, the Royal Capital. Furthermore, his defeat is required to enter Nokron, Eternal City, and reach a particular resolution. Radahn is a pretty solid large boss fight, this is probably the closest we've really ever gotten to an actual raid boss in a Souls game. This fight is incredibly cinematic, you actually get to summon all these other types of NPCs. But the actual moves said are actually pretty decent, you get a decent amount of openings, they're really cool attacks, you can punish as well and the whole fight does flow nicely.
3. Maliketh, The Black Blade
As a two-stage Legend Boss in Elden Ring, Beast Clergyman and Maliketh, The Black Blade are challenging opponents. Players must vanquish this boss in order to reach Leyndell, Ashen Capital, and complete the game. As a boss fight itself it is pretty challenging. He does a whole bunch of damage. To memorize his moveset is very annoying because obviously the first phase and the second phase are completely different fights, so it's going to take many different attempts to really actually understand his movesets and actually figure out where the openings actually are. Because a lot of people tend to believe that he doesn't have any openings but there are plenty of openings that Maliketh does actually get you just have to memorize the move sets. The second phase of the boss fight is amazing cool cinematics. This is one of the best bosses that deserves on the Elden Ring boss ranking 1.09.1.
2. Godfrey, First Elden Lord
It's a two-part Legend Boss fight between Godfrey, First Elden Lord, and Hoarah Loux, Warrior in Elden Ring. Godfrey, as the first consort of Queen Marika, became the first Elden Lord of the Lands Between. He has plenty of different attacks and different types of combos, baiting out certain types of ones always feels really cool. When the second phase comes around, the fight itself is pretty cool. After you memorize the movesets and timings of them and it's no longer as bad and it's still a very cinematic experience.
1. Radagon of the Golden Order
Radagon of the Golden Order is Elden Ring 1.09.1 best boss from everything. The music, this man stands his weapon, his attacks, his hair, his body and everything that he gets is the best. Black Flame-inflicting weapons, incantations, and spirit ashes are highly recommended against this enemy, as they deliver continuous damage proportional to the boss's health bar. Be advised that the cutscene for the last boss encounter, Elden Beast, begins as soon as his health bar is down to zero. If you're killed by the Elden Beast, you'll have to face Radagon again before you can continue on to the next area.