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Best Diablo 2 Resurrected Starter Builds - Top 5 Budget D2R Builds For Beginners (2021)
10/15/2021 11:55:59 AM

As you’re just starting out in the Diablo 2 Resurrected, it will be really tough just like POE. In this case, you should pick between strong, budget and beginner-friendly starter builds for exploring the D2. Most of the builds in this game are pretty much based on the original D2 builds because it's basically a remake of an original game. If you are not sure what is the best build in Diablo 2 & which builds to play, check out this guide and we list the top 5 best starter builds for Diablo 2 Resurrected. 

Best Diablo 2 Resurrected Starter Builds - Top 5 Budget Builds For D2R 2021

Let's get into 5 potential builds that you can play in the D2R Resurrected.

1. Bone Spear Necromancer Build For Diablo2 

> Great Damage Output  

> Good Survivability  

> Beginner-Friendly  

> Great Crowd Control

< Relies only on direct damage

< Low Utility

< Burns through Mana very quickly

Click HERE to find the complete guide for this build 

Necromancers are regarded as masters of Curses and Summons, however, they are no strangers to dealing direct damage either. Their Poison and Bone spells can be very devastating when used properly, and they provide some much-needed defenses that make them beginner-friendly to use. How this build works is you throw bone spears, you max out bone spear and it's all about bones. You'll also use things like bone prison and and also your bone armor as well to defend yourself and lock enemies up. Using things like insight and crafting that for your minions so you can deal with mana sustain.

2. Frenzy Barbarian Build

> Fast movement speed and mobility

> Plenty of gearing options

> Can clear all the content in the game

> Amazing single-target damage and attack rating

> One of the best Boss killers for Barbarian class

< Severely lacks AoE

< Gear dependent

< Repetitive gameplay

< Slow against physical immunes 

Click HERE to find the complete guide for this build 

The second D2R build for starters is Frenzy Barbarian build. This is one of the least gear dependent Barbarian builds that you can make. It’s as simple as it sounds, just hit things really fast and really hard and then eventually the enemy dies, to buff this up, you'll use Diablo 2 Resurrected runes and everything else involved in that. This is a really basic build good for anyone getting into the game, it's a little bit monotonous because there's a lot of single targets. Diablo 2 is a basic game made in a much simpler time and this Frenzy Barbarian build should work just fine if you don't want any crazy complicated mechanics.

3. Hammerdin Build

> Very high damage output

> Good mobility and high clear speeds

> Fast movement speed

< Requires a lot of Mana to clear

< Can be expensive to get the best items

Click HERE to find the complete guide for this build 

It’s probably the most popular Paladin build in Diablo 2. He focuses on the skill Blessed Hammer, which allows him to deal massive amounts of damage to all enemies in the vicinity. The Build's primary synergy comes from high movement speed and high damage output, which leads to very fast clear potential, something which is sought after for end game content. It is one of the builds you should consider when the game comes out in two weeks since Hammerdin can be successfully run on a budget, you can use Magic Find Hammerdin to farm gear for the End-Game Hammerdin. 

4. Javazon Build

> New player friendly

> Low gear investment

> Fast clear speed potential

> High area damage

< Starts off slow, needs levels to get going

< Requires specific gear to clear Ubers

Click HERE to find the complete guide for this build 

Javazon is one of the highest DPS builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected. What this basically is you're running the Amazon class and Lightning Javelin, it really is throwing Lightning Javelins which means you need to max out Lightning Javelin. When you get to hell, it's a little bit more complicated because you have to deal with immunity such as lightning immunity which really throws a spanner in the works. But there's plenty of ways that you can switch around this and you can also spec up into other multiple variations of Javelin which assists you in taking down those enemies such as Poison Javelin and things like that. This build is definitely worth trying on the release of the game.

5. Blizzard Sorceress Build

> Great mobility

> High AoE damage

> Best ladder starter

> Fast-paced playstyle

> Good crowd control 

> Budget-friendly

< Can run out of Mana rather quickly without good gear 

< Requires kiting against mobs

< Not optimized for end game

Click HERE to find the complete guide for this build 

This is the starter build for D2R due to how well it can be built into a Magic Find machine. The Blizzard is basically one of the easiest characters to go with. Usually, if you were going to speed run the game, we want to burn through the go charge bolt and then just bash your way through the early parts of the game, going fireball is really good as well. But there's a lot of argument that says the Blizzard is maybe one of the most powerful characters in the entire game. She is not only very high powered but also is capable of stacking large amounts of magic find as well while still maintaining high damage output.

Thanks to the formidable utility and unparalleled mobility, unachievable by any other Class early on, this Blizzard Sorceress build is capable of easily defeating Mephisto on the Hell difficulty.

More Diablo 2 beginner-friendly builds will be updated here for different classes!
