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Diablo 2 Resurrected Mercenary Guide: All Mercenaries in D2R and What is the Best Mercenary
12/31/2021 4:31:10 PM

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, there are mercenaries that appear in several acts, each mercenary can be effective if you equip them with the right D2R items. Sometimes players use mercenaries to kill monsters. Then what are the different mercenaries in Diablo 2 Resurrected and what is the best mercenary to use?

d2r mercenary

What is Mercenary in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Mercenaries, also known as mercs or hirelings, are NPCs that can be hired to fight with players. There are totally four types of mercenaries in Diablo 2 Resurrected, including Rogues, Town Guards, Iron Wolves, and Barbarians. Mercenaries can be equipped with D2R weapons and runewords, and get the benefits from them. 

How many mercenaries can you have in D2R? Players can only use one mercenary at a time. 

All Diablo 2 Resurrected Mercenaries and What is the Best Mercenary in D2R 

Act I Mercenary: Kashya

Kashya is the mercenary leader in the first act, a member of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. In Act I Normal, she will assign you a task - Blood Raven Quest, once completed, you can get a Rogue Scout of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, if you don’t want to use it, you can change to other mercenaries from Kashya, such as Aliza and Blaise. Rogue mercs can cast Amazon skill Inner Sight. 

Each level increases:

+ 8 life

+ 1 strength

+ 2 dexterity

+ 6.5 defense

+ 2 resistance

Act II Mercenary: Greiz

Greiz is the NPC of Act II of Diablo 2. He is the leader of the mercenary in the Desert Warriors. He and his mercenaries are Town Guards. What is the best mercenary in D2R? Act II mercs are the most popular hires in the game because they come with six Paladin auras, including Prayer, Thorns, Defiance, Holy Freeze, Blessed Aim and Might, three types for each difficulty level. And Desert Mercenary usually is considered the best option for most builds. And Holy Freeze is the most popular of all Act 2 mercenary auras for the majority of Diablo 2 builds.

Each level increases:

+ 10 life

+ 1.5 strength

+ 1.5 dexterity

+ 9.5 defense

+ 2 resistance

Act III Mercenary: Asheara

Asheara is the leader of mercenaries called Iron Wolves. She is strong and friendly. She often rushes ahead in battle. She has a strange magical contact with her mercenary. The Iron Wolves swore that none of their fend people would be hurt. They have three kinds of magic attacks, namely: cold, fire, and lightning. The cold skill of the Iron Wolves can freeze the enemy. And they often won't fight close unless the enemy soldiers have come to the front. Compared with barbarians, the Iron Wolves have much less attack and defense, and can only play auxiliary.

Each level increases:

+ 6 life

+ 1.5 strength

+ 1.5 dexterity

+ 4.5 defense

+ 2 resistance

Act IV Mercenary: None

There are no mercenaries in Act Four, but Tyrael will resurrect fallen Mercenaries retained from other acts.

Act V Mercenary: Qual-Keck

The captain of Barbarians mercenaries in Act V.If the task is completed, he will give you a barbarian who has been salvation before. In addition, you will be given three runes: Ral, Ort, and Tal. When players put correct Diablo 2 resurrected runes into a three socket shield in order, it will become a D2R runeword: Ancient's Pledge. Barbarians have high defense, have barbarian skills, and are commonly used by end game players, suitable for melee players. You need to find some good equipment for them. Act 5 mercenaries are often the second option after Act 2, especially when with great runewords.

Each level increases:

+ 12 life

+ 2 strength

+ 1.5 dexterity

+ 7.5 defense

+ 1.5 resistance

Mercenary has good skills in the later stage. The key to getting most of these characters lies in the equipment given by the player. Barbarians have high attack power. They are good at hand-to-hand combat with enemy soldiers. At the same time, they are also the easiest to die. If the player can give him a set of the best equipment, he can be a pioneer, then you just need to replenish his life in time.

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