In Diablo 2 Resurrected, there are a lot of Diablo 2 items to choose from in almost every given slot, so in this guide, we're going to help you narrow down that list by talking about the best boots in the game and what you should be looking for if you're hunting down some more solid rare or crafted boots.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Best Boots To Get in D2R 2.4 Ladder Season
Starting out there is a lot of overlap between what boots casters want to wear and what boots marshall characters want to wear due to the desirable stats possible on boots. With only a few exceptions, so instead of breaking them down into caster versus marshall, we'll instead be looking at these in groups of functionality starting out with the life boost.
Top 9 - Immortal King's Pillar (War Boots)
At the bottom of the life boot list, we have Immortal King's Pillar which while good only ends up making this list due to their common use as a two-part synergy with the immortal king gloves, providing 25 increased attack speed as well as putting magic find on the boots themselves. This in addition to the normal boosts on both pieces of equipment makes it competitive with other sets and unique options as well.
Top 8 - Aldur's Advance (Battle Boots)
Aldur's Advance unlike immortal kings generally has to stand on its own due to the lack of a good gear pairing for most non-druid builds, that said it does provide more base life, the same run walk, as well as damage to mana, and a solid boost to fire, resist making them actually fairly good boots in general and super consistent.
Top 7 - Waterwalk (Sharkskin Boots)
Waterwalk boots sacrifice a bit of faster run walk but provide dexterity as well as the largest boost to the life of any pair of boots, along with some other good mods. While these increases in life may seem rather minor, due to the prevalence of battle orders thanks to called arms not to mention other percent life boost stores like oak sage or enigma, these flat life boosts actually provide a significant increase to survivability since they're the only source of life boost on Diablo 2 Ladder items that applies before the percents are applied meaning these boots will all provide a triple-digit bump to life in the end game.

+45% Faster Run/Walk
+1 To Teleport
+750-775 Defense (varies)
+ (0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Damage Reduced By 8%
+14 Life After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+ (1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)
Top 6 - Sandstorm Trek (Scarabshell Boots)
Sandstorm Trek are generally preferred as ethereal thanks to their auto repair, they can actually have a fairly high base defense to be multiplied by stuff like a shout, cold armors, etc. Stack those with actually reasonable stat boosts hit recovery and a bit of run walk and they're just your good generic boots.
Top 5 - War Traveler (Battle Boots)
For farming boots, the most well-known being
War Traveler
Defense: 120-139 (varies)(Base Defense: 39-47)
Required Level: 42Required Strength: 95
Durability: 48
Assassin Kick Damage: 37-64
+150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies)
25% Faster Run/Walk
+10 To Vitality
+10 To Strength
Adds 15-25 Damage
40% Slower Stamina Drain
Attacker Takes Damage Of 5-10 (varies)
30-50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
mostly thanks to its increase in magic find. but these boots are actually insanely powerful without people recognizing it, again packing good stat boosts and faster run walk that we find in other desirable boots, but also adding 15 to 25 damage which is applied in the same way as plus damage charms, meaning it is applied before skill damage boosts like fanaticism allowing it to enjoy the same types of multiplication we saw with the life on earlier boots.
Top 4 - Infernostride (Demonhide Boots)
The lesser-known farming boots though are inferno strides, this is mostly because they're usually just thought of as the fire boots that cast blaze which is true as they provide a serious bump to survivability against fire drop in some fire damage and cast well blaz. But they also have a faster run walk and more importantly a very nice boost to extra gold. They are one of the best boots for anyone looking to farm travicle for gold jewels and charms for all of these reasons not to mention they are super cheap to get.
Top 3 - Gore Rider (War Boots)
Moving into pretty much the core boots for martial builds that aren't using war travelers and that's Gore Rider. Faster run walk, crushing blow, deadly strike, and open wounds, make extremely powerful boots for pretty much any martial character due to these important functions. They are also great boots to upgrade for kixins even beating out shadow dancers for PVM, thanks to that crushing blow and bleed.
Top 2 - Goblin Toe (Light Plated Boots)
We can't mention gore riders without reminding you of the budget version Goblin Toe. Since while they lack the versatility of gore riders, they can definitely be good enough to carry any martial build through hell and they can be gotten relatively early.
Top 1 - Hsarus' Iron Heel (Chain Boots)
The other martial's special mention is Hsarus' Iron Heel. Especially now that 2.4 is allowing the upgrade of set items, this set of boots combined with an upgraded version of the belt provide a boost very similar to the angelic combo. In that, it provides a strong scaling boost to attack rating which can be extremely useful for classes that struggle with hitting in the mid to late game and on top of it provides a fairly decent bump to resists and defense.
Now here you'd expect caster boots like marowak and silkwee which while nice are not really that useful for the slot since their boosts are only really applicable to very niche builds and even then only if you don't need resists. so we can't in good conscience include them on this list outside of a side note that yes they boost your mana and some stats but are otherwise unremarkable outside of very specific builds. What is remarkable is that you can actually get on rare and crafted boots with caster boots providing bonuses similar to silk weave and safety boots providing guaranteed resist and a bit of damage reduction. The ideal set is a combination of faster run walk plus the dexterity and stacking resists with rares able to give better combinations than crafted. Thanks to rolling more mods, the main perks of crafted being though that safety is a weaker but more reliable source of the resist and caster is able to give minor mana perks alongside of its four mods.

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