With so many enemies, quests and challenges to take, players are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season. Before getting into the new season, we should first know which class is best to start with. Is the Assassin the best starter class for the Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder reset? Let's figure it out now.
Is Assassin The Best Starter Class For D2R Ladder Reset
Here we list all the benefits & advantages of Assassins at the start of D2R Ladder reset shared by MrLlamaSC.
1. Early + Late Damage
The Assassin's damage is one of the best things about her, not only is it going to be simple damage, just traps with big aoe getting to even fire blast starting out is nice, you can get really quick with that, but wake of fire once you at level 12 is just absolutely dominant. She just runs around, murders everything for the next 30 levels and is super strong. You don't need much gear for it, you can get yourself a leaf staff stuff like that if you would like, but it's just very easy and very solid damage. Additionally, once you move into lightning sentry and death century, her damage just gets even better and you can really start killing a lot of stuff. Again, you're also getting the benefits of multiple damage types because you have lightning century, doing that lightning, wake of fire doing the fire, so that's kind of early and shifting but then death sentry has the corpse explosion which is a mixture of fire and physical damage. So having all of these different types of damage is super helpful and you can just absolutely murder stuff. Having the multiple damage types is very helpful for getting through hell for a lot of people if they're just like a single damage type when they get to hell, they really struggle, so being able to put up lightning damage and fire physical damage at the same time really benefits them.
2. Good Crowd Control
She has really good crowd control, so her damage is really nice. On top of that, you can run cloak of shadows, and nothing can see you, those archers aren't hitting you anymore, it's super nice. So just having a little bit of that flexibility is just so beneficial and even though those mobs were lightning immune with just a couple death sentry traps added in and those mob types were able to kill everything. So good crowd control, massive for this character, you can always just keep everything where you need it and then put the damage in and deal right there.
3. Survival
The Assassin is extremely survivable, this goes with good crowd control. But on top of it, you have things like fade which is super big resistances even burst of speed giving you this added movement speed is really beneficial to this character, because now you can run around and just so much easier, she has really good frames as well, so it's easy for her to get out of stuff when mobs are hitting her and just move forward right. So if you see mobs are chasing you, you can run away from them and then be fine. Additionally, having a shadow master or warrior gives you even more survivability makes it even easier for this character. And vitality for the Assassin is +3 life per point which three characters are +2, three characters +3 and the Barbarian is +4. So having that +3 life per vitality point is always really beneficial for the Assassin and really makes her extremely survivable and just such a tough character especially for hardcore. This makes her one of the best characters to run through a hardcore with if you're playing, being able to pop fade if you don't have enough resistances, being able to have that extra life is just going to be so helpful for your character.
4. Martial Arts + Kicks + Blade
With 2.4, we're getting martial arts plus we have kicks plus we have blades, plus we have traps, there's so many different builds that we can use right here. We don't know the exact power of like blades exactly and martial arts plus kicks mean we have the elemental type and the physical type, but we don't exactly know if blades are going to be like super great or not. We know traps are already really good, but martial arts, both elemental and physical whether you're using dragon claw or dragon tail or dragon talon finishers with phoenix strike or you're using tiger strike, there's a large variety of builds now for this class and all of them seem really fun and they can actually do a decent amount of damage. So just the amount of variety for the assassin especially if you're somebody who's played a lot of Diablo 2 and you're looking for something new, the Assassin is going to bring in some new build types, new things that haven't really been used much in the past, haven't been strong enough in the past and that makes it a really fun candidate for a ladder start. Because maybe you're not trying to race through as perfectly as possible and as fast as possible, but you want to play something new and you want to play something fun, you get a lot of variety right there.
5. Trap Bug Fixed
Another reason why she might be the best starting character for the D2R Ladder reset is the trap bug got fixed in D2R. What this meant was if you went into an area in Diablo 2 and you laid down traps, these traps actually were counting towards the minion count in Diablo 2. So then the area itself would have less or not meaning the unique boss count, so in the area itself would have left less bosses, which made it worse for magic finding which just made it kind of a nightmare, it was always an issue with the traps in, she just would encounter less unique bosses because she had the traps and thus people did not really run traps in for any of that magic finding stuff. But now you can go into the pit, you can go into these areas and you're not going to have fewer bosses, you're going to have the same number of bosses because they did fix this bug and that's really big. It boosts her up, makes it so she can now have that added benefit.
6. Key Farming
Key farming can be super nice and this is a great character to do it. The lightning damage can kill the countess and kill all the mobs right there, you can go and kill the summoner and all the mobsters there and then you can also go and do nilthak with the corpse explosion that can be helpful to prevent his corpse explosions from killing you. You explode all of them instead she is a fantastic key farmer especially super early on when a lot of characters are weak, people don't have enigmas and all of that stuff, maybe don't have the damage type and it is just very strong.

+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+750-775 Defense (varies)
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)
So, is Assassin the best D2R Ladder start class? The answer is:
She's the fastest and safest character to complete hell baal quest. Just an insane amount of life when you use weapon block, res from fade and the hidden dr bonus. Light sentry, death sentry, a summon, firebombs for immunes, cloak & mindblast for safety. She is one of the best ladder starting characters and maybe even better than a Sorceress or a Paladin, it depends what you're looking to do with the character. But for early builds, good survival, hardcore, you can definitely argue she's one of the best characters, if not, the best starting class for Diablo 2 Resurrected.

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