Call to Arms
((MAX:290EDmg/6/6/4) )
+1 to All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+286% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-30 fire damage
7% Life stolen per hit
Prevent Monster Heal
Battle Command
Battle Orders
Battle Cry
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
(Phase Blade )
+241 to Attack Rating
Cold Resist +22%
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)
(Throw Damage: 18 to 54 )
+40% Increased Attack Speed
Call to Arms
(MAX:290EDmq/6/6/4 )
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+290% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-30 fire damage
7% Life stolen per hit
+6 to Battle Command
+6 to Battle Orders
+4 to Battle Cry
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Socketed (5)
Colossus Blade
(Two-Hand Damage: 66 to 66 )
+15% Enhanced Damage
+3 to Attack Rating
Socketed (5)
(Cryptic Sword )
+315% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
+50 to Attack Rating
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25%
+200% Enhanced Defense
+117 to Life
All Resistances +30
12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+1to Light Radius
Colossus Blade
(Two-Hand Damage: 66 to 66 )
+5% Enhanced Damage
+3 to Attack Rating
Socketed (5)
Right Click to reset Stat/Skill Points
Viper Edge
5% Chance To Cast Level 3 Chain Lightning On Attack
+20%Increased Attack Speed
+287% Enhanced Damage
+4 To Maximum Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based 0N Character Level)
+13 T Mana
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Viper Edge
5% Chance To Cast Level 3 Chain Lightning On Attack
+20%Increased Attack Speed
+287% Enhanced Damage
+4 To Maximum Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based 0N Character Level)
+13 T Mana
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Gale Needle
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+292% Enhanced Damage
+7 To Minimum Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+25 To Attack Rating
+16 To Attack Rating Based 0N Character Level)
+8 To Strength
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Gale Stinger
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+276% Enhanced Damage
Ti To Maximum Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+59 To Attack Rating
+16 To Attack Rating Based On Character Level)
+50 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Hailstone Cleaver
5% Chance To Cast Level 3 Ice Bolt On Attack
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+297% Enhanced Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Basedon Character Level)
+62 To Attack Rating
+16 To Attack Rating Based On Character Level)
Adds I-I4 Lightning Damage
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Dread Tar
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+278% Enhanced Damage
+12 To Maximum Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+26 To Attack Rating
+16 To Attack Rating Based Gn Character Level)
Adds I-I4 Lightning Damage
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Storm Scalpel
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+294% Enhanced Damage
+2 To Minimum Damage
+2 To Maximum Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based On Character Level)
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Armageddon Impaler
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+266% Enhanced Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based On Character Level)
+2Ipoisondamageover4 Seconds
8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Demon Scratch
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+265% Enhanced Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based On Character Level)
+19% Damage To Demons
+26 To Attack Rating Against Demons
+1 Cold Damage
8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Ethereal Cannot Be Repairep).
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+406% Enhanced Damage
+152 To Attack Rating
Adds 2-6 Fire Damage
Repairs I Durability In 20 Seconds
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Viper Cleaver
+10% Increased Attack Speed
+275% Enhanced Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based On Character Level)
Adds 4-56 Lightning Damage
Cold Resist +17%
Repairs I Durability In 33 Seconds
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Grim Saw
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+271% Enhanced Damage
+10 To Minimum Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based 0N Character Level)
+110% Damage To Undead
+106 To Attack Rating Against Undead
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Doom Needle
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+406% Enhanced Damage
+260 T0 Attack Rating
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Hold Shifp To Compare
Imp Sever
12% Chance To Cast Level 4 Nova On Striking
+1 To Combat Skills Barbarian Only)
+30% Increased Attack Speed.
+297% Enhanced Damage
+O To Maximum Damage Based On Character Level)
+16 To Attack Rating Based On Character Level)
+2I Poison Damage Over 4 Seconds
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired)
Plague Scythe
+418% Enhanced Damage
+2 To Maximum Damage
+2I2 To Attack Rating
4% Mana Stolen Per Hit
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
Ethereal Cannot Be Repaired) Socketed 2)
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