In Diablo 2 Resurrected, not only do we need to level up and equip our character with D2R weapons, runewords and armor, but we also need to equip our mercenary so that he doesn't die all the time. Only then is he a valuable ally who supports us in battle and sometimes reinforces us with auras. Which equipment is the best for the mercenary and which mercenary is recommended in each ACT of in Diablo 2 Resurrected, we reveal with this mercenary weapon and armor guide!
Related Read: D2R 2.4 Mercenary Equipment Guide - Best Gear Setup for Each Merc in Ladder Season 1
Act 1 Mercenaries: Rogues of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye
Mercenaries from the first act are offered for sale by Kashya after we have reached level 8 or defeated Blood Ravens during the second quest. With the first fixed ability Inner View, the defense of the opponents is reduced. Otherwise, they deal damage by either cold arrows or fire arrows. These mercenaries master the abilities of the Amazons, but are not real Amazons and therefore cannot use crossbows or class-specific items such as Amazon bows.
Type: Ranged Fighter
Weapons: bows
Strength per level: +1
Skill per level: +2
Defense per level: +6.5
Resistances per level: +1.5
Life per level: +8
This ability reduces enemies' defenses for a while. This ability is identical to the Amazon's Inner Vision. At level 30, this ability reduces enemy defenses by 1,615 for two minutes at Mercenary level 98. The debuff remains active even after the mercenary dies, which makes this ability particularly useful in heavy boss fights.
Is the mercenary from Act 1 with cold arrow or fire arrow better? In most cases, the cold arrow is better, as this attack will even freeze enemies in hell. But there are also a few builds where the fire arrow offers an advantage.
Best Equipment for ACT 1 Mercenaries
What are the best weapons and armor for Act I mercenaries? Of all mercenaries, the hunters have the lowest strength value and could therefore only wear weak armor at the beginning.
Unique Items
Harlequin Crest: Helmet with +2 to all skills
Harlequin Crest

Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 12
+2 To All Skills
+ (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Life (Based On Character Level)
+ (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
Damage Reduced By 10%
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 To All Attributes
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Rockstopper: Unique Sallet with resistances, reduced damage and high armament value (best helmet)
Vampire Gaze: Helmet with life penalty and reduced damage
Crown of Thieves: Helmet with deduction for life and high armor value
Crown of Ages: Helmet with high armor and +1 to all skills
Shaftstop: Mesh armor with high armor value and reduced damage (best armor)
Azurewrath: Blade with a refuge aura
Ice (AmnShaelJahLo) on a longbow

25% Chance To Cast Level 22 Frost Nova On Striking
Level 18 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+140-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
+25-30% To Cold Skill Damage (varies)
-20% To Enemy Cold Resistance
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Deadly Strike
3.125-309.375 Extra Gold From Monsters (Based on Character Level)
Faith (OhmJahLemEld) on a longbow (best bow)
Treachery (ShaelThulLem) on magic plate armor
Stone (ShaelUmPulLum) on a twilight veil

+250-290% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+300 Defense Vs. Missile
+16 To Strength
+16 To Vitality
+10 To Energy
All Resistances +15
Level 16 Molten Boulder (80 Charges)
Level 16 Clay Golem (16 Charges)
Act 2 Mercenaries: Desert Warriors
Mercenaries from Act 2 are offered for sale by Greiz in the northeast of Lut Golem after the liberation of Radament in the sewers. They are melee fighters with spears and pole weapons. They also use throwing spears, but also only in melee combat. Because of their strong auras that affect the entire group, they are among the most popular mercenaries in Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Type: Melee
Weapons: spears, javelins, polearms
Strength per level: +1.5
Skill per level: +1.5
Defense per level: +9.5
Resistances per level: +1.5
Life per level: +10
With the main attack, they quickly attack an opponent with their weapon several times. Each time this skill increases, the mercenary's attack value, and damage increase. With mercenary level 98, the attack at level 30 increases the attack value by +271 and the damage by +72.
It's a little more complicated with the auras. There are a total of 6 different auras, which are identical to the auras from the paladin. They don't stack with the auras from the paladin, however. So if the paladin and mercenary have the same aura active, it is like only one aura is active. Three of them are mastered by mercenaries from the difficulty levels Normal and Hell, three more are only available from mercenaries from the difficulty level nightmare. We have already mentioned that mercenaries from the normal level of difficulty have better values at higher levels than mercenaries, which we only get in higher levels of difficulty. This applies not only to the values but also to the auras. These have a level limit, which looks like this.
So whoever buys a mercenary in the simplest difficulty level and levels it, has stronger auras in the end, since the limit is higher than from mercenaries who were bought in Nightmare or Hell.
Mercenaries only activate their auras when they attack. In addition, the chance of activation is reduced by 2.5% with each level, which is a little annoying at higher levels. So let him take a little action himself before you really get started.
Which mercenary from ACT 2 is best? Since the power aura goes up to level 30 and thus the damage to the character is significantly increased, mercenaries with this aura are among the most popular. Depending on the build and style of play, other auras are also helpful. Especially beginners and players who play a class with weak armor like the sorceress get a mercenary with a defensive aura first.
Best Equipment for ACT 2 Mercenaries
What weapons and armor are best for Act II mercenaries? Fast weapons with the following affixes are best:
Life Stolen (important)
Chance for Crushing Blow
Chance of open wounds
Chance of weaknesses
Chance of aging
Increased damage
+ Life
+ Resistances
Faster Hit Recovery
Slow down opponents
Popular equipment
Unique items
Harlequin Crest: Helmet with +2 to all skills
Elite Vampir Blick: Helmet with life penalty and reduced damage
Crown of Thieves: Helmet with deduction for life and high armor value
Crown of Ages: Helmet with high armor and +1 to all skills
Andariel's Visage (best helmet)
Shaftstopper: Armor with a high armor value and reduced damage
ElSolDolLo on a holy armor or armor with 850+ defense (best armor)
RalTirTalSol on a giant thresher (best weapon)
AmnTir on a fork / spear
HelOhmUmLoCham: Holy Frost Aura
SurChamAmnLo, Holy Fire Aura
RalOhmSurEth, Thorns Aura
ShaelThulLem on magician plate armor
ShaelUmPulLum on a twilight veil
Act 3 Mercenaries: The Iron Wolves of Kurast
After completing the quest "Blade of the Old Religion", Asheara offers us new mercenaries for sale in the third act. They are magicians who deal either lightning, cold or fire damage. Although they are equipped with sword and shield, they fight mostly in long-range combat.
Type: Ranged Fighter
Weapons: swords, shields
Strength per level: +1.5
Skill per level: +1.5
Defense per level: +4.5
Resistances per level: +1.5
Life per level: +6
Skill levels at character level 98
Lightning Mercenary: Combo Lighting - Level 12, Lightning Strike - Level 28
Cold Mercenary: Glacier Needle - Level 9, Ice Bump - Level 20, Frost Armor - Level 16
Fire Mercenary: Inferno - Level 20, Fireball - Level 18
Which mercenary from the ACT 3 is best? Most players with a melee character opt for the Cold Mercenary because it completely freezes its opponents with the Glacial Spike ability. Players who play a cold sorc like to choose one of the other two mercenaries instead so that they have a second element against cold-immune opponents.
Best Equipment For ACT 3 Mercenaries
What is the best equipment for mercenaries from the ACT 3? Although they carry shields, they cannot block attacks. The block value can therefore be ignored. Since these ranged mercenaries rarely use the sword, swords with spell characteristics are preferable. Many players also take the chance and give the mercenary a sword with a high "Magic Find" value.
Weapons with the following affixes are best:
Faster cast rate
+ X skills
+ X to combo lightning, lightning, or lightning skills (lightning mercenary)
+ X to glacier needle, ice shock, frost armor or cold skills (cold mercenary)
+ X to Inferno, Fireball or Fire Skills (Fire Mercenaries)
- Opponent's lightning resistance (lightning mercenary)
- Opponent's cold resistance (cold mercenary)
- enemy fire resistance (fire mercenary)
+ Resistances
Unique items
Rockstopper: helmet with resistances, reduced damage and high armament value (best helmet)
Harlequin Crest: Helmet with +2 to all skills
Nightwing's Veil: Helmet with +2 to all skills and cold bonuses
Nightwing's Veil

Required Level: 67
Required Strength: 96
Durability: 40
+90-120% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+2 To All Skills
+8-15% To Cold Skill Damage (varies)
+10-20 To Dexterity (varies)
+5-9 Cold Absorb (varies)
Half Freeze Duration
Requirements -50%
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Griffon's Eye: Helmet with a fast cast rate, +1 to all skills and lightning bonuses
Crown of Thieves: Helmet with a high armor value
Crown of Ages: Helmet with high armor and +1 to all skills
Skin of the Vipermagi: Armor with high armor value, resistances & fast cast rate (best armor)
Skin of the Vipermagi

Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 43
Durability: 24
+120% Enhanced Defense
+1 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
Magic Damage Reduced By 9-13 (varies)
All Resistances +20-35 (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Shaftstopper: Armor with a high armor value and reduced damage
Ormus' Robes: armor, ideal with +3 on glacier needle or fireball
Ormus' Robes

Required Level: 75
Required Strength: 77
Durability: 20
+10-20 Defense (varies)
+20% Faster Cast Rate
+10-15% To Cold Skill Damage (varies)
+10-15% To Fire Skill Damage (varies)
+10-15% To Lightning Skill Damage (varies)
+3 bonus to a random Sorceress skill (Sorceress Only)*
Regenerate Mana 10-15% (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Blue Wrath: Sword with a refuge aura
Witches fire sword with +3 to fire skills (fire mercenary)
Stormshield with high block value and high armament value (best shield)
TalThulOrtAmn on sword or shield (+2 skills, + cold damage, + lightning damage)
AmnLemKo on a crystal sword (best weapon)
Crystal Sword
1H damage: 5-15
Base speed: [0]
Class speed: Ama, Asn, B, D, P, N - Fast
S - Normal
Adds range: 1
Durability: 20
Req Strength: 43
Quality level: 11
Treasure class: 12
Max sockets: 6
ShaelUmPulLum on a twilight veil
ElSolDolLo on a sacred armor or armor with 850+ defense
Runic words with elemental deduction
ShaelUmTir (-35% to opponent's lightning resistance)
SurChamAmnLo (-20% to enemy fire resistance)
VexVexLoJah (-28% to enemy fire resistance)
LemKoElEld (-24% to opponent's cold resistance)
Act 5 Mercenaries: Harrogath's Barbarians
Qual-Kehk offers us new barbarians as mercenaries after the "rescue on Harrogath". They are good tanks with a 2-hand sword. They have the highest strength value of all mercenaries and can therefore wear armor with a high defense value very early on. Therefore, especially ranged combat classes use these mercenaries as a tank. These barbarians have an additional bonus of 70% resistance to poison.
Type: Melee
Weapons: 1-hand & 2-hand swords
Strength per level: +2
Skill per level: +1.5
Defense per level: +7.5
Resistances per level: +1.5
Life per level: +12
Barbarian Skills:
Slash: A powerful blow that increases the damage inflicted on enemies and throws them back.
Paralyze: Temporarily paralyzes your target and increases your defense value.
Best Equipment for ACT 5 Mercenaries
What is the best equipment for mercenaries from the ACT 5? These barbarians are the only mercenaries who can also carry class-specific equipment. Bonuses such as "+x skill to blow or paralyze", which can occasionally be found on barbarian helmets, work accordingly. These mercenaries become strong with fast swords, high damage, and a bonus on life deduction. Although you can also carry 1-hand weapons, 2-hand weapons are basically better.
Weapons with the following affixes are best:
Deprivation of life (important)
Chance of a devastating blow
Chance of open wounds
Chance of weaknesses
Chance of aging
Increased damage
+ Life
+ Resistances
Faster recovery from hits
Slow down opponents
Mercenaries from the 5th act can wear the complete Sazabi's Grand Tribute Set. It's not one of the best items for these mercenaries and it's hard to farm. However, if you have it ready, you can definitely use it.
Unique items
Rockstopper: helmet with resistances, reduced damage and high armament value (best helmet)
Harlequin Crest: Helmet with +2 to all skills
Vampire Gaze: Helmet with life penalty and reduced damage
Vampire Gaze

Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 40
+100% Enhanced Defense
Adds 6-22 Cold Damage - 4 Second Duration
15% Slower Stamina Drain
6-8% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Damage Reduced By 15-20% (varies)
Magic Damage Reduced By 10-15 (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Crown of Thieves: Helmet with deduction for life and high armor value
Crown of Ages: Helmet with high armor and +1 to all skills
Shaftstopper: armor with high armor value and reduced damage (best armor)
HelOhmUmLoCham: Holy Frost Aura
SurChamAmnLo, Holy Fire Aura
RalOhmSurEth: Thorns Aura
AmnLemKo on a legend sword (best weapon)
ShaelUmPulLum on a twilight veil
ElSolDolLo on a sacred armor or armor with 850+ defense

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- 2. How To Get Gut Harlequin Crest In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
- 3. Which Builds Are Good To Use Harlequin Crest In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
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- 2. How To Make a Stone Runeword in D2R?
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- 4. D2R Stone Runeword Bases
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- 2. What is Nightwings Veil Good For in D2R?
- 3. Where To Get Nightwings Veil in Diablo 2 Resurrected?
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- 2. What Are the Advantages of Skin of the Vipermagi in Diablo 2 Resurrected?
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