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Ichorsting [Uniques Items]

Ichorsting Two-Hand Damage: 13 To 24 (18.5 Avg)
Required Level: 18
Required Strength: 40
Required Dexterity: 33
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+50% Enhanced Damage
Adds 30 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
20% Increased Attack Speed
Piercing Attack (50)
+50 to Attack Rating
+20 to Dexterity
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)


Price 2.73 USD

What is Ichorsting in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

"Ichorsting" is an item in the video game Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). It is a unique belt that was introduced in the game with the Lord of Destruction expansion.

In D2R, Ichorsting provides several bonuses to the player character, including bonuses to their maximum life, life steal, and damage. It also has a chance to cast the "Amplify Damage" curse on enemies when the player hits them.

To obtain Ichorsting in D2R, players can either find it as a random drop from monsters and chests throughout the game, or they can trade for it with other players.

What is Ichorsting Good For in D2R?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R), Ichorsting is a unique belt that can be quite useful for certain character builds. Here are some of the ways in which Ichorsting can be helpful in the game:

  • Increased Maximum Life: Ichorsting provides a bonus to the player's maximum life, which can make their character more resilient and able to withstand more damage from enemies.

  • Life Steal: Ichorsting also provides a bonus to life steal, which means that the player character can gain health back when they deal damage to enemies. This can be particularly useful for characters who are focused on melee combat or close-quarters combat.

  • Damage Boost: Ichorsting provides a bonus to damage, which can help the player character deal more damage to enemies and defeat them more quickly.

  • Curse Application: Ichorsting has a chance to apply the "Amplify Damage" curse to enemies when the player character hits them. This curse increases the amount of damage that the enemy takes, making it easier to defeat them.

Overall, Ichorsting can be a useful item for characters who are focused on melee combat, as it provides bonuses to health, damage, and life steal, as well as a chance to apply a useful curse to enemies.

How To Get Ichorsting in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R), Ichorsting is a unique belt that can be obtained by several methods. Here are some ways to acquire Ichorsting in D2R:

  • Random Drop: Like many unique items in D2R, Ichorsting can be obtained as a random drop from monsters, chests, or other loot containers in the game. The chances of getting Ichorsting as a drop are quite low, so players may need to farm specific monsters or areas in the game to increase their chances of finding it.

  • Gambling: Players can also try their luck at gambling for Ichorsting. To do this, they need to visit Gheed in Act 1 of the game and purchase a rare item from him using gold. There is a chance that the rare item they receive will be Ichorsting.

  • Trading: If a player is unable to find Ichorsting through drops or gambling, they can try to trade with other players. This involves offering D2R ladder items or currency in exchange for Ichorsting from another player who already has it. This method can be quite effective, but it requires the player to have items or currency that are valuable enough to entice another player to trade.

Overall, obtaining Ichorsting in D2R requires some luck and effort, but it is certainly possible through drops, gambling, or trading.

Which Build is Good To Use Ichorsting in Diablo 2?

Ichorsting is a unique belt in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) that provides several bonuses to the player character, including increased maximum life, life steal, damage boost, and curse application. Here are some builds that could benefit from using Ichorsting in D2R:

  • Barbarian Whirlwind Build: The Barbarian Whirlwind build is a popular melee build that focuses on using the Whirlwind skill to rapidly attack enemies. Ichorsting's bonuses to life steal and damage can be particularly useful for this build, as it allows the Barbarian to deal more damage and regain health while Whirlwinding through hordes of enemies.

  • Paladin Zeal Build: The Paladin Zeal build is another popular melee build that focuses on using the Zeal skill to attack enemies. Ichorsting's bonuses to maximum life, life steal, and damage can help the Paladin survive and deal more damage in combat.

  • Amazon Javelin Build: The Amazon Javelin build is a ranged build that focuses on using Javelin and Spear skills to attack enemies from a distance. Ichorsting's bonuses to life steal and damage can be helpful for this build, as it allows the Amazon to deal more damage and regain health from a safe distance.

  • Necromancer Summoner Build: The Necromancer Summoner build is a build that focuses on summoning minions to fight for the player character. Ichorsting's bonuses to maximum life and curse application can be useful for this build, as it allows the Necromancer to increase the survivability of their minions and weaken enemies with curses.

Overall, Ichorsting can be useful for several different builds in D2R, but it is particularly effective for melee builds that focus on dealing damage up close and personal.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Ichorsting Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Ichorsting Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Ichorsting are ranged from 1.51USD to 2.73USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Ichorsting trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Ichorsting is priced at 1.51USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 1.51USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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