Today we are going to be presenting an updated Diablo 2 Resurrected build tier list for the second version of PTR. We rank all of the new patch 2.4 builds, as well as cover 4 new best D2R S tier builds.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Build Tier List For Patch 2.4 – Ranking All Of The New Patch 2.4 Builds
Here are the rankings for 7 builds and an introduction for 6 new builds with this latest patch update. They're not really new builds, they're just been significantly changed. So for example, the Fist of the Heavens Paladin, classify that as a new build because while it is true you could rock it in lod, it was primarily just like a grizz caddy light facet pvp, but it is a new build that is a lot more viable in pvm. Now let’s get into this Diablo2 Resurrected 2.4 build tier list from C to S tier, and check the 4 new best S tier builds PTR version 2!
C Tier Builds:
- Bear Sorceress
- Plague Javelin Amazon
They made some positive changes with the is calculation especially on the fury druid, the werebear is an interesting build like you get tons of damage, like uninterruptable attack, maul, something like f or shifter or some crazy breath of the dying base and thunderball. You have tons of damage, tons of crowd control, stun effect and uninterruptible maul, it's all really good stuff but due to the changing ice calculator, you can now hit faster with slower weapons but really previous fast-hitting weapons like shield grizz caddy or shield phase blades with a lightning facet, those now attack slower. To this ultimately shifts the bear sorceress down from what would be like an A tier build that requires very expensive gear and tons of off swapping, it was an annoying build but it was something that crushed ubers and was fun to play. This whole build relied on having a crazy lightning damage and fire damage from enchant and then hitting as fast as you possibly could when your sorcerer's shifting into bare form. The fact that you now hit very slow with these fast hitting weapons is a significant nerf to the bear sorceress.
B Tier Builds:
- Martial Arts Assassin Variants
- Fire Trap Assassin
- Summoning Druid
- Fire Druid
- Normal Holy Fire Paladin
- Maul Werebear
- Dragon Holy Fire Paladin
- Leap Attack Barbarian
- Beast Master Druid
- Fury Druid
- Bone Necromancer
- Fire Bowazon
Beast master druid dubbed a hybrid version of the summoning druid. It performs better than a summoning druid, the reason is the fact that if you sacrifice some plus summoning skills for one hard-hitting weapon maybe a hard-hitting body armor and then a couple of points to either shift into werewolf to then use fury or wherebear to then use maul, you get very good physical dps, but then after that if you focus on having a whole bunch of extra summoning skills you can then summon an entire army that runs with you. So you're like running with the wolves, but it's very powerful because you have tons of dps from your ravens, your spirit wolves, your direwolves and your bear, but then you also have a ton of life from shape shifting as well as substantial physical damage as well. Comparing that to the counterpart just the summoning druid where you're all summons a little bit more dps but then you're losing that extra life and defense and fury damage. So beast master druid fact that you can summon all of your summons now and then invest in one hard-hitting weapon, hard-hitting body armor like fortitude and then a couple shape-shifting points makes this a very good build.
Another new build is the Fire Bowazon, they essentially reduce the cooldown on immolation arrow, so it actually makes it a more effective skill, but due to the way the Bowazon skills work, you can actually have a pretty good fireball but then still invest in some other powerful Bowazon skills like freezing arrows, so you can have crowd control effect, you can just ping back and forth between freezing your own emulation arrow. And one of the biggest issues with the fireball is on preventing it from going to like A tier because with really good gear, 220 jabs on gloves like Bowazon skillers even like new flickering flame helmet hand of justice in a bowl all very expensive stuff, but you can mow down stuff that isn't fire moon, but the main issue is just fire immunities that goes for every single fire build in Diablo 2. But the fact that you can supplement with freezing arrow and reduce the cooldown time, consider the Fire Bowazon a new build and rank it B.
The last new build is the Maul Werebear, so it's an improved build, it's like an unstoppable force and it has good survivability tons of crowd control, tons of damage but it's just slow if you compare it to the reaper wolf, do even like players 1 three or players eight cast sanctuary run to players one three or players eight with the Maul Werebear, it's substantially slower. You won't die but ultimately builds are largely ranked against how fast they can clear areas. Some weapons that previously did not work as good for the Werebear like breath of the dying thunderball, f earthshaker, that kind of thing slower hard-hitting weapons, you now attack faster. So they are improved in that sense.
About some existing changes in tiers, the summoning druid is definitely bumped up from the previous C tier and that's just because you can now summon everything at the same time. It looks cool having a full army and you can do everything in the game, you can even do ubers because you can just keep recasting your summons, it's not like a summon necker where you need to find corpses, so it's all good that way but it's not amazing.
Finally, normal holy fire paladin, due to the fact that they reworked some of the changes with the auras, so you no longer have that scaling or a pulse effect, but when they're in melee range, you're doing double the amount of fire damage. So more fire damage ultimately bumps it up from C to B tier.
A Tier Builds:
- Nova Sorceress
- Hydra Sorceress
- Fend Amazon
- Fire Claw Druid
- Fire Claw Wolf
- Strafe Amazon
- Multi Show Bowazon
- Throw Barbarian
For the changes in tiers essentially for the Strafe Amazon, they added additional damage to energy. 11, 12 cash physical damage with endgame setups with Strafe being able to hit multiple times, it is a huge improvement, it was actually even doing players eight chaos pretty effectively. So it's appropriate to shift the Strafe Amazon up from B to A.
And then the Throw Barbarian, major change here is that thrill mastery now has a chance to replenish quantity and not use quantity when you're throwing. So the main problem with the throwbarb with using like atlas writer and war strike was that you would literally run out of ammo, so you had to like boss snipe, a sanctuary and then wait a little bit to replenish the quantity because it was literally like gold, you're throwing weapon quantity, you can now pretty much run this build and not have to worry about that. So it's a huge quality of life adjustment and damage wasn't the issue. The fact that you can now not worry about weapon quantity definitely bumps up the throw bar from B to A and then covering these new builds.
The Multi Show Bowazon which is supposed to be shot, it's not necessarily a new build like you could rock it before, but the massive changes in the damage trinity is the fact that it receives damage from guided arrow and that multi-shot synergizes guided arrow, this makes her a very powerful combination of using multi-shot for boss groups and then guided arrow for a single target, it's a massive damage buff large improvement.
The final build is the Fire Claw Wolf. It is so much better than the bear due to the changes in the is calculated for fury, how you can use harder hitting weapons and still attack faster, so you can throw on like an f zotted earth shifter and then pump a bunch of points in armageddon and then synergize fireclaw and you can have you can bounce back and forth between using like a 5k get in having 10k fireclaw and then having like a 10 to 15k fury. When you combine everything together, it just makes for super powerful build and that's why it would rank it higher because in previous to this PTR, it was pretty much exclusively fire claw builds would be mostly associated with the Werebear because you could use crazy is weapons and reach very fast break points. But now that you can use harder hitting weapons, get faster break points and then have crazy fire damage and get in wolf.
D2R S Tier Builds:
- Tesladin
- Reaper Wolf
- Charged Strike Spearzon
- Berserk Barbarian
- Fist of the Heavens Paladin
To cover all of the new and changes for the s-tier builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected, the first one is definitely the fist of heaven's paladin. It was a very niche kind of like bordering E or maybe A tier build just because it did fantastic damage to the undead, but it was very slow against demons. The holy bolts now piercing damage demons, so this build has better aoe, it's not as teleport dependent and works better with more budget gear than a hammerdin. It absolutely crushes chaos sanctuary, you can use multiple different aura you sort of open up what's the best merc choice because you're not really relying on conviction because you can either rock conviction yourself or you can rely entirely on the holy bold damage. So you're open to using different mercenary combinations, it's a very cool build to use. Super powerful and ultimately has to be classified as an s-tier build just that simple change of damage to demons versus only damaging the undead like that additional damage just makes it an amazing build.
For the Tesladin, it was already an existing build, they did rework the walk back on the offensive aura changes that now monsters that are within range of your holy shakura when they're right in melee range, you're doing 200% damage instead of 100%, so tested was already a powerful character, the fact that you are doubling the lightning damage in melee range has to bump it up from an A tier to an A tier.
The Reaper Wolf build is essentially a fear druid, but due to the changes in the is calculator, you can now use slower harder hitting weapons and attack faster. So if you use a zotted ethereal reapers tool, there is absolutely nothing better or a fury druid setup.
And the last S tier build in D2R to talk about is the Charged Strike Spearzon. This whole build is not really a new build because you could use charge strike and lightning strike with spears prior to this patch, but they now give you the ability to wield infinity in spears and amazon spears. So matriarchal pike or matriarchal spear, world infinity, you get to take advantage of the extra negative lightning reds.

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