In Diablo 2: Resurrected, trading is a very important part of making the best builds for endgame content. Therefore, in this Diablo 2 Resurrected trading guide for beginners, we'll be covering everything that you need to know about trading an item valuation.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Trading Guide
Gold is not used for trading or setting the price of items in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Runes are used instead. The reason for this is that gold is very easy to find and it's only useful for gambling at merchants which is not that helpful. Runes on the other hand are very hard to come by and are used to create runewords which are some of the most sought-after Diablo 2 Resurrected Items. When creating a reward its modifiers will usually depend on a role and the final price of the item will depend on the role that you get. Players will be after perfectly ruled runewords which are very hard to get and require many crafting attempts. This creates money sync where players use runes for both tradings and for rolling new rune words in an attempt to create a perfectly rolled version of a runeword.
High Runes In Diablo 2 Resurrected
It's important to note that while runes are used as currency, only runes of a certain level like the poll runeword level 45 and above are actually used for trading. This however doesn't mean that the level of the rune determines its price as this is determined by how useful the rune is, as well as supply and demand. Multiple runes of the same type can be combined using the Roderick cube to create a single rune of a higher level. But this cannot be done the other way around meaning that you cannot downgrade runes to an inferior level. Low-level runes will usually require three of the same rune, while higher-level runes will only require two.
For example, you can combine three Lem runes plus a flawed emerald into a Pul rune. Players will usually talk about hr or high runes when setting the price of late gain items high runes are comprised from the east rune up to the Zod rune. But some lower-level runes comprised from Lem up to mall are used for lower trading tiers. The price of runes constantly varies but here is a table that you can use as a rough estimate of the value of each high rune since lst is the first high-level rune, you can convert these values to the rune that you currently have to make a trade.
High Rune Value
Rune - Value
Pul (Lvl 45) - 0.125 lst
Um (Lvl 47) - 0.25 lst
Mal (Lvl 45) - 0.5 lst
Lst (Lvl 51) --
Gul (Lvl 53) - 1.5 lst
Vex (Lvl 45) - 3 lst
Ohm (Lvl 57) - 5-6 lst
Lo (Lvl 59) - 10-12 lst
Sur (Lvl 61) - 12-14 lst
Ber (Lvl 63) - 24-28 lst
Jah (Lvl 65) - 34-38 lst
Cham (Lvl 67) - 4-6 lst
Zod (Lvl 69) - 10 lst
Item Valuation In Diablo 2 Resurrected
While playing Diablo 2 Resurrected, you'll encounter a massive amount of equipment during your runs. As a new player, it might be difficult to determine an item's value and whether it's worth keeping or not, which usually leads to hoarding a lot of items that you never sell. Because you're uncertain of their value. To avoid this, you should consider the item's rarity usefulness, and real value to determine if it's worth keeping or not. Unique items, set items, and runewords have fixed modifiers and they only differ on their roll values. For this reason, they usually have standardized prices that only vary depending on certain roles. There are a couple of different ways to check the current price of one of these items.
The first way is you can check the rune and item values page on the wiki for a rough reference of item prices use the search function to filter by name, type, rarity value, or any other keyword. Secondly, you can ask in the chat for the value of an item make sure to ask more than one person to get a better estimate. Lastly, you can join a trading game and see how much other people are asking for the item that you currently have. It's important to note that only important modifiers are considered to determine if an item is a perfect roll. Remember to always check the important roles of your items before selling them as perfect rolled ones can be worth multiple times their price.
You should first look at the item modifiers and determine whether the item can be useful for every class, a particular class, or a particular build. Another type of item that you might want to keep for trading is runeword basis. Players are constantly searching for bases for their rune words and they usually overpay when they need to craft something.
Valuable Items In Diablo 2 Resurrected
If trading is not your thing, you just want to keep things simple. Then a good alternative is only sticking with the most popular items and getting rid of everything else. There are items that are constantly in demand making them very easy to trade and identify their value. Another good alternative to trading is sticking with basic currency items such as gems, jewels, uber keys, essences, or lower-tier runes.
For currency, the first thing that you can trade is perfect gems. Perfect gems are used in many horadric cubes crafting recipes making them very valuable. You can usually trade 40 perfect gems of any type for an Ist. Rubies, amethysts, and schools are more valuable and you can trade 20 of the same type for Ist. Jewels, magic, and rare are similar to gems. Jewels are used for crafting in a set of 40 jewels that are usually worth an Ist.
The following runes are usually used for crafting and a stack of 20 of the same type can usually be traded for an Lst: Ral, Sol, Amn, Nef, and Tal.
Uber keys are constantly in demand and can be sold either individually or as a set. In order to create a set, you'll need three of each key for a total of 9 keys. Essences can be used to create the token of absolution to respect your character and are traded at the following rates usually.
Ladder Trading & Making Profits In Diablo 2 Resurrected
Playing the ladder item prices will highly depend on the current time of the season. Knowing how this works can make you a lot of profit as long as you know what you're doing. At the start of each ladder, players will mostly focus on getting basic items to start farming and almost no one is doing PVP. However, during the middle stage of the latter, fewer people are farming and more people are focusing on PVP. For this reason, things like Shako, War Travelers, or Viper Magi might be worth a lot during the start of the season and be almost worthless after a couple of weeks. You can take advantage of this and ask for a high-level rune in exchange for those items.
High runes hold little value during the start of the season, so players will be willing to trade them to quickly get their characters going. Once the initial rush is over, those high runes will be much more valuable making you a huge profit in the process.
Another great way of making money in the latter is by farming a specific type of content such as uber keys or tokens of absolution. These items are always in demand so you can stock up on them without having to worry that they'll depreciate in value.
Trade Channels, Mules, And Acronyms In Diablo 2 Resurrected
There are two main ways to trade with other people. One is by talking to them in the chat channel and the second one is to join a game and trade there. Trade channels are filled with players and they'll usually drop items in the trade window for you to check. If there's anything you like, just ask for the price. Since wording space is limited, players often use acronyms in both chat and game names. For example, a player that wants to buy a Stone of Jordan and is currently paying 1 Vex rune will usually write “WTB SOJ 1 VEX”. Another example might be a user that wants to trade 2 Mal runes for 1 Lst rune might create a game called “WTT 2MAL 4 1Lst”.
Another important aspect of Diablo 2 Resurrected communication is chatting commands. These can be executed by writing down slash and then the command that you want to execute.
The most relevant for trading are
/W Accountname Message
/W Charactername
/R Message
/Whois Charactername
/Whois Accountname
/Ignore Player
How to Complete A Trade In Diablo 2 Resurrected
Let's suppose that someone is offering a Stone of Jordan for 1 vex rune and you are interested whisper that player and telling them that you'll create a game called for example soj1. So he can join to complete the trade. Go ahead and create the game making sure that the difficulty setting is normal and that the level difference is not active. This is important as the player might be using a secondary character with a lower level. Wait until the player joins and then click on top of him and wait until he accepts your trade request.
Once he accepts a new window will appear displaying the trade screen on the left and your inventory on the right drag the items that you'll be trading from your inventory to the trading screen in this case of Vex rune and wait for him to do the same in his own trade window. Make sure to mouse over the items that he is offering a Stone of Jordan in this case before completing the trade. If everything is fine, click on the check button on the bottom of the screen and wait for the other player to do the same. If he accepts, the window will close and the items you traded will appear in your inventory.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Trading Tips And Tricks
While perfectly rolled items are great for end-game builds. They are not that important when you're starting off. If you happen to come across a 35 spirit shield, it might be in your best interest to sell it and buy 4 different things. Rather than having a single powerful 1. Additional slots of shared stash were introduced with Diablo 2 Resurrected, but you might still run out of space very quickly. A great option is creating what's generally called a mule. This is a level 1 character that is only used for its inventory space. Just create a new character and take items from the shared stash into their individual stash or inventory for additional space.
If you demand a high price for an item, it may not sell for a long time taking space in your stash and rendering you unable to use that space to keep trading for more items. Try to sell for fair prices and your economy will become more fluid. Don't be afraid to barter with others. Most people will start off with a high price and then go lower make an offer and then wait and see how much the other player is willing to go down to make a deal.
Lastly value your time even more than you value your items. Waiting hours for a perfect trade will only result in frustration and you could probably make even more money by just playing for that same amount of time.

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