Stone of Jordan

+1 To All Skills
Increase Maximum Mana 25%*
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+20 To Mana
(Spawns In Any Patch)
What are the best builds for the Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 1 starter? Based on the skill changes, maybe you just need to make some minor adjustments on your current D2R builds. Here we are going to take a look at a Diablo 2 Ladder FOH Holy Bolt Paladin build, with details covering skills, weapons, Diablo 2 ladder runewords, gears, and more.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.4 Build - D2R Ladder FOH Holy Bolt Paladin Build
Ahead of the official release of D2R Patch 2.4, MacroBioBoi has posted some new builds for each class in Diablo 2 Ladder season, here we focus on the Paladin build for starting the Ladder. This is D2R Paladin build that already currently exists and can already do things to a certain degree, but with the changes that they're bringing to the game, it's just going to be so much more viable and do better than it used to be. You can try out this build when patch 2.4 (Ladder season 1) comes through.
Skill Points
Combat skills: 67 points
Offensive auras: 36 points
Defensive auras: 7 points
- Max out Holy Bolt, Blessed Hammer, Fist of The Heavens, as well as Holy Shock for Synergy.
- Get up to -150 max resistance reduction with Conviction aura. Everything else is one point.
- Pick up Vigor, Salvation or you're gonna have Fanaticism for your Mercenary.
- One point into Holy Shield and put your dump points into Resist Fire.
Weapons and Gears
Griffon’s Eye and Enigma on both builds, a 220 amulet on both builds, but if you want to swap out your Enigma for something else, you can obviously put teleport charges onto the amulet. Herald of Zakarum here, you're either going to be using an Um when you're on Fist of The Heavens or in Ist when you are on Holy Bolt since you can run Salvation aura for free on Holy Bolt or traps from magic find. Two The Stone of Jordan with an Arachnid Mesh as well as Magefist, everything down here is your combat skills as well as life all res and magic find.
Hand of Blessed Light
Griffon’s Eye
Order Eye
Herald of Zakarum
War Traveler
The Stone of Jordan
Stone of Jordan

+1 To All Skills
Increase Maximum Mana 25%*
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+20 To Mana
(Spawns In Any Patch)
Arachnid Mesh
Arachnid Mesh
Defense: 119-138 (varies)(Base Defense: 55-62)
Required Level: 80Required Strength: 50
Durability: 12
16 Boxes
+90-120% Enhanced Defense (varies)
Slows Target By 10%
+1 To All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Increases Maximum Mana 5%
Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Your torch mercenary is going to be using an Insight on the Fist of The Heavens because you are running max level Conviction, you don't need Infinity on your build as well as Fortitude and Andariel’s Visage, or if you go over to the Holy Bolt version of this is kind of spicy your mercenary is actually going to be using a Tomb Reaver and we'll get a little bit more into it. But what you need to know about Tomb Reaver is that it has massive physical damage, has three sockets, additional damage and attack rating against undead as well as huge magic find.
Conclusion & Recommendations
The Fist of The Heavens build is basically the exact same thing except we're running D2R runes everywhere and then the same charm setup, this build gets to do something that other builds don't do, the biggest change here is that Holy Bolt is going to pierce now. So if you've played PD2 before, that Holy Bolt piercing is what really made that build shine except that in PD2, it deals damage to every target, here it's still only dealing damage to undead, but with the addition of more level 85 areas that we haven't seen yet as well as some under farmed areas already in the game, having an 18,000 damage piercing magic attack that will absolutely obliterate undead makes the paladin one of the best farmers.
Two-thirds of all targets in the Chaos Sanctuary are undead and then everything else that you would need to kill, you can elite snipe with Fist of Heavens since you're running max conviction. Nothing in Chaos Sanctuary is going to be immune to your lightning, so all you need to do is kill Infector of Souls and then after that, you're going to be able to single target burst down diablo as well as have incredibly strong mercenary to deal damage against him.
On this build, that's without seeing any of the changes that are coming to the build with the new patch, FOH Paladin is a bit janky now and it's only going to get better. But the kit gets to run one of the most powerful Diablo 2 items that say plus to skills in the game across the board and also able to stack a lot of magic find, especially on the Holy Bolt version, if you are somebody who is bored with just running Blessed Hammer or just running a Zealot or Smiter, FOH is really going to be something that you can try out and especially in the earlier game. Even without something like Griffon’s, you can just run the pure Holy Bolt package and then farm those under those underrepresented like mostly undead areas and just reap the rewards of being able to cruise through there with massive damage on your kit.

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