There is no official info yet about Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2 as well as Patch 2.5 update, so some YouTubers speculate about it. Are you also looking forward to the new Season 2 Ladder start in Diablo 2? What would you think about some new unique items in general? There is a great potential that could be activated anytime. In this guide, we want to talk about the new items, uniques, and rune words of D2R Ladder start of Season 2.
D2R 2.5 Ladder Items - New Runewords & Uniques In Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2
The new D2R 2.5 Ladder reset might start somewhere in the middle of September. Thanks to Mount Arreat who have found some interesting entries in the game files of Diablo 2 Resurrected that we want to share with you. Of course, developers just could write new game files but it is obvious to use existing stuff first. Those new rune words that came within the first Ladder already have been declared in the game files years ago and there are still lots of unused runewords. Next, we are going to take a look at the new items in D2R 2.5 Ladder start.
D2R Ladder Season 2 Runewords
Those new rune words that came within the first Ladder already have been declared in the game files years ago and there are still lots of unused runewords. Here you can get an overview, runes and attributes are not assigned yet, only the runeword's names are declared.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.5 Runewords List
RunewordRD86: Mystery
RunewordRD95: Patience
RunewordRD97: Pattern
RunewordRD100: Penitence
RunewordRD101: Peril
RunewordRD102: Pestilence
RunewordRD104: Piety
RunewordRD105: Pillar of Faith
RunewordRD107: Praise
RunewordRD108: Prayer
RunewordRD111: Prowess in Battle
RunewordRD113: Punishment
RunewordRD114: Purity
RunewordRD115: Question
RunewordRD118: Reason
RunewordRD119: Red
RunewordRD76: The Lovers
RunewordRD143: Thirst
RunewordRD68: Thirst of Knowledge
RunewordRD144: Thought
RunewordRD145: Thunder
RunewordRD146: Time
RunewordRD147: Tradition
RunewordRD149: Trust
RunewordRD150: Truth
RunewordRD152: Valor
RunewordRD153: Vengeance
RunewordRD155: Victory
RunewordRD156: Voice
RunewordRD157: Void
RunewordRD158: War
RunewordRD156: Water
RunewordRD161: Whisper
RunewordRD47: Widowmaker
RunewordRD164: Wings of Hope
RunewordRD99: Winter
RunewordRD166: Woe
RunewordRD167: Wonder
RunewordRD169: Youth
D2R Ladder Season 2 Uniques
Further, there are also some unused Diablo 2 Ladder 2.5 unique items in the game files.
1. One of them already is completed but did not get a drop rate yet. It is the Wyrmhide Boots Merman's Sprocket. Most of the other Uniques did not get a D2R item type and attributes yet.
2. Darkfear already was declared as an armor, but didn't have attributes yet.
3. Odium became some kickass gloves but they don't have ios or cast rate, so they are not overpowered.
4. Some of you maybe know the Constricting Ring, it exists in the game files for a long time but never got the drop rate. Maybe because it's too powerful.
5. Siggard’ Stealth was used by some hackers in the past to create their bug belt.
6. There is no unique Archon Plate yet, Zakarum’s Salvation is a bit like a big brother of Skin of the Vipermagi.
7. Gore Ripper became a Balrog Blade that maybe could compete with popular rune word swords.
8. Giant Maimer as an alternative to infinity and Warriv’s Warder maybe could replace spirit monarch in several builds. In both cases, the unique would not make the rune word useless because it does not completely overpower it.
9. Larzuk’s Champion is like the big brother of Schaefer's Hammer, no static field here but amplifier damage. With this weapon, there would be no problems with immune monsters.
10. Nethercrow is a bow. Thanks to multi-shot, other classes than Amazon could be able to farm with bows and arrows. Especially a Paladin who can raise attack speed and damage by his auras or an assassin who buffs herself with a burst of speed and venom.
That's all the D2R 2.5 Ladder runewords, uniques and items we could get. Back to the facts, we don't know what the new Diablo 2 Ladder Season 2 will bring to us, but it is quite sure that the actual Season 2 ends at the end of this month and probably there will be a two-week ptr test again.

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