Are you a fan of paladin/hammerdin in Diablo 2 Resurrected? Thanks to YouTuber Dbrunski125, we have a new variant of the hammer paladin & best chaos sanctuary running build in patch 2.4 D2R. Now let’s check the attributes, skill points, merc gear, chaos run and more hammerdin build tips.
D2R 2.4 Hammer Paladin Build Guide - Best Chaos Sanctuary Running Build In Patch 2.4
The kingpin running cast sanctuary might now be the fist of heaven's paladin or the photon after the most recent changes in this latest iteration of PTR for D2R. Basically, the single change here is that the holy bolts that fan out from the initial fist of heavens hit, now do damage to the undead and demons, so it turns out that all of chaos sanctuary is the undead and demons, so it was a pretty powerful change.
Some people might be upset like Paladin's already top tier, why are you making even better? The Hammer Paladin offers a different play style, it's not as dependent on teleporting works well or arguably better as a budget character. But it is still somewhat restrictive to where you can farm because try running this area in the cows, you'll actually laugh at how horrible the clear speed is, that's because those types of monsters are deemed as animals. So there's undead animals and demons, you do nothing to them in terms of your holy ball damage. So it's sort of a niche focused variant build that's really excelsible in the chaos sanctuary.
Attributes For D2R 2.4 Hammer Paladin Build
Strength: 186
Dexterity: 152
Vitality: 474
Energy: 62
Max block, max vitality, enough strength to equip gear.
Skill Points For Hammerdin Build 2.4
- Combat Skills: Completely maxed out to Fist of the Heavens and its synergies, Holy Bolt. Put 20 points to Holy Shield.
- Offensive Auras: Put enough points in a conviction to get negative 145 lightning resistance and then another additional skill with battle orders and battle command.
- Defensive Auras: Put the remaining points into defiance to boost the damage of holy shield.
Fohdin Gear
- Hand of Blessed Light: A Paladin scepter that gives you +4 to Fist of the Heavens, +6 to Holy Bold and you can socket it with a lighting facet. We do want to point out that anything higher than 75 fcr is overkill because of the cooldown on fist to heavens, all that it gives you is a little bit better chance or a little bit faster of a teleport, but it's not going to help you and how fast you can strike down monsters.
- Spirit: This is a slightly tweaked hear edited piece of gear, it shouldn't have the block rate and increased block chance but for the most part, it's just a two thirty five f-series spirit for extra mana.
- Harlequin Crest Shako
- Mara’s Kaleidoscope
- Enigma

+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+750-775 Defense (varies)
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)
- Arachnid Mesh
Arachnid Mesh
Defense: 119-138 (varies)(Base Defense: 55-62)
Required Level: 80Required Strength: 50
Durability: 12
16 Boxes
+90-120% Enhanced Defense (varies)
Slows Target By 10%
+1 To All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Increases Maximum Mana 5%
Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
- The Stone of Jordan
Stone of Jordan

+1 To All Skills
Increase Maximum Mana 25%*
Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
+20 To Mana
(Spawns In Any Patch)
- Silkweave
- Magefist
- Call to Arms
- Lion Branded Grand Charm of Vita
- Hellfire Torch
- Annihilus charm
D2R 2.4 Hammerdin Build Merc Gear
A holy freeze setup using insight, fortitude and andariel's visage. You could use anything treachery tells masks as long as you have insight. Holy freeze is for crowd control. So with this setup, 6000 lightning damage and 5400 holy bull damage, so that's kind of catering to that idea of do you want conviction to have a stronger initial lightning strike or do you want focus on redemption and rely solely on holy bold damage. That's kind of a full breakdown of the character 75 fcr, max block, you can use some different unique gear pieces. There is other options like griffins but then you're sacrificing a lot of life and mana for a little bit extra lightning res and then fcr.
Hammer Paladin Chaos Run
Go players 3 and players 8. With not quite crazy setup, you'd probably have 2600-2800 life, but have above 600 mana with insight can be completely fine. You want to focus on striking that first monster and then having holy bolt fan out. Make sure you strike the front target and then let your holy bolts fan out. The coolest thing about this build is you don't have to tele stomp on top of monsters.
Damage to animals: There's three types of monsters animals demons and undead and cows for example are animal type monsters, can't do anything in terms of damage to them. One thing that is kind of funky about this build is there's some weird like targeting when you want to click on seals sometimes, we can just try to strike the front only bolts fan out, it's almost like you want to just focus on big packs like and then stragglers just kind of like leave them behind, like they're not worth your time, like their big cluster, like that is where this skill really shines, just having hollywood pierce. For single target boss damage, if you're using the redemption aura, it's better to use a holy bolt as a single-target strike. But if you are using the conviction aura, it's definitely faster to single target with vista heavens.
For players 8, there probably should have higher drop rates in this PTR. So you get better loot, they may need to look into getting a new keyboard or something quickcast. Players 8 is a little bit slower if you just focus on those big clusters and leave stragglers alone. You can see why Diablo 2 mods with extra monster density, just having those holy bolts fan out, compared to how much it slows down there in a single target like you can see the argument for using redemption is funnel through.
When it comes down to the highest difficulty groups like max damage gear setups, it's like a little bit back from the hammerdin, but it's safer because you don't have to play on top of bosses which is nice, you don't have to telestomp to do damage.

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