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Diablo 4 Season 1 Nightmare Dungeon Tier List - Best & Easiest Nightmare Dungeons To Farm In D4
7/20/2023 3:52:35 PM

With this first season of Diablo 4, there was a whole new set of nightmare dungeons that basically took over all the nightmare dungeons we were running before. Read our Diablo 4 season 1 Nightmare Dungeon tier list, we look at the best Nightmare Dungeons to farm based on clear speed, layouts, and mob types, or are they good for glyph leveling and do you get good loot? Basically, they're just a good dungeon to run and it is rewarding.


Diablo 4 Season 1 Best Nightmare Dungeons - D4 Season 1 NM Dungeon Tier List

At the start of the new season of Diablo 4, Blizzard made some adjustments. One of the adjustments that they made was to how your bonus experience from Nightmare Dungeons is calculated. Essentially they want you to do higher-level dungeons to get maximum bonuses so it's 1.5% bonus experience per level up to 10 levels. So if you want a max XP bonus or if you're level 85, you got to be killing mobs level 95 for the 15% bonus XP and then you get more experience from mobs after that. Where before the season, you just had to kill mobs that were plus three levels over your character level and it would grant 25% experience. So we came up with the best Diablo IV season 1 Nightmare Dungeon tier list for all the brand new nightmare dungeons.

S Tier

Uldur's Cave

Nice linear layout, humanoid - Destroy barricades, middle barrier room, slay all objective

Sarat's Lair (Blind Burrows 2.0)

Spiders, kill constructs, middle room barrier, spider bosses - insane XP

Dead Man's Dredge

Collect animus, middle barrier kill room, free prisoners, nice linear layout

Hoarfrost Demise

Skeletons, goatmen, destroy x3 skeletal constructs, Khazar boos - quick glyph levels

Charnel House

Gorgers, maggots, free 6 prisoners, barrier middle room, destroy 3 corpse piles - big dungeon

A-B Tier

Komdor Temple

Goatmen, slay 3x high priest, Khazra Abomination boss (good to split farming)

Pallid Delve

Slay all mobs, middle kill room, kill 3 towers, tomb lord boss

Akkan's Grasp

Vampires, zombies 2x bloodstone delivery, kill 2 vampires, blood bishop boss

Immortal Emanation 

Destroy 5x blood boils, middle room barrier, blood bishop boss

Tomb of the Saints

Red ghosts, insects, activate 2 switches, slay all ghost boss

Mariner's Refuge 

Zombies, ghosts, drowned, kill 3 towers, seahog boss

Nostrava Deepwood

Treants, werewolves, porcupines, slay all objectives, middle room barrier, kill 3x treants


Zombies, ghosts, skeletons, key from warden, collect animus, kill the boss

Garan Hold

Fallen, skeletons, destroy 3 idols, middle barrier room, retrieve key, kill Fallen boss

Iron Hold

Retrieve key, middle barrier room, collect 2 blood objects and return, boss - undocumented elite density nerf

C-D Tier

Kor Valar Ramparts

Knight, free 5 prisoners, obtain key for warden, triple knight boss - Kor Dragon Layout

Domhainne Tunnels

Goatmen, free 6 prisoners, barrier middle room, return object to pedestal, Khazra boss

Ancient Reservoir

skeletons, demons, slay all enemies, return 2x statue to pedestal, Tomb Lord boss

Shifting City

Skeleton mobs, gather 2 objects and deliver, middle barrier room, collect animus, Tomb Lord boss

Collapsed Vault

Skeletons, Abominations, slay all enemies, 2x statue delivery to pedestal, Hive Master boss

Heretics Asylum

Knights, animus collection, obtain key, Triple Knight boss

Path of the Blind

Animals, demons, Humanoids, slay 2 guardians, return 3x blood pedestals, Minotaur boss

Faceless Shrine

Gorgers, humanoids, free 5 prisoners barrier middle room, destroy 3x object, Mother boss

Betrayer's Row

Undead, demons, delivery 2 bloodstones to pedestal, middle with barrier, animus collection, Minotaur Boss

F Tier

Lost Keep

Ghosts, knights, slay 3x spirits, collect animus, ghost boss

Halls of the Damned 

Red Ghosys, kill 2 towers, middle barrier room, Tomb lord boss

Forgotten Ruins

Skeletons, snakes, slay all objectives, deliver 2x mechanical box to pedestal, Slither boss
