Diablo 4 Youtubers have been testing a lot of leveling methods for the Rogue specifically because as of right now we will be playing Rogue on Season 1 launch. In this guide, we share a step-by-step process during portions of the leveling process that you can follow starting Season 1.
Diablo 4 Season 1 Rogue Leveling Guide: How to Level Up a Rogue in D4 Season 1 Launch
The Rogue is a fun, mobile, and flexible class that is accessible to new players but has a high ceiling for those with experience. Since Rogues have access to both Ranged and Melee abilities, they provide a greater degree of flexibility than other, more specialized classes, making them a good choice for many players as starting characters. Speed levelers are also likely to enjoy the Rogue's mobility, with so many options to choose from, Rogues can quite sprint to the win for leveling races. Now here’s everything about the D4 S1 Rogue leveling from 1-100, the Rogue leveling build, skills, gear selection, and class mechanic.
Best Rogue Leveling Build & Twisting Blades Rogue Leveling Build
The first thing we need to do is get a build, which is the Twisting Blades Rogue build. This build was exceptional for leveling on the Rogue, for maximum damage, we only have one aspect and that is because this build truly only needs the blade dancers aspect to crush and also it will go ahead and help you speed up everything, because you only need to get 1 aspect for the build to be basically completely finished. Twisting Blades Rogue has always been extremely quick, you're also going to take benefit out of Shadow Step and Dash, allowing you to move through everything very quickly because we are starting the season with 5 skill points immediately, assuming you've already done your alters and your skill point grabbing which is finishing the renown and getting your map completion. Then you're going to be blasting, so we really only care about speed.
Season 1 Rogue Leveling from 1-17
Then we dive into the initial 1 to 17 process and we really want to level quickly, and we don't really care about going around the map getting all the additional renown. Then go ahead and do that, but it's going to be a lot slower for your early leveling process. And once you start diving into nightmare dungeons, you can actually go up and pick a lot of the strong holds up that you did it before and potentially do nightmare dungeons to finish off the renown to get your last 5 skill points, which means in the 1 to 17 process when you want to reach level 17 as quick as possible, so we can unlock our second leveling method. And 1 to 17 is going to be filled with running the bottom right hand side of fractured peaks, there is the ghoul route, it's majority ghouls and this gives incredible XP. It is an open world area, but along the route there are little dungeons off the side. There's also an event off to the side and you'll pick up that every single time and you'll just reset that. You can do this on World Tier 2 because we will get those 5 skill points and have all of our altar bonuses, so getting 1-17 on World Tier 2 actually be slightly faster than World Tier 1.
Nearing the end approaching the end of level 16 as you're getting close to 17, you need 2 things, your Rogue specialization and the actual aspect that's going to go on your weapon. So as you get close to finishing off all 16 maybe around halfway, then you're going to head over and do the Rogue specialization quest and do the dungeon in scosglen for your bladedancer’s aspect. As soon as we reach level 17, move on over to the next leveling method.
D4 S1 Rogue Leveling from 17-27
So now that we're hitting level 17, we've gotten Rogue specialization, we've gotten aspect unlocked, be sure to apply that to two-handed crossbow. We're going to be moving over to our next leveling method and that is Champion's Demise. This is something that a lot of people have already run, this is all meant to be done solo. We're going to be running Champions Demise up until level 27 until we unlock our next method. There are some other ways that you could get similar XP while running all the different strongholds, but either that's going to be really complicated for you to remember which ones to run at which specific time. You're going to have a lot more time in between certain areas traveling and it's much easier and more relaxing just simply run the same dungeon over and over. It's going to make your whole leveling process more consistent and easier, this is the best way to go ahead and level all the way to 27. If you're struggling a little bit through these dungeons, you might want to start clearing Champions Demise. You actually don't want to finish the dungeon, you don't want to move the little stones to the middle platforms, you just want to clear out all three lanes, leave the dungeon and leave the game and then join the game again and enter the dungeon, that's going to reset it. But if you're running low on gear or you want some upgrades, clearing the entire dungeon is not a bad way to get some upgrades because the bosses tend to drop a little bit more rare items, which can help you get a couple of upgrades on your way to level 27.
Rogue Leveling from 27-40
Now we've reached level 27 and this is where it gets really fun because we're going to be heading over to Temple of Rot. Temple of Rot is going to be the absolute best XP per minute as we approach level or World Tier 3 and World Tier 4. Once you unlock World Tier 3 and World Tier 4, there potentially are some better options or you could run helltide zones for gear upgrades, but until then we have the only options available to us right now are dungeons and strongholds, so continuously running stronghold of rot is going to be exceptionally good XP.
With this stronghold, it can be a little tricky starting out, so you do want to make sure you're prioritizing some release solid gear in terms of making sure you're filtering out your rares, making sure you have that aspect equipped and if you do drop any legendaries that give you good aspects, you might want to equip those as well. Make sure to consistently upgrade your gear to make sure you're strong enough to clear these things. And before you finish the stronghold as you approach nearing the end of it, go ahead and reset it. And you're going to run through the entire stronghold up until you reach these pack of elites. Once you kill those, you're going to finish the stronghold and move on to the next one. You're going to be doing this all the way to level 40, assuming you're able to beat the World Tier 3 capstone dungeon at level 40. If you are not able to, then you're going to want to continue to do stronghold of run until you can beat the World Tier 3 capstone dungeon.
World Tier 3/Nightmare Dungeon to 60
Now we enter World Tier 3. If you can't do it at 40, then you can go ahead and wait. But once we enter World Tier 3, you have a few things to consider.
First off, we're going to be running nightmare dungeons as our main source of XP for the entirety of World Tier 3 all the way up until 60. You can equip ancestral gear which means that you're going to want to enter World Tier 4 at 60. Before that unless you have a really solid build and you have some really solid gear, you're probably going to struggle too much in World Tier 4 to make the XP worth it. A couple things about World Tier 3 though and nightmare dungeons during this time, you might want to consider completing a few of the strongholds that a couple of the nightmare dungeons are in, because when you teleport to them, they're going to be prevented from being able to be teleported to because you can not do them because you have not finished that stronghold. In order to do nightmare dungeons, you need to get your first nightmare sigil and the best way to do that is to go out and complete a round of the tree of whispers, it's going to give you usually one nightmare sigil so you can go ahead and start your nightmare dungeon farming as soon as you enter World Tier 3.
Another consideration is that you do unlock helltide zones when you do get World Tier 3 and if you wish you can go ahead and do those for potentially a little bit extra upgrades and you also want to consider what build you're running at this point because we do unlock Paragon points during this time and so with the new season one patch notes we will see more updated Ladder game or end game builds because the leveling process is going to remain roughly the same in terms of the builds. But the end game builds are gonna be vastly different.
The two best recommendations for speed clearing and speed farming could be Death Trap Twisting Blades and Poison Imbuement Twisting Blades Rogue.
World Tier 4/Nightmare Dungeon to 100
World Tier 4 isn't all that different from World Tier 3, you might want to do some helltide zones in World Tier 4 to go ahead and get those high tier upgrades because World Tier 4 is going to get a lot harder from World Tier 3. But we're just going to be running nightmare dungeons 3 above us for the remainder of our leveling process all the way to level 100 with one exception. When we enter World Tier 4, we might want to interact with the new seasonal mechanics, so if you wish to go ahead and pick up and these mechanics are super strong, they can go ahead and farm specific areas that these things drop to add them to our jewelry. If they're pretty weak or if they're not core to our builds, then just blasting to 100 before you even attempt to farm it.

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