In Elden Ring, a friendly giant pot needs help in the different underground areas, be it Stormhill, Liurnia, Caelid and beyond. Here's where to find the Iron Fist Alexander each time, and how to solve his suite of quests that is sure to be reminiscent of the onion knight of other FromSoftware games.
Elden Ring Iron Fist Alexander Questline & Locations
There is no shortage of difficult quests to follow in Elden Ring, and between Blaidd and Dung Eater, we are served in terms of strange characters. Alexander is trying to win the reward in all these categories at once. This reincarnation of Siegmeyer of Catarina needs a helping hand in very varied places, sometimes very difficult to find. It's worth completing this series of quests since the final rewards are excellent. Know that you do not need to validate all the steps of this quest, the first two in particular are optional.
Step 1 - Alexander & Giant Pot Location in Stormhill
The first encounter with Alexander takes place north of Stormhill, following the road that goes east, you will probably hear his distress calls. After talking to him, you have to put a few powerful blows in the back of his body to dislodge him. He then offers an emote as a reward and food.
Step 2 - Alexander Location in Caelid & Starscourge Radahn Boss Fight
The second possible encounter is in the Gael Tunnel, a dungeon west of Caelid, just on the edge with Stormhill. You can spot the entrance on the map even without having discovered the places, since they are represented by a small black door with an orange border. This is a good way to spot mines on the map, regardless of the region.
You can then find Alexander in the Redmane Castle southeast of Caelid, at least if the combat festival takes place. This festival takes place if you have completed the first stage of Alexander's quest, or if you have passed on the information from Sorceress Sellen to Blaidd. If this is your first meeting with Alexander, he will show up. Once the fight against Radahn begins, Alexander can be summoned via his Goldmask on the ground. After your victory, talk to him, he will announce you going to Liurnia afterwards.
Step 3 - Alexander Location in Liurnia
A new region, a new hole to fall into. You can find Alexander in the East, not far from the Divine Tower. But things get complicated here, it is so blocked that you have to grease it to get it out, it's not potty! You also need to make an Oil Pot.
How To Craft Oil Pot?
If you've completely ignored manufacturing, manuals, and ingredients, this can be a bit of a pain as a step. You can buy the recipe for the Oil Pot contained in the Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [17], from Nomadic Merchant in Siofra River for 1000 Elden Ring Runes, the one hidden not far from a group of poisoned flowers. You have to go through the scaffolding to reach it. You will also need a Melted Mushroom as a crafting material that you find some in the same underground area.
Equip your Oil Pot with a quick item, throw it at Alexander, and then attack, as in previous times. Don't forget to talk to him afterward.
Step 4 - Alexander Location in Mt. Gelmir & Kill Fire Gaint Boss
Alexander doesn't need help this time, but reaching it won't be an easy task. He is at the very bottom of the area, using the lava lake as a hot bath. You will have to make the big tour to reach him, then kill the Magma Wyrm who guards the area so that he can talk to him without the risk of dying together. You'll have to walk a little bit in the magma to talk to Alexander and trigger the next step in his quest. He will also give you a helmet in the shape of a pot as a token of friendship.
Step 5 - Alexander Location in Crumbling Farum Azula
It is possible to summon Alexander on the Fire Giant, but it is not necessary to advance his quest. After lighting the fire with or without the help of the Three Fingers, you will find yourself in the Crumbling Farum Azula. One wonders how it has arrived so far. Towards the end of the area, you will see a grace point blocked by a wall of fog to be deactivated via a stone blade key, which you should do. Take the elevator next, then go to the right on the way out, you have to jump on top of the pillars to reach the other side and face a dragon, at least if you did not kill it from a distance a little earlier when exploring another area. Then recharge the area by leaving the game or going to a bridge of grace, Alexander will then be on the platform.
Step 6 - Kill Alexander and Get Rewards
Alexander is a great warrior, and he wants to face a powerful opponent, which is you. Agree to confront him, then kill him. After a few emotional final words, it will end up like your favorite mug: shattered.
Elden Ring Alexander Rewards
By killing the Iron Fist Alexander you will get the below great rewards:
Warrior Jar Shard & Shard of Alexander (2 talismans) - greatly increases weapon skill attacks, making it a great item for characters who bet on it, as some Katana builds for example.
Alexander Innards - We also receive a quest item, the Alexander Innards. It is assumed that they have a use in another quest, but it has not yet been discovered. The datamine reveals a pot npc in jugburg who claims to be Alexander's nephew. He has a line about accepting alaxanders innards, so we know what to do with those now, but I don't think anyone has found this NPC. He's definitely supposed to be in jarburg though as his lines talk about the flowers and planting them. This section will be completed later.

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