8 powerful new Artifacts will be introduced for players to discover and equip in the upcoming New World Season 4 update. Read our New World Season 4 Artifact tier list, we’ll bring you the best Artifact items for weapons and armor.
New World Season 4 Artifact Tier - Best Artifact Items Ranked In NW Season 2
Artifacts in New World are extraordinary items that provide powerful bonuses when equipped. In New World Season 4, 8 new Artifacts will be hidden among the many dangers of Aeternum, each with its distinct quests and powerful attributes tuned for specific weapon combinations and playstyles. From mobility-enhancing boots to damage-boosting rings, these Artifacts are sure to give players new possibilities to experiment with hybrid weapon builds and niche roles. Without further ado, let’s break down the New World season 4 best Artifacts worth getting.
No.1 Boltcaster
Boltcaster is a New World Season 4 bow artifact that transfers 99% of its damage over to lightning damage and then you get the 20% extra damage lightning damage. On top of that, it works for both weapons kind of like the Mjölnir Hammer. When you hit someone with full health, it's going to stun them.
No. 2 Vengeance
Unfortunately, we only see one perk here but what it does is when you successfully heal and it doesn't matter if it's you or other people, it doesn't seem to have a cool down. You gain 1% damage for 10 seconds and it stacks 20 times. You should be able to get this up super fast if you're healing a group of people and you put in a Beacon or a Sacred Ground or shooting a light attack into a group of people and everybody gets a heal. That should get you up super fast to your 20 stacks and then you should be able to just do a lot of damage.
The question about this thing is does it work on both bars or is this only damage for your life staff? This would be sad because life staff is just not a great weapon even with the 20% damage boost. The damage of life staff is just very low. The base damage starts low and never gets super high, even if you dump large amounts of focus into it. Outside of that, life staff only has light attacks and heavy attacks, Orb and Beacon can do damage, but the rest don't do damage. So it would be sad if this was wasted on only the life staff.
No.3 Gladiator
The Gladiator is a round shield artifact on Season 4 New World that has a bleed effect for enemies that hit you. If someone hits you you're going to retaliate automatically by putting a bleed on them which is pretty nice. The only thing is the focus on sword and board because you have diminishing shield bash and fortifying shield rush on this shield which makes it not unusable but not a shield that you want to use with a flail. Because you have two perks wasted on a weapon that you're not using. They should gone for more universal perks so that the shield becomes usable with a flail. But for now, not a bad new Artifact. Because Keenly Empowered is not a bad perk. But overall a little disappointed with this one.
No.4 Quickdraw Gloves
Quickdraw Gloves are New World S4 light gloves Artifacts and they make you immune to damage for half a second when you weapon swap and this is on 12-second cool down. Not sure if these are the the values for you after the actual release, half a second of invulnerability is nice but every 12 seconds remains to be seen how strong this effect is. It's not going to be that big of a deal, but a good player will use this very effectively. There are a couple of weapon combinations, rapier already has some immunities, also getting immunity on Flurry, and then maybe getting another immunity frame on weapon swapping with this artifact could be very interesting.
How To Get Artifacts In New World?
Expedition Chests - Completing high-level expeditions like Dynasty Shipyard, Lazarus Instrumentality, and Garden of Genesis will reward artifact gear from chests at the end. Higher mutation levels increase the chances.
Arena Rewards - Competing in the Arenas feature and achieving certain trophy ranks rewards artifacts. The higher your rank, the better artifacts you can purchase.
Faction Trader - Each major faction trader has a rotating selection of artifacts for purchase with faction tokens. Check daily.
Soulwarden Arenas - Defeating all the waves in the arenas located in Great Cleave, Shattered Mountain, etc. has a chance to reward artifacts.
Crafting - With max Engineering and rare crafting materials, you can attempt to craft randomized artifacts at the workshop. Not a consistent source.
Corrupted Breaches - Completing events and defeating bosses in elite corrupted breach zones has a chance to drop artifacts.
Open World Bosses - Certain named world bosses like Myrkgard have a small chance to drop artifacts upon defeat.
Store - On occasion the in-game store may offer artifact gear bundles for purchase with real money.
Overall the top Artifacts have strong universally applicable offensive or defensive bonuses while the lower ones have more situational synergies depending on build. The remaining artifacts are still unknown, we'll keep updating more!