Now if you're new to Diablo 2 Resurrected, some of these may not appear that impressive when you first saw skiller Charms, but as you level up as you get to stack more and more skills later on and higher levels, getting that plus one skill from Skiller Charms and times ten available slots in your inventory can exponentially multiply your damage output, if you are stacking for some sort of damage skill. So skiller charms can be incredibly powerful when you collect a whole bunch of them or even one.
Best Places To Farm Skiller Grand Charms in Diablo 2 Resurrected
In this guide, we are going to take you through some of the best farming spots to find the skiller grand charms in Diablo 2 Resurrected, is any one of these dramatically better than the others, it kind of depends on what character you're playing:
1. Specter (Arcane Sanctuary)
According to statistics from dropcalc.silospen.com, Arcane Sanctuary has a probability of finding grand charm of 1:546. In the arcane sanctuary, it is the race that we're looking for that they have the one in 500 and some odd chance of dropping a grand charm. The other thing that is kind of interesting about the arcane sanctuary is that there are wrong ways at the end of each of the arcane sanctuary, basically the ways that don't take you to the summoner. So this is a great run for sorceress because she can just teleport around super duper fast and once you get too familiar with the layout of the arcane sanctuary and you can breeze through the way and find the chests and oftentimes right sitting on top of the chest or a bunch of ghosts, these chests in addition to having an excellent chance to drop Diablo 2 Resurrected charms. Arcane Sanctuary is only farmable for skiller charms in hell difficulty it's too low level in nightmare difficulty.
Though Towers Cellar comes with 1:520 probability, in our experience they are not nearly as dense as they are in the Arcane Sanctuary, so this is probably not nearly as good if you just want to farm ghost, specters, anything of that variety. The ghost type variety of things, apparitions, specter gloams, and all of that share a comparable drop chance, but it's just a matter of density and where you can find them easily and where you can find them in large numbers.
Farming Tips
Let's take a quick look at the arcane sanctuary and we will show you quickly how these runs work, because if you want to just go straight for the chests at the end, basically what you want is a nice faster cast rate sorceress. 105 percent is great if you can get right up to that, that's your breakpoint. Beyond that it's 200 percent which is pretty hard to achieve but using a nice fast cast rate sorceress, you can basically just teleport, all of the arcane sanctuaries are laid out basically the same. You've got four ways you can go you can go: one way leads you to the summoner - the summoner actually has a good chance of dropping a grand charm about 1 in 87, and the chests have a chance of dropping a grand charm, so you can basically just go straight, there's always a right turn or a left turn if you're going on the other side and then straight all the way down to the end, and then from the end, you're going to look for the middle and the middle is going to take you to the chests.
You basically just repeat that pattern for all four directions, stopping to kill any ghosts along the way that you encounter, if you feel so inclined or you can just blaze on through and loot the chests and hope to get skiller charms out of those.
2. Durance of Hate Level 3 & Travincal (Council Members)
The council is either in nightmare difficulty or in hell difficulty depending on what your character is able to handle, this is a great spot for a nice frenzy barbarian to do some farming. Other characters like Blizzard sorcerers here have a slightly harder time in dealing with the council members, so it wouldn't really be too viable to do quickly and efficiently with this character. But depending on what character you have, the hell council would probably be straight up your best bet overall.
Farming Tips
You could go down to the bottom of the Endurance of Hate, take down Mephisto and some of the other Council Members down at the bottom of the Journals of Hate, and they all have like a one in eighty percent chance of dropping a grand charm and the feast of themselves. Mephisto himself also has a one in eighty chance of dropping a grand charm. You can just do that whole farming run to improve your chance to find skiller charms.
You can farm skiller charms in nightmare difficulty as long as the area level is high enough, and this area level is high enough to farm those skiller charms they won't roll with as much potential maximum health on them, but they will still be skiller charms, it's easier perhaps than farming nightmare difficulty but still depending on your character.
3. The Secret Cow Level (Hell Bovine)
This farming spot for grand charms is really all about the clear speed. The hell bovine is a monster that has 1:1156 chance to give or take now, this is farmable in either Nightmare or Hell difficulty for your skiller charm, and even though the drop chance is not as good as the ghosts inspectors and the sheer quantity of cows available in the moon farm, they either make up for it or they at least probably equal it, going to be pretty close and comparable.
Farming Tips
The lightning fury javazon is absolutely fantastic character for clearing out this area, as well as the blizzard sorceress, and there's a lot of other viable builds. Definitely recommend some good movement speed if you're gonna if you're going to run around and hurt up cows, and not running into the occasional lightning immune cow.
4. Monster Area Level 50s
When searching for a skiller charm you need to be farming in an area that has at least a monster level of 50. As you can see here from this chart, it requires a monster level of 50 in order to drop the item level 50 - it says large charm here but it actually means grand charm, so that's where you find all of the skiller charms.
So if we take a look at D2 cheat sheet here at d2cheatsheet.com, the Flayer Jungle, the Spider Cavern, the Arachnid Lair, the Great Marsh in nightmare difficulty are monster area level 50s which means that these areas and further on in the game are capable of dropping skiller charms.
Farming Tips
So a couple of these areas that we'll look at you can farm in Nightmare difficulty and some of the other areas you can only farm in Hell difficulty - so just keep that in mind if you are looking in Nightmare, you need to be at least Act 3 Great Marsh type area or further on.

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