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Diablo 4 Season 1 PvP Tier List - Best PvP Class & Builds In D4 Season 1
7/12/2023 10:44:36 AM

Diablo 4 season 1 is coming soon, are you looking for the best PvP build that has high damage output, crowd control, mobility, survivability, and synergy? Today, we go over the Diablo 4 season 1 PvP tier list, ranking the best PvP builds and classes from S+ to D tier.


Diablo 4 Best Season 1 PvP Class & Build - D4 Season 1 PvP Tier List

In our Diablo 4 Season 1 PvP ranking, we go over the 2 best PvP classes, Twisting Blades Rogue Poison build and HOTA Barb. S+ tier classes basically can beat any other classes in the game. Then, we'll move on to the S class, it does outperform other classes too. B tier classes and builds are still playable but can not compete with other high-tier classes like Rogue and Barb. Next, we'll move on to the C tier and this is where sadness begins. Last are the D tier class you don't need to consider!


S+ Tier

Twisting Blades Rogue

Let's get started so starting with the most broken and overpowered Diablo IV season 1 builds. Twisting Blades Rogue is the strongest D4 PvP class in the game currently. First of all, the poisoning damage is broken. It has the best mobility, an absurd amount of damage over 40% dodge chance, and every time you land the hit, it almost feels like every time because the healing amount is absurd too due to the crazy attack speed at the end game. Hands down Twisting Blades Poisoning build is the Diablo 4 season 1 best PvP build. 



This is the best D4 PvP class season 1 that a lot of players love. Currently, its HOTA quake damage is indeed broken and bugged, quake damage hits a lot harder because it ignores armor even in PvP too. That's the reason why only this class can compete with the highest level of Poisoning B Rogues currently due to that HOTA quake damage being broken. That will get nerfed as well because HOTA does really powerful, it has a lot of one-shot potential and really tanky. You do have two unstoppable skills, rallying cry and iron skin, plus the Barbarian does take a 10% class damage reduction.

S Tier

Earth + Lightning Druid

Earth + Lightning Druid has very high survivability and gets infinite shields but their damage is not too impressive. It can definitely stay totally with HOTA and it's one of the tankiest builds in the game because it can literally outlast continuous smashes on top of his head. It's got one of the best survivability along with the Thorn Barb. But the damage wise is not too impressive. The reason why we put it up there for the Diablo IV season 1 PvP tier list is that it's one of the few classes that can outlast the HOTA.


Rogue Builds (Flurry Rogue)

Other Rogue base builds like Furry Rogue can also be great options for season 1. Since the Twisting Blade Rogue is just too dominant right now that everyone's just using it and everyone's using the broken poison imbue damage as well. Other classes like Necromancer and Sorcerer later are underperforming in PvP class brackets. Any viable Rogue builds is SNS plus because of their high dodge chance and their mobility itself. Mobility is really important in PvP, just like the movement speed is huge.


A Tier

Thorn Barb

Thorn Barb does have the best survivability but Thorn Barb can't tank. If they don't hit you, then you can't really deal damage so it can get really frustrating. That's why we listed Thorn Barb on A not on S for this D4 season 1 PvP tier list.


Other Druid Builds

Other Druid builds like wolf bere form, in terms of damage potential, do have a really high damage potential. Bear form Druid is one of the best nightmare dungeons clearer like level 100 plus. Druid is a decent class but in terms of competing with HOTA Barb and Twisting Blade Poisoning  Rogue, not a chance. It can't compete currently but it can definitely outperform all the below classes in the D4 PvP tier list season 1 like Sorcerer and Necro. 


B Tier

Fire Hydra Sorc

PvP is not going to be fair in Diablo 4. If you want to be staying competitive, you got to play Rogue and Barb. If you play Sorc for example to level 100, you're basically stuck at B tier because you can't really beat any high-end game Rogue or Barb. Sorc’s damage is just not that impressive and most mages do rely on their CCS. Fire Hydra Sorc got one of the best damage from Sorcerer in PvP. But in terms of survivability, it's just not there. 


Ice Shield Sorc

Ice Shield Sorc can kite around because it got so much survivability. You do get a lot of PvP spam and infinite ice armor. Also, you do have a lot of CC because you freeze things, but you’re not going to compete with top-tier classes like Rogue and Barb.


Whirlwind Barb

Whirlwind Barb is still tanky and still does damage. But there’s no reason to use Whirlwind over HOTA. Because most of the Whirlwind damages, damage over time on the dot and in PvP dot damage is not that strong compared to burst damage like HOTA whose one-shot potential is a lot stronger. So we just listed up there because it's Barb and Barb can still compete even if it's using Whirlwind.


C Tier

Bone Necro

We're sorry to all you Necromancer players out there, but Necromancer is the worst PvP class to pick from. Necromancer has an insane amount of damage with bone spear and it does really well in Nightmare Dungeons. In PvP, it's all about mobility, being able to kite around, get your cooldowns back up, and then burst your enemies down. Necro only has one surviving skill and surviving skill is the only trick basically Necro has. Necromancer is such an underwhelming or underpowered class in PvP. 


D Tier

Summon Necro

No way to protect the Summoner himself and no reason to use it over Bone Necro.
