Insight is one of the best Act 2 Mercenary Runewords that boosts almost all of the effects in Diablo 2 Resurrected, what runes and bases do you need to make it, and what is the fastest way to get D2R Insight? Even though it’s not very hard to realize but some useful tips can help you craft or farm faster.
How to Make Insight in Diablo 2 Resurrected Fast - Fastest Way to Get D2R Insight
Insight is a Diablo 2 runeword 'RalTirTalSol' for polearms or staves, it is an absolutely great and amazing option to put on that Act 2 mercenaries, sometimes it can be a struggle though finding those runes you need to make the runeword and to find the base in order to make that runeword, because you're going to need a 4 socketed polearm, here are some tips and tricks from Sweet Phil on how to make Insight in Diablo 2 Resurrected fast.

+35% Faster Cast Rate
+200-260% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+9 To Minimum Damage
180-250% Bonus to Attack Rating (varies)
Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
+1-6 To Critical Strike (varies)
+5 To All Attributes
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
What items do you need for farming Insight?
It's most notable for its meditation aura and a large amount of enhanced damage for a runeword that has such low of Diablo 2 Resurrected runes, in order to make this runeword, you just need a Ral, Tir, Tal, and Sol, super low runes for such a powerful runeword and to put these runes into a four socketed Polearm, do not try to make an Insight in a Spear.
How to get these specific runes to make Insight?
The first thing we'll talk about is how to get the runes, there's an incredibly easy way to get all of them, you could actually get the Ral, Tir, Tal from normal Countess, but you can't get a Sol from normal Countess, you could actually run Nightmare Countess and even get the Sol rune, you could get all these runes from running the Hell Countess as well. The runes are kind of the easiest part, sometimes it can be annoying.
How to find a four socketed Polearm?
This is where some of the best tips and tricks come in. Firstly, there is something that comes down to the item level, it's not displayed anywhere on the item, the item level is just a behind-the-scenes level that the game uses and that is going to be determined by the level of the monster that drops it, so all the way through norm monsters aren't high enough level to drop a Polearm that would have four open sockets, that is until you get to Normal Cows, you could find yourself a four-socketed Polearm in Normal Cows, except for Bardiche, the particular item can only get three open sockets, but any other Polearms that you pull from Normal Cows you could take it over to Larzuk and use the socket quest in order to add sockets to it, you will get four open sockets every time because the Larzuk quest gives the maximum sockets that an item can get. This particular trick works specifically for Normal Cows, there are other places in the early Nightmare that that would also work, but it's harder to determine the item level because you don't know exactly what level the monster is that dropped it, but you do know normal cows, it will work every time, it is also definitely possible for anywhere later on the game, either in Nightmare or in Hell to find a four socketed polearm.
To find a full four socketed polearm in later games, you can do Nightmare or Hell Cows, any of the Baal runs or Chaos Sanctuary runs or Eldritch isn't a bad option as well, if you don't want to use your Larzuk quest, you can actually do a cube recipe to attempt to get four open sockets in a polearm. How does the cube recipe work? It will pick randomly between one socket and six sockets, so if it picks six sockets but the item that you're cubing can only get a maximum of four, you will have a 50% chance to get four sockets, a 1/6 chance to get one socket, two sockets, and three sockets. It works that way because if you do that cube recipe and you roll a six, it will automatically divert down to the maximum number of sockets that that item can get, now that obviously could be a risk, if it's a four open socket maximum on that item, you could get the one, two or three.
There is an elite base later in the game, the Colossus Voulge that if you take it over to the Larzuk and use that quest to add sockets, you will get four open sockets every single time. The one thing to look out for is this base requires a ton of strength for your mercenary, your mercenary probably needs to be around level 85 in order to even use it, it also isn't the fastest attacking base, so it is more of a base just to get that first Insight as fast as you can.

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