In this guide, we break down the best strength build in Elden Ring - Colossus Guardian, which is a continuation of the colossus night build. So if you've been wondering how to progress that build then keep reading to find out.
How To Build Colossus Guardian - Elden Ring Best Strength Build Guide
To build up this strength colossus guardian build, we will follow the similar strategy of the colossus knight build: using warcry in order to change our R2 into a charged attack that is then pancaking enemies, but we will swap out the Ash of War from warcry to something else instead.
Instead, we use a barbaric roar that transforms our R2 into a series of attacks like a three-hit combo. We still get the increased damage as we do with warcry, and this three-hit combo is very hard to interrupt. Because we put bleeding on our weapon with the bleeding affinity, it also allows you to proc bleeding about once every combo, at the beginning of a fight which is fantastic because we're using lord of blood's exultation with this build that's going to give us 20 attack power.
Elden Ring Colossus Guardian Build Attributes
Vigor: 40 - For trading blows
Mind: 17 - For using abilities and buffs periodically
Endurance: 32 - For wearing the armor set
Strength: 45 - For damage buffing
Dexterity: 12 - Not really relevant stat for this build
Intelligence: 9 - Not really relevant stat for this build
Faith: 15 - For Flame, Grant Me Strength that's a 20 damage buff for 30 seconds
Arcane: 9 - For increasing your damage with the weapon if you have it on the bleeding affinity and increases your bleed build up but it has descaling so it's not super effective
You could use Radagon's Source Seal in order to get more vigor, endurance, strength, and dexterity. With this build you will take more damage if you do that, but you will have more health in general and more equip loads, so you can pull some points out of endurance that you could then stick into strength. And you'll still have the poise which is the important part so that is not a bad option either. The reason we didn't include that in the talismans is that you want to get your endurance literally not more than you need for your equip way, you just want to be full heavy with this and be right up to the maximum you want to have as much armor as you can have.
Elden Ring Colossus Guardian Equipment
Weapon - Prelate's Blood Inferno Grozier+20 or Great Stars
Prelate's Blood Inferno Grozier+20 - We are using the Prelate's Blood Inferno Grozier+20 and that's because of the moveset for this weapon, however, you can use whichever colossal weapon that you want as long as you're able to put barbaric roar on it. That means you can continue to use the iron greatsword and in fact, it might be good to have several weapons for this build that deal different types of damage because you know it might be good to have slash damage for one fight and strike damage for another fight. So if you're using the iron great sword handoff to it, because you can swap into a fight where maybe the enemy is resistant to strike damage and then use that instead.
Great Stars - There are also other really good weapons for this build like Great Stars for instance that comes natively with blood loss on it, you could put poison on this and then make it so that you use two talismans, one that gives you 20 attack power when you have blood loss and one that increases your attack power when poison buildup occurs. And use that same three-hit combo to boost your attack power even higher.
Offhand - Hevery Dagger
We have a dagger also in our same offhand with a golden vowel on it, just for buffing for more resistances and more attack damage before important fights tough enemies or bosses. You're not going to use it very often and it's very light, so it's not going to add too much to your equipment load.
Seal - Clawmark Seal+16
We also have Talisman here just for a couple of buff spells, upgrading it is not necessary for this because we're only using spells that are not affected by incantation scaling.
Armor Set - Lionel's Set (Greaves, Helm, Armor, Gauntlets)
One of the reasons that we are wearing extremely heavy armor here isn't for the protection necessarily although that's good, because this armor has very very high poise. When combined with the poise of the ability allows you to poise through really heavy attacks of enemies. That'll allow you to pull off your combo anyway and oftentimes that procs hemorrhage on them because you're able to finish it and it staggers them, you just absolutely devastate them if you can get that first combo off. So it's all about getting that first combo off even if you have to trade damage.
Talismans - Turtle Talisman, Roar Medallion, Axe Talisman, Lord of Blood's Exultation
When it comes to talismans, we have the Green Turtle Talisman, Roar Medallion, Axe Talisman, and Lord of Blood's Exultation:
Green Turtle Talisman - It is pretty self-explanatory, you chew through stamina because this weapon takes a ton when you swing it, you need to get it back quickly, so you can go back to swinging
Roar Medallion - It buffs your damage after you use warcry
Axe Talisman - It also works in the same vein when you use a heavy charged R2, you gain extra damage. Keep in mind that you can do the R2 when you're buffed with barbaric roar without holding it down and it will execute faster and do less stagger damage, so you can do that if you need to get it out quickly, But generally you're going to be trying to go for that held r2 if you can, in order to get the most damage in most stagger possible.
Lord of Blood's Exultation - Once you get the hemorrhage status effect on something that suffers blood loss you gain 20 attack power for 20 seconds. This should happen constantly in boss fights where they can bleed. If you're doing a boss fight that can't bleed and you're setting your action word a heavy you should probably swap this out for something else because that's not going to benefit you at all.
Winded Sword Insignia - It is a really good sub in here. It might not seem like it would be good here because you have such a slow weapon but every time you execute that combo, you're going to get a stack of that so that's really strong here.
Crystal Tear - Spiked Cracked Tear, Stonebarb Cracked Tear
Spiked Cracked Tear will actually increase the damage you do with charged attacks, so this is very good for this build and good for using before you like go into a boss fight for instance,
Stonebarb Cracked Tear will increases like the poise damage that you do so that you're more likely to stagger an enemy. You want to stagger bosses as quickly as possible with this build, so you can get time to recover and just keep taking it to them.
Best Incantation Spells for Elden Ring Colossus Guardian Strength Build
The two best incantations for this build are Flame, Grant Me Strength, and Bestial Vitality:
Flame Grant Me Strength
Flame, Grant Me Strength increases your physical damage by 20 and your fire damage by 20. You don't do fire damage with this build but you are going to increase your physical damage by 20 which should be a huge amount because you're using a colossal weapon which is good.
Bestial Vitality
Bestial Vitality is just there to give you healing over time to kind of top you up. Because you have such heavy armor, a lot of regular attacks from enemies throughout maps and stuff, are just going to do a little bit of your health, not enough for you to want to take a health potion. So you can kind of keep this activity to kind of top you off periodically that way you're going into fights with full health and you don't have to waste a health potion.
Elden Ring Colossus Guardian Build Gameplay Tips
Generally how this build plays out on the landscape and in dungeons is that you're going to run around and either jump attack or run in an R1 or R2. Usually, enemies are staggered pretty well and once you get in the first attack, you're usually in good shape.
Tougher enemies are easier with this build than packs of smaller enemies. Even though what's really good about this build is that you have lots of poise so you can actually shrug off attacks from like dogs and stuff as long as you get like a quarter or third of the way through your wind up, but targeting them is difficult when you're like being attacked in the back by two enemies and you're attacking somebody in front, that's when you're in the most dangerous situation not facing some difficult enemy in front of you that you're trading blows with.
So be careful not to get outnumbered and do try and pick things off one at a time if you can, and don't worry too much about the more difficult enemies. What you're going to do when you face them is you're going to buff up with flame grab string, use golden vowel on your dagger if you need to and then pop barbaric roar.
If you can get upfront of a lot of bosses like hugging the front of their body in a lot of cases, their swings will go over you while you sort of duck down in the animation to pull off the charged R2 combo. So you can actually stay safe by like hugging it's when you kind of get pushed out little ways because of the shape of the boss is weird or whatever that you're really in trouble.
Also, you sort of need to learn to anticipate with some bosses to use the charge R2 while they're walking towards you or moving towards you so that by the time they reach you, you're already mid-swing and not getting interrupted.
Not unlike other heavy strength builds, you are going to trade damage that's part of this build, so you're going to stack up heavily on HP flasks, and not going to need that much FP because you're not going to need to buff all the time. You're only going to buff when you need to buff, the rest of the time you can either do jump attacks or you can just do regular running R1s or R1 combos.