In this D2R 2.4 new build guide, we are going to be breaking down a new spin-off of the dragon - the Holy Firedin that has become the most overpowered build in Diablo 2 Resurrected patch 2.4 PTR! We present the attributes, skill points, Firedin gear, mer gear and explain how to play Holy Firedin build in D2R.
Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Holy Firedin Build Guide - New Spin On The Zealot
This is a build that in theory you could build out in lod, you just would not have the damage, although fortunately, they have significantly buffed up the damage of holy fire, the cool thing about this build is it does use some different gear from your standard like Tesladin, Dragondin setup and it does have better physical damage and also has teleport better mobility than the Dragondin does, it does a lot better in areas like the chaos sanctuary where there's a lot of fire mutants.
Attributes For Holy Firedin Build 2.4
- Strength: 427
- Dexterity: 175
- Vitality: 200
- Energy: 55
Go with a heavy strength investment build, so have 427 points into strength, just imagine hard hitting grief, teleport mobility and all the additional damage get from having such a high strength investment build and then supplement that with about almost 6K fire damage per zeal strike. So it's kind of like similar to a fire claw wherebear setup, so arguably it could be like a better version of the fireclaw wherebear. For dexterity, have 175 points, that's enough to get 75 block rate with holy shield with the particular shield that you are using and then have 200 points in vitality. So you have just about two and a half thousand life after battle orders, so again try and take that approach of like solid physical damage, the ability to teleport and then at the same time having really hard-hitting fire damage, that's the whole idea of this build instead of the crazy charge through over reacted players one Dragondin setup.
Skill Points For Holy Firedin Build 2.4
Combat Skill Tree
- Holy Shield: 1 hardpoint
- Sacrifice: 20 hardpoints
- Zeal: 17 hardpoints
Once you get to level 96, you could completely max heal but again trying to split that idea of having a lot of hard-hitting physical damage, have an additional 366% damage from Zeal, 5 hits, good physical damage, really good fire damage, good attack rating by +250%, a little bit of aoe, this is a very cool build.
Offensive Auras
- Might: 1
- Holy Fire: 20
This shows 3781 – 4573 fire damage is added to attack, but we do have some additional fire damage from gear so that combined with the physical damage and the thousand pulse damage, it's a good split of physical and fire.
Defensive Auras
- Resist Fire: 20 points
- Salvation: 20 points
These two skills on the defensive skill tree are damage synergies to holy fire, so they just boost the overall damage.
Holy Firedin Gears
- Runewords: Grief, Call to Arms
- Helm: Crown of Ages
- Shield: Dragonscale Zakrum
- Body Armor: Engima
- Amulet: Highlord’s Wrath
- Ring: Shadow Spiral, Raven Frost
- Laying of Hands Bramble Mitts
- Boots: War Traveler
- Captain’s Grand Charm of Vita
- Small & Large Charms: Annihilus, Hellfire Torch
90% of the builds in Diablo 2 are E-tier with really good gear, so there's only a few handful of builds that are kind of like A and S tier like your Blizzard Sorceress you're hammered in your jabs on, the unfortunate thing about the game is that you need insane gear to try and bring those B-tier builds up, but this build definitely would be horrible if it didn't receive the damage buffs that did PTR.
Merc Gear For Firedin Build
- Infinity
- Treachery
- Vampire Gaze
That's kind of the idea behind this build is stacking a lot of fire damage. So having tons of fire facets, so monsters have very negative, very low fire resistance with the conviction aura and then adding additional fire damage, plus very hard hitting grief melee attack. This build works very well in areas without fireman.
D2R 2.4 Firedin Build Tips - How To Play Firedin Build 2.4 PTR
Do Icy seller, a new level 85 area, no fire immunes, so it's like a best-case scenario for this build, teleport to the offhand just because we get the extra fcr from spirit and interactive smash to get a semi decent fcr breakpoint, This is why we think this is just such a better version of the dragon is because we have teleport to get around, cast hydras, it does do some damage on players one but it's not really worth your time but it is something that looks cool. You could definitely see like players one, like no issues at all, probably faster than a standard zealot, but that's an area that has no fire moons.
This build reiterates sort of that kind of like you have your top echelon your three or four builds and everything else is just scattered through and it just needs that really good gear to come close, so this is a different variation and a cool build.

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