If you're looking to level up extremely fast, gain hundreds of thousands of vigor every single hour and even more so by every single boss item in the entire game, this guide is for you.
Fastest Way to Reach Level 100 Easy in Lords of the Fallen - Best XP Farm Glitch
This method is absolutely ridiculous while there are 3 of them you can do right now, all of which start very early, so you can literally do this even on a very low level character and get to level 100 in no time in Lords of the Fallen. But all of these three methods are going to be done very early on very close to Pilgrim Perch Bellroom, pretty much at the end of the entire section with the platforming, you're going to reach this area with the Bell.
LotF Best Early XP Farm 1 to Reach Lvl 100
You're going to start with this NPC. So these have a pretty good chance to also drop lucky paws, plus that Vigor that they also drop. The lucky paw can be used later on to increase your drop chance for items which is very useful if you're hunting for specific armor pieces that only drop from specific enemies. From this point on, you will just progress down the path until this Lake/water location where you will again take down every enemy for their Vigor. Plus pop in the umbrella so that you can access the adjacent path in this area which will bring you in another location with a ton more enemies.
The you're going to reach a moth like section with the enemies and its add spawns, you can totally let it spawn at ton of these smaller ones and gain a few thousand Vigor on top. But if you defeat this enemy also has a good chance to drop a lot of vestige moth as well as the Vestige seeds. Then you have the stunnel with explosives, you can either set these off with your lamp or just take down the enemies with your sword. Either way goes and just progress all the way up. There are some items in this location that you can pick up because they can definitely boost your character. But essentially once you do all of this you're going to reach this upper section with even more enemies that you can take down. And in general if you just defeat everything in this location including the ranged ones and the bucket enemies, you're going to gain about 7 to 8,000 depending on the run in terms of vigor every single run. If you have any problems with these enemies especially the bigger ones, you can just use the ladder go up and then use a heavy jump attack and they should take a huge chunk of their HP.
LotF Best XP Farming Spot 2
For the next method, this is going to give you even more every 3 minutes. This is going to be done just outside past this bucket NPC, so you will have to pretty much clear everything over here. Make sure you take everybody down.
And from this point on, drop down on this platform and activate your umbral realm. From this point on, you're going to want to wait those 3 minutes until the eye on the right side fully fills, this is going to give you a times 3 modifier on the Vigor that you get. But it will also spawn a death boss that will try to chase you. So just wait until it spawns and what you're going to want to do from this point on is to make it spawn on the larger platform and make sure that it stays there. From this point on, quickly circle around using these platforms all the way around until you get back to the spot onto the opposite side. If you do this, the boss will eventually try to attack you that way and fall to its death.
And this is going to give you all of its umbral realm as well as the Vigor in front of you that you can easily go ahead and pick up. Normally, this is something that you can do in probably any location that features disjointed parts or disjointed platforms as long as there is an area for enemies to drop into their death, this can definitely be done in almost any situation, but this is the earliest and the best. And this should give you plenty enough every 3 minutes this enemy will spawn for as long as you linger in the umbral realm and if you just stay on that pole right there, it should be quite easy to not get attacked by any other spawning zombies or ghosts or enemies in the vicinity.
Best Lords of the Fallen XP Farm 3
Here comes the third and final method to reach lvl 100 in LotF, the best in the entire game right now and currently completely AFK. So we will use the same location and the same enemy except that we're going to head over right here in the back with these suspended platforms, which will cause the enemy to drop even easier in an instant. So you want to just activate one in the middle jump over it and then head over back right there, where you will be perfectly suspended from any other adjacent path and no enemy will be able to reach you.
So what you have to do from this point on is simply just stick a little bit to the edge, just in case the enemy autot tracks you and wait. From this point on, every 3 minutes the same boss will spawn again on the opposite platform except that what you will notice is that it will no longer appear from the ground and instead instantly die upon spawn. As soon as that happens, you will spot that red mark on the ground, then it will immediately disappear and instead cause all the Vigor and items to drop from it right away. You can of course from this point on just go ahead and grab them normally, but you can also use your lamp to vacuum them in by using L1 on the controller. From this point on, you can just wait and wait, every 3 minutes this is going to cause one of these bosses to spawn again and this is going to stack those Vigor on top, so simply leave this for a few hours and once you come back later you're going to have all of these points that you can immediately collect. So in total, this should be around 200K Vigor every single hour give or take now. It could be varying quite a bit, so it can go way higher than that. But in general, this is what you should see, plus hundreds of umbral realm if you wait. You can do it for like 20 to 30 minutes at max and you will get a ton of it.