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In this guide, we will compare two high-end meta paladin builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected from the pros, cons, stats, equipment and more. the good old hammerdin who is very popular and the reborn foh paladin may be the top newcomer from patch version 2.4. For competition, we have built two similar end-game builds focused on damage and faster cast rate. And we show you all popular areas on players 8 to farm so you can find out which paladin build is the best in Diablo 2 Resurrected.
D2R FoH Vs Hammer P8 - Two Paladin Meta Endgame Builds Comparison
The hammerdin has a typical skill 3 blast hammer and all synergies maxed out also the holy shield and some further typical parlor skills enabled with one point. His items heart of the oaks and herald of zakarum tiara and amulet with two skills and 20 fcr each, enigma, arachnic, magefist, the stone fo Jordan ring, and an fcr ring for getting the break point at 125.
Strength: 204
Dexterity: 128
Vitality: 542
Energy: 55
Hammer damage: 15k-15k
The Templar-Vindicator
The foh is a templar vindicator build. For pve, we concentrate on the magic damage only, so only fist of heavens and holy bolt have to be skilled out. There are enough points left to put 20 in fauna and holy shield as well. Then we also have enabled some further skills with one point and put the remaining points into conviction.
On this build, we can use different weapons, Hand of the Blast Light is good for maximum magic damage, Grief is for closed combat, Heaven's Light is a good mix, and Heart of the Oaks will be needed for playing with maximum fcr but playing at the 75% break point can be fine too. The other stuff is similar to the hammerdin's items, but this build just needs a quick outfit change and we have a character for ubertrystrom.
Strength: 262
Dexterity: 171
Vitality: 429
Energy: 55
Holy Bolt damage: 7018-7986
Farming Spots
Now we will farm all popular spots on players 8 and then we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each build. No mercs here, we want to see the pure performance of the paladins.
Act 1: Pit, Countress, Andariel, Cow Level
Act 2: Tunnel, Arcane Sanctuary, Toms
Act 3: Travincal, Arachnid Lair, Mephisto
Act 4: Diablo
Act 5: Shenk & Eldritch, Pindle & Nilathak, Baal
Act 1
The hammerdin does not have any problems in act 1. Andariel dies very fast although it is players 8 and the paladin also can clear the cow level all alone. The templar vindicator is a bit faster in cleaning narrow and angled maps like pit and tower, but Andariel takes a bit longer. In the Cow Level, we have a total failure players 8 cows are too strong and there are so many of them. Even on players 1, it is not worth farming here with this build.
Act 2
So after the first act, the hammerdin take the lead, but in the second act, he has his first issue in the Tunnels, the walking deads are immune to magic damage. The Arcane Sanctuary is fine, but in the Tombs there are immune monsters again. When farming such areas, we have to ignore them or maybe leave them to a mercenary. The templar does a bit better in the tunnels, some monsters he has to kill in close combat, but at least he gets everything down without any trouble. The arcane sanctuary is just like it was made for this paladin, he clears all monsters so fast, he can even beat the hammered in here. Also the tombs are nice to farm, the only animals that can be found there are those scarab beetles, you can decide to skip them or kill them by the sword. So the second act brings back some balance in this competition, we have a tie now.
Act 3
In the third act, the hammerdin can score with his high damage, the high council dies so fast even though this is players 8. The Arachnid Lair is narrow and angled, so the hammers are often blocked. But generally, he can fight all monsters there, Mephisto is no problem. The templar vindicator is a bit slower killing the high council and in the arachnids there, he has to use his sword for all monsters there. Mephisto is okay, you can smite him down or use holy bolts. Anyway, after the third act, the hammerdin takes a close lead again.
Act 4
In the chaos sanctuary, the hammer dean is a reliable farmer. The map also is not too narrow, so the hammers hit very well. For fist of heavens, this map is even better, it hits and penetrates any target and they are all demons are undead. Also the range comes into play here, in the cs, the templar dean is the boss so he can catch up and we have a tie again. Act 5 has to decide this competition.
Act 5
In act 5, Shenk & Eldritch are just a little warm up exercise for our hammeredin. Pindle also dies fast, but the entrance to the temple is quite narrow so you have to be very close to the monsters, what can be dangerous. The best way to kill Nilathak is to teleport next to him and kill him first. If you fail that, take care of the cadaver explosions. In the worldstone keep farming is quite comfortable but in the throne room, the second wave is immune to magic. So we need a merc or maybe use holy bolt. The good thing about the throne room, the hammers can be already casted before the monsters spawn. In the end, Baal will take some time but it's players 8. The templar vindicator has to use close combat again when killing eldritch and his gang, but chang is a demon so you can use foh or holy bolt here. When he falls to the ground, his minions will die as well. Pindle is very comfortable, you can kill him from safe distance. Nilathak is surrounded by animals, but you can use that as an advantage, switch on the conviction aura and kill Nilathak by the fist of heaven's lightning damage without killing the animals. So you stay safe from cadaver explosions, just getting next to Nilathak and beating him down would be faster but also can be risky. In the worldstone keep farming speed depends on the monsters, but when in the throne room, all the waves are undeads or demons. When fighting the last waves, you can notice the smaller damage value compared to the hammerdin. For killing baal, use smite you can use holy bolt as well but bale often steals your mana.
In act 5, both characters showed some strength but also some weaknesses, so putting all together, none of them has a clear leading position. Anyway, both have advantages that can convince but also restrictions that can scare off playing it.
Pros & Cons Of Hammerdin
+ High damage
+ Only few immunes
- Bad precision
- Short range
- Issues in narrow maps
Pros & Cons Of Templar-Vindicator
+ Comfortable gameplay
+ Good range
+ Ut-char when switching items
- When fighting animals, all advantages gone
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