We're actually going to look at four of the most broken builds for Last Epoch patch 1.0.
Last Epoch 1.0 TOP 4 Most Broken Builds
1. Falconer
The builds are pretty simple setup where you cast a smoke bomb, you fire off some arrows and then you cast a dive bomb, gear wise for this the Talons of Valor added with patch 1.0 is required for this build offers a ton of skill points to your Falcon and dive bomb as well as massively increasing the damage that your Falcon does.
-The passive tree selection for this build is all about minion damage and dexterity with the bulk of the points being in falconry and some points into Marksman for health gain and bow attacks and increase Critical Strike chance, in regards to the skills that are used here, the first skill is smoke bomb, this is used to generate shadows and it's set up so that it's a targeted skill where you can use this to aim when the smoke bomb goes off, the Shadows are the important part of this is they have an awesome Synergy with the dive bomb skill, the next skill we have here is dive bomb, and this is the main s source of damage with this build this is set up so that when you use dive bomb it will generate a shadow Falcon that will attack active Shadow locations at the same time and through a node called dancing Shadows any Falcons that attack within the area of your smoke bomb will attack again doubling the damage, this is one of the best uses of synergies, the Falconry tree is set up so that the Falcon inherits or damage in crit Chan stats so in turn this Buffs the damage when you use the dive bomb ability, the for scout Explosive Trap, this is converted to a bow Scout, it will fire off a ton of traps, it'll explode and they have a chance to create further traps, the final skill is Aerial Assault this can be used to generate Shadows when you kill an enemy with it and it's also set up to do 100% more damage to High Health enemies and bosses.
2. Void Knight
Here is a spin on the auto bomber Void Knight and keeps it its lazy damage play style but adds a ton of survivability.
-The skill that provides this huge increase in survivability for this setup is Healing Hands and this and the skill tree added to it with patch 1.0 so it now provides you with a source of Ward with this setup and allows you to face tank bosses even at high corruption, gear wise this build doesn't require any uniques, but to get the most out of it, you want to Stack Vitality increase healing Effectiveness as well, the passive Point allocation for this setup is all about increasing Vitality void damage and also healing Effectiveness but you would put 15 points into the Paladin tree as much as this is avoid night Mastery because that allows you to unlock The Healing Hand skill, the first skill that we look at here is actually Healing Hands this is what provides us with the insane survivability so this is set up so it doesn't cost any Mana and when you directly cast Smite which will be your main spender you have 100% chance to cast Healing Hands as well the Divine barrier node within this makes it so that if the affected Ally has geared that makes him gain Ward based on missing Health that's the gloves we talked about earlier rather than getting Health with this you would actually gain Ward instead, the next skill is Sigils of Hope, this is used to increase endurance threshold void damage and there's also a chance to summon a sedu on kill as well, the Anomaly skill will be instantly cast with this set up, the final skill here then this is Smite.
3. Warlock
The passive tree for this setup is all about maxing out Acolyte resistance this can be converted and provide us with a boost of w Decay threshold, the majority of the points will be in the Warlock tree and boosting damage for curs season spells as well as getting the all-important weer status effect and will essentially triple or damage.
-The first skill we have here and this is the main source of damage is tonic fissure with this the setup has it so that you create two fissures per cast, it's converted to a traversal skill, and the curse associated with it which is torment will deal additional damage as well, the next skill is Spirit Plague, how this works is pretty crazy the setup is one so that when you cast this you also inflict bleeding yourself, and this, in turn, is converted to fire, the next skill we have is Bone Curse, this is a 12% kill threshold it affects enemies with Mark for death and that lows the resists by 25%, so the next skill then is Profane Veil, this is a node where it will consume up to 10 minions, and it'll Grant you w equal to a portion of the bone prison Minions that you consume, the final skill is Ghost Flame, this is used mainly as a traversal skill and more of a utility rather than a damage skill.
-Boots: Citadel Boots
-Helmet: Boneclamor Barbute
-Mad Alchemist's Ladle
-Belt: Immolator's Oblation
-Ring: Red Ring of Atlaria
-Gloves: Maehlin's Hubris
4. Necromancer
The first skill we have here is Summon Rafe which allows us to Summon Wraith, the next skill is Dread Shade, this one massively boosts the damage of the RAF Lord, and although it means the RAF Lord takes more damage, the next skill is volatile zombies the setup you see here allows it to Summon Volatile Zombies per cast, these are instantly destroyed by their RAF Lord and in turn that then spawn 10 corpse parasites and Three Skeleton vanguards are also instantly destroyed, next skill is Transplant, this is your standard move movement skill with it set up to add bone armor for some survivability on cast as well as summoning a bone minion that the W Lord will instantly destroy for some extra spell damage, the final skill is another buff to the RAF Lord and this is Infernal Shade, and return for taken damage over time that can easily be sustained the RAF Lord gains haste and up to 72% increased cast and movement speed.
-Helmet: Wraithlord's Harbour
-Wand: Reach of the Grave
-Amulet: Death Rattle