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Crainte Vomir

Crainte Vomir [Uniques Items]

Crainte Vomir One-Hand Damage: (20-24) To (67-78) (43.5-51 Avg)
Two-Hand Damage: (46-54) To (104-120) (75-87 Avg)
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 61
Durability: 44
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+160-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
50% Increased Attack Speed
Slows Target By 35%
-70 To Monster Defense Per Hit
20% Faster Run/Walk
Damage Reduced By 10%
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Crainte Vomir


Price 2.73 USD

What Is Crainte Vomir In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Crainte Vomir is a unique Grim Helm in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It is a rare item that can provide significant benefits to certain character builds. Crainte Vomir is a powerful D2R item that can be useful for Necromancer characters, particularly those who rely on curses and summoning spells. Its bonuses to skills and Magic Find can make it a valuable addition to a character's equipment, while its defensive properties and bonuses to Life and Mana can provide additional survivability. Here are some of the unique properties of Crainte Vomir:

Defense: Crainte Vomir has a base defense rating of 252-285.

Bonuses to Skills: The helm grants bonuses to two skills - +2 to Necromancer skills and +2 to Curses. This makes it a valuable item for Necromancer characters who rely on these skills.

Magic Find: Crainte Vomir grants a bonus of 10-20% to Magic Find, which increases the chances of finding rare and unique items.

Life and Mana: The helm can also provide a boost to Life and Mana, with a possible bonus of up to 30 to Life and 20 to Mana.

Is Crainte Vomir Good For Necromancer In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Yes, Crainte Vomir is a very good choice for Necromancer characters in Diablo 2 Resurrected. The helm provides a number of valuable bonuses for Necromancers, including:

Bonuses to Skills: Crainte Vomir grants a bonus of +2 to Necromancer skills and +2 to Curses. These bonuses can help Necromancers become more effective in combat, particularly when using summoning spells or curses to weaken enemies.

Magic Find: The helm also grants a bonus of 10-20% to Magic Find, which can be useful for any character class, but is particularly valuable for Necromancers who rely on finding rare items to power up their minions and equipment.

Defense: Crainte Vomir has a base defense rating of 252-285, which can provide some protection for Necromancers who may be more vulnerable in close combat.

Additional Stats: The helm can also provide bonuses to Life and Mana, with a possible bonus of up to 30 to Life and 20 to Mana.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Crainte Vomir is a highly valuable item for Necromancer characters. Its bonuses to skills, Magic Find, and defense can all help Necromancers become more effective in combat and find better items, while its additional bonuses to Life and Mana can provide some extra survivability.

Where and How to Get Crainte Vomir in D2R?

Crainte Vomir is a unique item that can drop randomly from any monster in the game that is of a high enough level to drop it. However, the drop rate for unique items is low, so it may take some time and effort to obtain them.

One way to increase the chances of getting Crainte Vomir is to farm areas that have high monster density and high item drop rates, such as bosses and champions in Acts 4 and 5. Another way is to use Magic Find gear, which can increase the chance of finding unique items.

Another option is to trade with other players. Crainte Vomir is a sought-after item, so some players may be willing to trade for it. Online trading forums or social media groups dedicated to Diablo 2 Resurrected can be a good place to look for potential trades.

It's worth noting that the drop rate for unique items is random, and there is no guaranteed way to get Crainte Vomir. It may take some persistence and luck to obtain this powerful Grim Helm.

How to Use Crainte Vomir in D2R?

Crainte Vomir is a powerful unique Grim Helm in Diablo 2 Resurrected that can provide significant benefits to certain character builds, particularly those who rely on curses and summoning spells. Here are some tips on how to use it:

Curse effectiveness: Crainte Vomir provides a +2 bonus to all Necromancer Curses, which makes your curses more effective at debuffing enemies. This can be particularly useful in multiplayer games where you can weaken enemies for your teammates to finish off.

Increased Mana and Life: The helm also provides a bonus to both mana and life, which can be beneficial for Necromancer characters who need to maintain a balance between casting spells and staying alive.

Faster Cast Rate: Crainte Vomir has a +20% Faster Cast Rate bonus, which can help Necromancers to cast their spells faster and more efficiently.

Summoning Spells: The helm also has a +1 bonus to all Necromancer Skills, including Summoning spells. This can be particularly useful for Necromancer builds that rely heavily on summons, such as a Summoner or a Poisonmancer.

Best Characters or Builds for Crainte Vomir in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Crainte Vomir is a powerful unique Grim Helm in Diablo 2 Resurrected that can provide significant benefits to certain character builds. Here is some character builds that can make the best use of Crainte Vomir:

Summon Necromancer: Crainte Vomir's bonuses to Necromancer skills and summoning spells make it an excellent choice for Summon Necromancer builds. The helm's increased mana and life bonuses can help keep the Necromancer alive while their minions do the fighting.

Poison Necromancer: The increased effectiveness of Necromancer Curses provided by Crainte Vomir is also useful for Poison Necromancers. These builds rely on using Poison Nova and other poison spells to weaken enemies, and the helm's bonuses to Faster Cast Rate and +1 bonus to Necromancer Skills can be especially helpful in casting these spells quickly.

Bone Necromancer: Crainte Vomir's Faster Cast Rate bonus is also useful for Bone Necromancers. These builds rely on casting bone spells like Bone Spear and Bone Spirit to deal damage to enemies, and the helm's bonuses can help to cast these spells more quickly and efficiently.

Caster Druid: While Crainte Vomir is primarily beneficial to Necromancer builds, it can also be useful for Caster Druids who rely on casting spells. The helm's bonuses to Faster Cast Rate, +1 bonus to Necromancer Skills, and increased mana and life can help these builds to survive and cast spells more efficiently.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Crainte Vomir Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Crainte Vomir Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Crainte Vomir are ranged from 2.73USD to 2.76USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Crainte Vomir trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Crainte Vomir is priced at 2.76USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 2.76USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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