Lost Ark Kalkul-Saydon legion raid phase 3 is not easy and got many wipe mechanics. In this Lost Ark Kalkul-Saydon phase 3 guide, first, let’s introduce the Mario game, and let’s see all mechanics that will occur, then all rng mechanics and counters possible. This phase needs to destroy specific things, it's a bit hard in a full melee party. The best party would be 1 support, 1 ranged DPS and 2 melees.
Lost Ark Kakul-Saydon Legion Raid P3 Guide - Mechanics, Patterns & Tips Of P3 Kakul-Saydon
Kakul Saydon is the leader of the Mayhem Legion, and he is responsible for all of the misery that has infected this region. If you want to survive in Lost Ark P3 Kakul Saydon, stopwatch or adropine are team choices. If you need more DPS, blues bombs are good for impair phases, especially the last one which is tight. Movement speed battle items can be nice for slow class. The red scroll is very useful for dispelling fire or helping one player to reach the center of Mario's game if he gets stunned or something else. Dark bomb for burst.
Mario Game In Lost Ark Kakul Saydon Phase 3
Mario game is a mini-game that happens 155/128/85/55, you need to collect 3 balls from a specific color. The color will spawn on one of your teammates, they need to tell you which color to take. Every member needs to do one Mario game. If the Mario player failed, the member with color dies as well. For reach Mario game, you need to turn in clown mode and reach the center. Try to shield Mario player or be ready to dispel him if Kakul Saydon focuses him. The game gives you some useful things for increasing madness.
Kakul Saydon will randomly spawn during this phase 2 tower, you can up your madness with those towers. You also need to kill them because the tower got a yellow timer. At the end of this timer, they will explode. If you don’t have enough madness for Mario, you need to stop the deal with the spawn tower. Especially for 1385 where DPS can go fast and you have no doll.
The second thing is the doll (the doll doesn’t exist in 1385 mode which means you use the tower to reach 100%). The doll is your main mechanic for up madness when you go Mario. The goal is here to up your madness at least 50% with the tower. Then when you need to go Mario, this doll will spawn. You can eat the fire for up madness and jump fast in the center. Also before leaving, throw your q spell to the doll to help your team kill it faster.
In Mario 1, 2, 3, and 4, bombs move sometimes up and sometimes down.
First lower Kakul Saydon to X155, he should spawn his first tower before X155. Don’t destroy it immediately. First Mario needs to stack 70% madness to be ready. Second Mario needs to stack 50%, then you can destroy the tower before they explode.
X155 First Mario
When it's Mario time, the doll will appear. You can also see red AOE from the middle and a bit everywhere (they don’t hurt). Mario player uses a doll or tower to get 100% madness when he is 100%. He can throw a q spell on the doll. Then other members can easily kill the doll (It’s important to kill the doll else she can kill the member in an iron maiden in the next mechanic or annoy you for impair phase). While the first player doing his Mario game, other members wait for Kakul Saydon to make iron maiden mechanic. If Kakul Saydon makes a long pattern, Mario player can get out before iron maiden or at the beginning. Then you are 3 for impair phase. You need to wait for red circle in the middle of the Mario game. So it’s short timing. If you turn clown too fast, you can reach it. If a player doesn’t reach the Mario game, everyone is dead. You got a hat on one member, you need to call the color to your Mario player.
First Impair
One member is in iron maiden (its rng). The other member needs to impair Kakul Saydon left side. First impair, you need to dodge saw. When you impair Kakul Saydon, the iron maiden will break. If you take too much time, the iron maiden member will die.
Second Mario
After first Mario, Kakul Saydon will spawn hook as well on the map top left or top right. So you need to take care of the hook when you need to go in the Mario game. So the best thing you can do is to prepare at least 70% madness to be fine if you need to dodge.
Second Impair
Second impair phase got only a hook to dodge.
X90 Show Time
Kakul Saydon will go to the middle and take position top or bottom. People who got blue targets will throw the ground of fire. It's better to run outside for this. It’s also good to move together at the beginning of dodge's first yellow AOE. When you go middle, Kakul Saydon will start to spawn a bomb, every member needs to go in front of the bomb to put the yellow AOE on the bomb. It will destroy the bomb without any damage. Else the bomb explodes later and one shot you. The second bomb spawns the opposite side of the first one (only one bomb in 1385 mode). Using Inana will reduce the madness and protect you. Keep ultimate is good as well.
After the AOE phase, you can go to the top or bottom again or split. Run clockwise or reverse to dodge yellow AOE and target. If the third Mario player doesn’t have madness. It’s better to cut a deal and wait for tower.
Third Mario X85
Third Mario still has hook to dodge.
Third Impair
Third impair got saw and hook to dodge at the same time.
X55 Fourth Mario
Fourth Mario still has hook to dodge.
X55 Fourth Impair
Fourth impair is the most complicated and close one. This time only has hooks, but you got 2 trap top/bottom you need to activate. Then you can impair. If you reach the trap hook can’t get you, you can split the bottom/top side to be faster. Don’t forget to press g.
Esther Timing
You have many choices for esther. You can use ninav after the second Mario to get faster for show time or you keep inana for show time depending on how you feel about show time. After show time, you can stack one more esther, you use ninave when you can go bingo faster, or use inana if you have much clown debuff. It’s good to use on inana in the fight for deducing clown debuff at the show time before. He has one mechanic with clown debuff which deals a lot of DPS you will see after.
Bingo Rules In Lost Ark Kakul-Saydon P3
Every 3 bombs you need to make one bingo (so a full line of skull cases)
- When you do a bingo, all skulls in line turn red
- You can destroy the black skull if you put your bomb near (not the red skull)
- Bomb explodes like a t
- Walk on a black or red skull will increase madness, you need to spam space to be free at some point if you walk on a skull case.
- There is a hammer on the map, so sometimes you can not place the bomb where you want
- If you get hit by a hammer, you die.
- Kakul Saydon got all moveset and one new move. He will tp and fear behind him if you turn, you won’t get hit.
- Try to prepare bingo and space at the same time. Else you will have a hard time finishing.
- Each 3 bombs you do, one bingo and an explosion occur. Kakul Saydon gets damaged from this explosion.
Lost Ark Phase 3 Kakul-Saydon Random Mechanics
Now all random mechanics and counter possible. Random mechanics are mostly the same in phase 1. We will only show you different ones. Counters are also the same in phase 1. Kakul Saydon got 2 really annoying new rng mechanics.
- Cursed Mechanic (Not in 1385 Mode). Kakul Saydon cursed one or multiple members at the end of the curse. Your hp will reverse 10>90, 50>50, 80>20, etc. You can use the fire to lower your hp safely. If you are cursed, you have a red circle on your character.
- Kakul Saydon has AOE mechanics based on clown debuff. He likes to do this after curse mechanic. So he goes mid-silence everyone and makes AOE depending on how much clown debuff he has. Pre cast shield can help to take less damage. Here if you have more than 5 clown debuff, you die if no shield, because he deals % of hp.
- Kakul Saydon lazer in phase 3 is different, he will turn while casting.
- Kakul Saydon starts to dance, he will spawn saw or hook all around the map. You need to take care and play slowly. This mechanic is a good spot for DPS, try not to go in front, or else you get red AOE around you.
- Rainbow can be up to 4 times in phase 3 Kalul-Saydon Lost Ark.
- Kakul Saydon can make a fake clown and link the player with a fire mechanic or not.
- Red circle and yellow AOE. Yellow AOE happens 2 times in phase 3.
- Kakul Saydon focus on member. He will try to hit him and end in yellow AOE on this member. Other members just need to go to the opposite side and dodge blue circles.
- In bingo new spell when Kakul Saydon tp turn to dodge the fear. Lazer in bingo is also like phase 1, he doesn’t turn anymore.

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