Diablo 4 Season 1 Necromancer Gearing Guide - Best D4 Necromancer Visual Gear Guide
7/13/2023 10:45:12 AM
This is not end all guide, just a visual representation of the best current info we could find on these specs to make it easier to sort gear for D4 multiple specs.
Dungeon Aspects
-Aspect of Grasping Veins
-Aspect of Disobedience
-Aspect of Protector
-Aspect of Retribution
- Splintering Offensive Aspect
- Wind Striker Mobility
- Eluding Utility
- Aspect of Torment
- Blighted Offensive Aspect
- Ghostwalker Mobility
Dropped Aspects
- Aspect of Shielding Storm
- Aspect of Serration
- Aspect of Exposed Flesh
- Aspect of Explosive Mist
- Aspect of Serration
- Blood-soaked Aspect
- Aspect of Decay
-Aspect of Ultimate Shadow

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