Today we are going to be going through the a Diablo 4 S1 post nerf Necromancer build for endgame, the Bone Spear Necromancer build, one of the best builds in the entire game for just doing raw damage and it'll still be really good in Season 1, it did get a pretty significant nerf and we will go over everything with you.
All the Nerfs to Necromancer Build in Diablo 4 S1
There are a lot of nerfs that happened and many of them were undocumented.
- The firstone is that the splintering got nerfed, so splintering previously if you were to put on a two-hander would give you 225% bonus damage for your bone shards. That is now down all the way to 135% if you put it on a two-hander. What this means is it got a pretty sizable nerf for the bone shards, but additionally, we're not actually going to be able to spawn 5 bone shards anymore, we're only spawning 3. That is because this legendary previously was bugged. Basically, it made it to where your instant your first hit with bone spear was going to instantly apply vulnerable with just having this legendary on which is not how it's supposed to function. So basically you're getting vulnerable free in addition to buffing your bone spear, your bone shards by 225%.
- Also, as a result of not having to play supernatural for the vulnerable application, you could play paranormal bones spear. This got changed to where basically you're no longer going to have the 5 shards, so you're going to lose 5% crit chance and you're only going to shoot off 3 shards which is a pretty significant nerf overall to the build.
- When you're fighting Lilith, you can still play with paranormal bone spear because you just instantly apply vulnerable. But when you're just playing normal dungeons, the most important thing is applying vulnerable instantly, this is why a lot of you are having problems right now if you did not swap to this, your initial bone spear hit is going to do like 500K damage because you're not applying vulnerable and you're just missing out on a ton of damage. So this is the main thing that we need to swap with the build is swapping over to supernatural. And also no longer playing the splintering on the two-hander splintering on the two-hander is probably still a little bit better if you're fighting Lilith, but generally speaking you want to play with ossified on your two-hander now because it's straight up just 40% extra damage because we will have roughly 100% crit chance. If you have literally perfect gear with crit chance everywhere and then you still play with grasping veins on your amulet, you can still get up to 100% crit chance. it's very hard the reason that it's very hard hard now is because serration got nerfed which I also did not mention in the patch notes so thank you blizzard but this got nerfed a significant amount to where you get 0.9% crit chance for every 30 essence that you have on cast, rather than every 10 Essence. So the amount of crit chance that you get from this is significantly worse than it used to be.
- Another thing that got nerfed is max essence, on the Deathless Visage, you could previously get up to 27 max essence. And on rings, you could get from 18. This starts to build in a myriad of ways, mainly less scaling with serration, less scaling with ossified essence.
- Another thing is grasping veins is crit damage multiplier got nerfed. So it went from 90% down to 60%.
- On top of that, the builders got hurt just like every other build did because vulnerable damage got nerfed and crit damage got nerfed and even having crit damage on your sword got nerved.
So that's a lot of nerfs, it isn't that bad, the build is still really good, but it's not nearly as good as it used to be. You can still walk into dungeons and do crazy amounts of damage, you can still melt Uber Lilith. But overall, your damage is not anywhere near what it used to be and you're going to need to invest into the build, significantly more to get more of a return. You're not going be able to just hit level 16, you're instantly just a God, you need pretty good gear in order to perform pretty well with the build.
Best Diablo 4 S1 Post Nerf Necromancer Endgame Build Guide
If you are looking for a build that can dish out massive damage with a single skill, you might want to try the Bone Spear Necromancer. This build can unleash devastating Bone Spears that can hit for millions of damage, making it one of the most potent builds in Diablo 4. However, this build also has some drawbacks, such as low mobility and survivability, which you need to compensate for with your gear and playstyle. Despite the recent nerf that reduced its damage output, this build is still very viable and fun to play.
Best Skills for Necromancer Bone Spear Endgame Build 1.1 D4
Bone Spear
Blood Mist
Corps Explosion
Corpse Tendrils Bone Storm
Iron Maiden
Skill Points
Bone Splinters (2)
Bone Spear (5), Enhanced Bone Spear, Paranormal Bone Spear
Unliving Energy (3), Imperfectly Balanced (3)
Blood Mist (1)
Corpse Explosion (1) Grim Harvest (1) Fueled By Death (3)
Decrepify (1), Enhanced Decrepify, Abhorrent Decrepify
Death’s Reach (3) Death’s Embrace (3) Or Amplify Damage (3)
Corpse Tendrils (4), Enhanced Corpse Tendrils, Blighted Corpse Tendrils
Serration (3), Compound Fracture (3), Evulsion (3)
Stand Alone (3), Memento Mori (3), Inspiring Leader (3)
Bone Storm, Prime Bone Storm, Supreme Bone Storm
Key Passive: Ossified Essence
Sacrifices: Skirmishers Warriors, Cold Mages, Iron Golem
Legendary Aspects & Gears
Weapons: Demonblade of Serration, Sparr of Bursting Bones
Gloves: Splintering Doom Gauntlets
Amulet: Choker of Grasping Veins
Rings: Edgemaster’s Ring, Loop of the Umbral
Boots: Wind Striker Adventure’s Boots
Armor: Boneweave Armor of Disobedience
Helm: Deathless Visage
Gameplay Tips of D4 S1 Bone Spear Necromancer Endgame Build
The main thing that you want to make sure to take advantage of with the build is that you're just not going to do too much damage unless you're actually corpse tendriling. So you want to make sure that when you enter a pack, you want to reap and then instantly consume that corpse by using the corpse tendril and then right after your corpse tendril you go into corpse explosion to get the extra miasma on the ground and the extra damage. Then you want to decrepify all the mobs, so you get the extra essence with your umbel ring and then you can start blasting. Reap can be very difficult to play with and it is not noob friendly because you have to walk into the mobs and you have to hit a mob with reap in melee range, and depending on how many enemies you hit with it, it'll just spawn a corpse randomly on which enemy you hit. So you have to make sure to properly recognize which mob you spawn the corpse on and pretty much instantly spawn the corpse and try to stay alive. It's very difficult to play around, you can always play the old-fashioned way. You just walk into mobs and just blast the crap out of them and hope that they die. That'll work, you just will run out of essence and you won't get very satisfying like massive blow-ups. And when you're missing the crit chance and the 60% multiplicative crit damage which is basically just 60 damage, you're not going to be one-shotting things anymore. But if you play very particularly around your corpse tendrils, make sure to take advantage of all of your damage multipliers with the corpse explosion, the amplified damage, you should still do crazy massive damage up to 12 million and you should be fine.

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