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4-Nef Rune

4-Nef [Rune]

4-NefNef(Number 4)
Clvl Required 13

Weapon: Knockback
Armor/Helm/Shield: +30 Defense vs. Missile
4-Nef Rune


Price 0.11 USD

What Is Nef Rune in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Nef Rune is a low-level rune that can be inserted into socketed weapons, armor, and shields to grant various bonuses and enhancements. Like other runes in the game, Nef Runes can also be used as components for crafting Rune Words, which are powerful combinations of runes that provide additional abilities and attributes to socketed items.

What Are the Advantages of Nef Rune in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Nef Rune offers a few advantages when used in the game:

  • Rune Words: Nef Runes can be used as components in crafting Rune Words, which are powerful combinations of runes that provide additional abilities and attributes when inserted into socketed items. Some early- to mid-game Rune Words require a Nef Rune as part of their recipe, making it valuable for those combinations, like Nadir (Nef + Tir) and Zephyr (Ort + El).

  • Upgrading Runes: Nef Runes can be used to create higher-ranked runes through the Horadric Cube's transmutation process. By combining a specific number of Nef Runes, you can create the next tier rune (Eth Rune). This process is useful for collecting higher-level runes for more powerful Rune Words or other crafting purposes.

  • Specific Item Bonuses: When inserted into a socketed item on its own, the Nef Rune provides the following bonuses:

-Weapons: Knockback. This effect can be useful for ranged characters or melee characters who want to keep enemies at bay, as it pushes enemies back when they are hit.

-Armor: +30 Defense vs. Missile. This bonus can be helpful for characters looking to improve their defense against ranged attacks.

-Shields: +30 Defense vs. Missile. This bonus can also be useful for characters who want to boost their defense against missile attacks, particularly for melee characters like Paladins and Barbarians who use shields.

  • Trading: In Diablo 2 Resurrected, players often trade items with other players. Although the Nef Rune is not highly sought after, it can still be traded in bulk or combined with other items to obtain desired equipment or runes from other players.

How To Get Nef Rune in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, you can obtain Nef Runes through various methods as you progress through the game:

  • Monster Drops: Nef Runes can drop from defeated monsters, particularly as you progress through the game's Normal difficulty. The chances of finding a Nef Rune increase as you face higher-level monsters.

  • Chests and Containers: Searching chests, stashes, and other containers scattered throughout the game world can yield Nef Runes as loot.

  • Horadric Cube Transmutation: You can obtain Nef Runes by upgrading lower-tier runes, specifically Tir Runes, using the Horadric Cube. To transmute three Tir Runes into a Nef Rune, place the three Tir Runes into the Horadric Cube and hit the "Transmute" button. This will combine the runes and create a Nef Rune.

  • Quest Rewards: Some quests may reward you with runes, including Nef Runes, upon completion. One example is completing the "Forgotten Tower" quest in Act 1, where you can obtain a random rune by opening the chest at the end of the tower after defeating The Countess.

  • Trading with Other Players: You can trade with other players in multiplayer games to obtain Nef Runes. Although Nef Runes are not highly valuable, you may be able to trade in bulk or offer other diablo 2 resurrected items to acquire the runes you need.

What Are the Most Popular/Hottest Build for Nef Rune in D2R?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R), the most popular/hottest build for Nef runes is the Smoke Rune Word.

The Smoke Rune Word is made by socketing a Body Armor with Nef and Lum runes. It provides +20% faster hit recovery, +75% Enhanced Defense, and 50% resistance to all forms of poison. This build is popular for its ability to provide good defense and resists, while also being relatively easy to create and affordable. Smoke is particularly useful for early/mid-game characters that need defensive boosts and resistance against poison, such as Sorceresses and Paladins.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R 4-Nef Rune Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected 4-Nef Rune Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R 4-Nef Rune are ranged from 0.11USD to 1.89USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 4-Nef Rune trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the 4-Nef Rune is priced at 1.89USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 1.89USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 33 D2R items in this Rune, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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