Best/safest build for 1-50 in hardcore? There're best 5 builds for you.
TOP 5 Builds for Level 1-50 - Diablo 4 Best Build for 1-50 in Hardcore Season 3
1. Necro minions build, skip campaigns, and just roam in the overworld - should be the easiest and safest way to reach level 50.
2. Thorns Barb, is slow on single target damage but we promise you, will not die easily, and has one of the most AOE potential of any build with hemomancy. 1-50 is slow but safe, 50-100 is super fast. Death Wish and Needle Flare are farmable aspects. Keep hemomancy vamp power on and pump max life.
3. It would be hard to die as a penetration shot Rogue, as long as you are not too aggressive. Perhaps don't play the blood harvest? Those blood seekers spawning out of nowhere can 1 shoot you.
4. Druid is a bit slow to level in the beginning but we pushed to 100 in a few days as trampleslide. Use pulverize or landslide in the beginning with Bulwark and run Domhainne for a few levels then you can do the Winterward event to get 15% XP potions. You can run Domhainne to 50 switch it up with vampire zones and do whispers when you have some armor. Also, get some vampire powers quite early as it makes leveling faster. Druid has the most defenses available in their skill tree. Storm strike has DR, pulverize applies DR, cyclonic gives you even more DR, Bloodhowl gives you health sustain against bosses, a bulwark for unstoppable, and finally, hurricane can give you an additional 20%DR. By level 25 you have something like 80%DR and 15% non-physical resistances. You then just put your points in pulverize for more damage and perks for resource generation. Lvl 35 you take Ursine strength for 20% more hp, the build is complete by level 37.
5. Arc lash + chain lightning sorc or blood surge necro. If you’re just going for the achievement/trophy then you could run domhainne tunnels to 50. Very safe and consistent as well as the fastest leveling method. For Sorc you’d want to make sure you get enchantments (class quest available at lvl 15) and use fireball enchantment. Necro should be fine without but you could also do class quest. When I want to level a character (this season) we would do the first couple of seasonal quests (to unlock powers), go to blood harvest, and open Seeker Caches (blood harvest chests) for some rare gear til about level level 8-9. Just to fill out a majority of gear as the tunnels don’t have a lot starting. Once you’ve got some yellows (at least a weapon) go to domhainne tunnels in Scosglen. Walk in, and clear the first part of the dungeon (before the red door). Don’t free any prisoners. Shrine helps but doesn’t always spawn, the event can spawn near Red Door but doesn’t always. Once you’ve killed a majority of the enemies in the first part of the dungeon, without rescuing any survivors, leave the dungeon (either to town or leave the dungeon button), once outside open up the journal/where quests are and there should be a button to hold to reset dungeons (X on Xbox). Reset the dungeon and go again. Takes me about one elixir to go from 5-30. Another couple of elixirs and you’d be well into the 40s.

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