This build is taking the game-breaking to a ridiculous level, we're going to give you a super quick but full breakdown of this invincible Elden Ring DLC build.
How to Make a Samurai Immortal Build for DLC
Start by chugging the flask, buffing with Golden Vow, Blessing of the Erdtree, and then Flame, Grant Me Strength, use takers flame to inflict awesome damage which is going to heal you, Taker's flame does just that it's a fire-based life stealing attack which you can use from a distance.
-Right Hand Armament 1: Blasphemous Blade+10
With its awesome weapon skill, Takers Flame.
-Left Hand Armament 1: Erdtree Seal+10
We have a nert treat seal plus 10, giving us the best faith scaling for our incantations.
-Head Armor: Ash-of-War Scarab
This lowers the FP cost of takers Flame by 13 to 15%.
-Arms: Gelmir Knight Gauntlets
-Legs: Gelmir Knight Greaves
Shard of Alexander: +15% Skill Damage.
Fire Scorpion Charm: +12% Fire Damage.
Old Lord's Talisman: +30% Buff Time.
Carian Filigreed Crest: -25% FP Cost.
-Wondrous Physick Mix
Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear: First boost fire damage.
Crimsonburst Crystal Tear: Heal over time.
-Ashes of War
Golden Vow: +15% attack, +10% defense.
Flame, Grant Me Strength: +20% physical attack.
Blessing of the Erdtree: 90 secs healing.
Erdtreee Heal: Nice heals.
-Attributes & Stats at Level 200
60 Vigor, 28 Mind, 23 Endurance, 56 Strength, 15 Dexterity, 9 Intelligence, 80 Faith, 8 Arcane.
If you need to know more details, please watch this video: