The Diablo 2: Resurrected PTR beta is coming, Diablo 2 Patch 2.4 release date is January 25, for the first time in the RPG's public beta. Today's main analysis of Diablo 2 patch 2.4 content starts with the characters and focuses on three characters: Amazon, Assassin, and Barbarian.
Diablo 2: Resurrected PTR Patch 2.4 Update - Major Class Changes (Amazon, Assassin & Barbarian)
First, jump into the Amazon, now they made a couple of interesting changes here with impale and fend, so when pale has an interruptable attack ar has been removed, it's kind of like smite and the skill now slows target, so could be pretty interesting to mess around with ubers.
Fend is basically like the two-handed spear version of zeal for an amazon well kind of If there's only a single monster there, it doesn't strike multiple times, it just strikes that one monster, but if there's like five monsters around you, it will strike all five, so it'll be interesting to test out, but 100 increases tax babe that's pretty crazy.
So moving on to the lightning skill tree or the lightning Javascon skills, they've basically removed one damage synergy, then added additional damage buffs from the other skills to compensate. So freeing up kind of like dual hybrid spec builds that's interesting for plague javelin.
They have changed the poison duration, it's now fixed to three seconds, and they buffed up the damage, so using poison javazon with potentially, an act 5 mercenary rocking lower-res might be okay.
It'll be pretty interesting now for passive and magic gonna skip most of this stuff, they've buffed inner sight slow missiles, they'll never use those skills valkyrie, they've adjusted cooldown time that's okay the changes to dodge and void will be interesting.
The Bowen crossbow skill tree has received some of the biggest buffs so freezing arrow, they've reduced the mana cost per level from 0.5 to 0.25, this has always been a man intensive character, but it is an improvement, there were ways around. It's like extra points into mana silk weaves potentially turrunes etc but that is a good change magic arrow of the increased amount of physical damage converted to magic maybe that will be okay.
Maybe it'll replace guided arrow, guided arrows received a buff strafe is pretty whose it removed the 25 damage reduction from the skill, so for those that don't know strafe takes you, as your regular damage brings it down to 75 percent then starts adding a scaling damage buff from additional skills.
So an increased attack rating and then having buff on this, it might make strafe comparable to multi-shot, especially with the new bows like mist having that freezes target from Cameroon could be pretty crazy.
The fire exploding arrow damage buffed or the chance for fireballs going to have a chance at the same time, a little bit disappointed from immolation arrow not having its cooldown removed, so moving on to the assassin skill tree starting off with martial arts, they've essentially increased the baseline attack rating for all the skills, and then increase the percent attack rating bonus per level.
They have changed the way that charges can be spent, so before for example phoenix strike if you built up three charges, and you release the third charge, it would take you down to nothing, you can now release three two, and then one like do the charges individual stages this is a build.
Maybe this is probably gonna be the last build. There was an interesting change here with Dragonflight, so the casting delay has been removed, you can kind of teleport unlimitedly with an assassin, but you're doing it from monster to monster, so as long as you're a monster, you can just teleport around that's kind of cool.
The martial arts tree, shadow, and discipline, there are a couple of interesting changes here, so they reduced some of the casting delays for shadow warrior and shadow master venom.
They changed the buff duration, it's 0.4 seconds. The full purpose of venom was an insane amount of damage over a super short time frame and that's what made it very good.
If you know why the trap skill tree is interesting, they've removed some of the synergies in the lighting tree, and then again increase the damage elsewhere for a kind of more hybrid setup similar to the javazon.
For the barbarian, some cool kind of quality of life stuff that's been changed, for example, battle command at one hardpoint, it now has a 30-second duration as opposed to the five before, so that's just to match up with battle orders, and they did the same with a shout, they have buffed up the damage for a war cry.
So that it scaled a little bit the radius per level, people would use it more frequently, singer barbs are kind of like low players difficulty farming builds. This will ever have that good damage, so better use of experimenting would have been just to buff the radius.
People are going to use this quite a bit because it's when you turn a corpse into a grim ward it slows down monsters and increases the amount of damage that they take or reduces their physical damage reduction.
This is gonna be a skill, people will use a lot as a barbarian, so moving on to the combat mastery skill tree, they just added a percent chance to pierce on throwing weapons to try and buff up the throw barb with double throw again.
It could pair interestingly with the rude word wisdom, maybe in a double-throw throwing mastery helmet that you roll wisdom in for a chance to pierce maybe pair with razor tail, you get 100 pierce again just kind of speculating the changes to leap and leap attack are they're interesting so increasing the damage energies and the speed of leap again.
To test it around, but looks good on paper switched around the synergies for berserk, so shout synergy has been replaced with battle orders, because it's kind of wasted skill points, berserk brings your defense down to zero, so pumping points to the bellows instead of shout, if you want to go to berserk barb makes more sense, because you're not getting that big damage buff because you put 20 points into a shout, get a really high defense hit with berserk, it's down to zero, so that was a good change there, they've increased the damage throw baseline for double throw will it make it really good.
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