Diablo 2 Resurrected Summon Druid build is a character build that focuses on using the Druid's summoning skills to summon various creatures to fight for them. With the remastered version of Diablo 2, players can enjoy a more enhanced and modernized version of the game with improved graphics, sound, and gameplay.
The Summon Druid build focuses on the Druid's summoning skills, specifically the skills related to summoning wolves, bears, and spirits. These summoned creatures can help the player in battles, allowing them to deal damage and distract enemies while the player casts spells or attacks from a distance.
D2R 2.6 Summon Druid Build - D2R Summon Druid build Strength, Stats, Skills, Equipment & Mercenary Gear In Season 3
To create a successful Summon Druid build, players should focus on investing skill points into the Druid's summoning skills, such as "Summon Grizzly" and "Summon Dire Wolf." These skills can be further enhanced with additional skill points invested in "Summon Spirit Wolf," "Summon Fenris," and "Summon Oak Sage."
Strengths of D2R Summon Druid Build
There are several Strengths to playing a Summon Druid build in Diablo 2 Resurrected:
Versatility: The Summon Druid can summon a variety of creatures, including wolves, bears, and spirits, which can help to provide additional damage, tanking, and crowd control options. This versatility allows the Summon Druid to adapt to different situations and enemy types.
Safety: By relying on their summoned creatures to do the majority of the fighting, the Summon Druid can stay back and avoid getting hit by enemies, making it a safer playstyle compared to other builds that require close combat.
Low gear requirements: Summon Druids don't require high-end gear to be effective. While better gear will make them stronger, even basic equipment can be sufficient for clearing most content in the game.
Group synergy: In multiplayer games, Summon Druids can be an asset to the team by providing additional bodies to soak up damage and distract enemies, allowing other players to focus on dealing with damage.
Fun and unique playstyle: Summon Druids offer a unique playstyle that can be a lot of fun for players who enjoy the idea of commanding an army of creatures to do their bidding.
D2R Summon Druid Build Step-Up: Stats, Skills, Equipment, and Mercenary Gear
Here are the details for a step-up Summon Druid build in Diablo 2 Resurrected:
D2R Summon Druid Build Stats:
Strength: Only invest enough points to meet the requirements for equipment
Dexterity: Enough to reach the maximum block chance with a shield (if using one)
Vitality: Put most of your points here for increased health
Energy: Not needed, since the Summon Druid doesn't rely on mana to deal damage
D2R Summon Druid Build Skills:
20 points in Summon Grizzly: The Druid's ultimate summon, which deals a lot of damage and can tank enemies effectively
20 points in Summon Dire Wolf: A powerful summon that deals good damage and can also tank effectively
20 points in Summon Spirit Wolf: A weaker summon that can still be useful for distracting enemies
20 points in Heart of Wolverine: Provides a damage buff to all party members, including summons
20 points in Oak Sage: Provides a health bonus to all party members, including summons
The remaining points can be invested in Elemental skills, such as Hurricane and Tornado, or other Summoning skills, depending on personal preference.
D2R Summon Druid Build Equipment:
In terms of equipment, players should focus on gear that enhances their summoning skills and provides additional bonuses to their pets, such as increased damage or health. For example, the "Beast" runeword, which can be added to a weapon, grants bonuses to the player's wolves and boosts their damage output.
Head: Jalal's Mane (Unique Helm) or +3 to Druid skills Rare/Magic Helm
Armor: Enigma (Runeword Armor) or Skin of the Flayed One (Unique Armor)
Weapon: Beast (Runeword Weapon) or Call to Arms (D2R Runeword Weapon)
Shield: Spirit (Runeword Shield) or Homunculus (Unique Shield)
Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claws (Unique Gloves) or Rare/Magic gloves with +2 Druid skills and resistances
Belt: Arachnid Mesh (Unique Belt) or Rare/Magic belt with resistances and faster cast rate
Boots: Sandstorm Trek (Unique Boots) or Rare/Magic boots with resistance and faster run/walk speed
Rings: Rare/Magic rings with resistances, faster cast rate, and/or life/mana leech
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope (Unique Amulet) or Rare/Magic amulet with +2 Druid skills and resistances
D2R Summon Druid Build Mercenary Gear:
Act 2 Nightmare Defensive Mercenary with Holy Freeze aura
Weapon: Infinity (Runeword Polearm) for additional damage and increased resistances reduction
Armor: Fortitude (Runeword Armor) or Treachery (Runeword Armor) for additional survivability and damage
With this build, the Summon Druid can summon a powerful army of creatures that can tank enemies, deal damage, and distract them, while the Druid provides support with buffs and Elemental skills. The equipment choices provide additional bonuses to the Druid's summons and increase survivability, while the Mercenary and their gear provide additional damage and survivability to the party.
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