With huge changes to character skills, there are a dozen new builds have been introduced in Diablo II Resurrected 2.4 patch, some of them may even be the first choice for players to start the Ladder season. In this D2R 2.4 New Build Tier List, let's sort out the Top 10 Best New 2.4 Builds in Daiblo 2 Resurrected you should try to for resetting your character in the 2.4 patch and ladder season 1!
Top 10 - Fist of the Heavens Paladin
They made a lot of really good changes to the Paladin skill as well like reducing the cooldown, making holy bolts pierce, and they did buff the damage a bit. We would just like to see holy bolts damage all types of monsters instead of only the undead because in its current state it's really just like an undead boss axe sniper, or whatever if you just want to only focus on the undead. We were trying this out with great D2R ladder items in the Chaos Sanctuary, you're smoking through the undead but that infector is so slow. So maybe if you want to do like Chaos runs, only focusing on the oblivion knights and the spirits, and just avoiding infector.
Top 9 - Fire Druid
Blizzard did make some really big changes for the Druid build, in particular with the cooldowns that are associated with each skill so prior to this patch. If you were to cast armageddon, you would literally be stuck not being able to cast another skill for seven seconds, so those delays between each other are no longer a thing. It's largely been improved, you can run around spamming Fischer, volcano, and molten boulder with armageddon. But we can't rate it higher because in any area where there's firemen's the physical damage is not enough to really make decent clear speed to get through, so you're kind of stuck focusing on just farming areas that have no fire mobs. So they did make some large improvements, but we think that a tiny damage buff and then removing the cooldown of volcano, and then being able to cycle between all the skills would improve the build largely. Another thing that's kind of annoying with this build is there's an issue with the next hit delay animation.
Top 8 - Strafe Amazon
This is a build that we almost was going to put to eight here. Now we know what you're saying "bowazon still suffers from the same problems like you need insane perfect gear to have really good clear speed" and that is all true. But with strafe, having starting at 100 damage, not starting at negative damage and also with the dodge, evade and avoid skills being improved, this build was a lot of fun. With perfect gear, it was actually mowing down players 8 chaos, just procking amp damage from atma scarab. We do think that for the bowazon, if they just slightly buff the damage of strafe and made multi shots start at 100 damage too instead of 75, and make it so every arrow a multi-shot proc's chance to hit. And we think if you did those two things, bowazon could maybe be ordering on A tier with really good gear, because if you think about that shooting that massive ray of multi-shot, every single one having a chance to program damage, or strafe just doing more damage in general with the chance to proc, and then not having the avoid dodge animations kind of interrupting you. It could be built a lot better and they did change the magic arrow, so it converts more damage to magic so that works really well for physical immunes.
Top 7 - Fire Trap Assassin
This is one that we think they should have gone a little bit further with the damage for the wake of fire. We know that wake of fire has great AOE, but if you just compare it with fire damage whereas you can stack like four or five lightning sentries on top of each other that do one to like 12k or 13k or 14k for that same similar amount of plus skills. And then both builds have death-entry exploding corpses, so we feel like they should have gone a little bit further wake of the fire. Wake of the inferno is a super clunky skill, it's really only good for boss farming in our opinion. Although with that being said fire blast is really good and you do have the shadow discipline support like fade or burst of speed or cloak of shadows or mind blast depending on what you want to use, just kind of help with crowd control. We think that the fire trap is a lot better because there are new 85 areas to magic find with it like stony tombs. But we do think wake of fire needs a pretty decent buff like maybe two and a half 3k fire damage for a level 45 to 50 skill.
Top 6 - Martial Arts Assassin Variants
We have tested the thunderclap version as well as a tiger strike dragon tail setup in the Diablo 2 Resurrected, they did largely improve the mechanics of how martial arts tree works in terms of building up charges and then releasing them in different stages, instead of prior to this patch update. Used to be, if you built up stage three, you release the charge all the stages were gone; now you can go stage three, stage two, stage one. And they did make it so that the finishing moves, they're guaranteed to hit to release a charge, so that is a large improvement.
Top 5 - Fire Claw Druid
They now reduced synergies to two but they buff the overall base damage, so you have a lot of extra skill points that you can put into like all. Now you have a fire claw druid that does tons of fire damage, you can get a lot of extra physical damage, have great crowd control with shockwave and all stun effects. So this is a very solid build that can get great damage can now handle fire immunes. The only issue it struggles from is it doesn't have AOE, but honestly every melee build minus like a kick in with stormlash or a whirlwind barbarian doesn't have aoe, so this is a solid a-tier physical build.
Top 4 - Fend Amazon
A lot of people might think this is a horrible choice but in reality you get a ton of damage, really strong valkyrie and you have good survivability with the avoid dodge and evade animations. This build is relatively cheap considering something like an ethereal, or fortitude. Fend amazon is close to a zealot in our opinion, you don't have the block rate but you do have the dodge avoidant invade and solid damage, now and a massively buffed up increase attack speed, so we think it's a solid choice and actually works really well with budget gear.
Top 3 - Hydra Sorceress
They did reduce the cooldown or remove the cooldown on this Hydra Sorceress, so you can cast up to six heads almost instantly depending on your FCR, and you get some great damage on boss sniping but they did walk back some of the damage synergy buffs that they gave hydra. You would be a little bit bummed on that because if you only like vacuum focus on like really high-end gear farming Mephisto, you want just smoke the bosses but that doesn't translate to PVM because monsters are split up. Hydras are shooting their individual firebolts at monsters, you don't get any AOE from like fireball, so if you actually do like Stony Tomb clear speed with hydra only, and then compare that to fireball, fireball is actually much faster. So we don't think the damage was justified or the damage nerfs was justified, but it is actually a solid choice for budget farming for Mephisto with a low-res one, it's actually quicker than the blizzard.
Top 2 - Nova Sorceress
For a tier setup, they added a damage synergy static field for the sorceress, now adds extra damage to nova but also thunderstorm receives a damage synergy from the static field, so it's almost like the new reworked lighting tree. They meant for you to use a maxed-out thunderstorm with nova and actually does decent damage and it's great supplemental support, it's a very aggressive playstyle as well, so you're kind of hanging back shooting bolts with lightning, you're right up in monsters faces with nova. We don't think it quite matches the clear speed of like dedicated lightning sorceress for Baal runs, but it's definitely a solid build choice now.
Top 1 - Berserk Barbarian
Now this build has been already the number one magic-finding character if you only were focusing on trying to get like Tyrion's Might. Due to the fact like just Pitzer, item finds, teleporting around you could one-shot mobs, focus on chambers, or boss facts, it is the best MF build. They opened up the skill tree, so instead of Powell and shout, providing berserk damage synergies, it's now howl and battle orders. Shout was always a weird skill to add additional damage to berserk because when you swing berserk, your defense goes down to zero, shout boost your damage, it was always like just wasted skill points. But now with the fact that you can pump a bunch of points into battle orders after you have your item finder berserk for extra damage, you benefit from that extra plus life and mana. It always has been a really good build and that change just made it a little bit better, so it's always going to be great for magic finding and there is the possibility for doing some really like high level targeted boss sniping using like storm shield for max block and just having an insane life bowl without worrying about the defense.

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