After the significant 1.06 update, which builds are the most overpowered in Elden Ring? With this guide, let's discover the Top 3 Best 1.06 Builds.
Elden Ring New OP Strength, Bleed, Tank Builds after 1.06 Patch
With the 1.06 patch rolled out in Elden Ring, many good changes have been addressed on weapons and skills - Bloodhound Step, Quickstep, Stars of Ruin have been nerfed, and Rivers of Blood and Corpse Piler have been weakened. So adjust or recreate your build around these changes and enjoy whole new gameplay! In this guide, we go over the Best Elden Ring builds after the 1.06 patch, they are all so powerful to One Shot Bosses!
1 - Strength Magic Starscourge Greatsword Build
This build is not only overpowered but also so broken that it makes it a lot of fun playing this game. If you want to use it for PvP, it's going to be a lot of fun, just trying to capture those foes that are running around and just dragging them to their death when you pull them with that gravity. Here we tell you how to put this together you could run through this through NG plus if you want and it's just going to carry you through the whole entire game.
Starscourge Greatsword+10
This weapon does a 360 physical and on top of that magic 203, all put together is an amazing power put in one whole entire weapon. You hit any boss with huge damage not even fully buff and just bring him down very easily. Another feature with this weapon itself in the gravity is that you can actually be behind walls and attack anyone.
There are very few weapons that have this large amount of damage that it deals to any foe in the f because it only costs 20, which means that you will be able to spam the skill of the weapon itself - Starcaller Cry bring the two swords together and roar into the skies pulling it into enemies with a gravitational wave follow up with additional input to slam down gravity infuses source.
Seal: Clawmark Seal+25
It is going to be fully scaled up with strength and also faith which is going to help with our sword because our sword is strength dexterity and intelligence.
Head: Fingerprint Helm
Chest: Fingerprint Armor
Arms: Fingerprint Gauntlets
Legs: Fingerprint Greaves
This armor set has very high robustness and also it doesn't have that bad of a poison 40 altogether for this armor and is also very light you are going to be able to use this for a 150-level build.
Shard of Alexander - Greatly boost the attack power of your skill
Roar Medallion - Enhances roars and breath attacks, when you do this special skill, it does a roar attack and follows up with a unique skill dealing an amount of damage, so this talisman is going to improve the roar when it does this section, it's going to pull and deal extra additional damage.
Ritual Sword Talisman - Raise your attack power when HP is at addis max, so it deals another 15% additional damage. And the best thing to do with that talisman is to keep your health up to the max that's when you are going to be able to take advantage of this talisman.
Magic Scorpion Charm - Give you an additional 12% of extra magic damage and but it's going to offer you 8% of damage negation, so it's going to lower that but we are gaining that 12%, and we are going to be trying to keep our health up as much as we can.
Flask of Wondrous Physicks
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear - Not only boost our magic attack on the weapon itself but also on our incantations
Stonebarb Cracked Tear - Temporarily make stance break easier
Flame, Grant Me Strength - Raise 50% additional damage
Golden Vow - Give us an additional addition of 10% damage
2 - Fire Bleed Margotts Curse Sword Build
This is the most overpowered fire bleed build after patch 1.06, which is not only going to take down foes very fast but also is going to be dealing blood loss and also fire damage with a punch, in this With the Margotts Curse Sword setup we will take advantage of both and taking down anyone in Elden Ring very quickly.
Margotts Curse Sword
Due to the latest patch 1.06, the curved swords were improved and became more overpowered. This Margotts Curse Sword now not only deals a lot of damage but also is a lot faster since the patch increases the movement speed of strong attacks and charge attacks on it. This weapon does a very fast strong attack and charges attack (the special skill in this weapon), the two different unique attacks make this weapon very OP. What's more, the weapon reduces the time it takes for rolling to become possible after an attack, meaning if someone hits you you are going to be able to roll out and deal with an attack much faster and better. So here we not only are going to be taking care of fire and also bleed which also puts this weapon into S Tier.
Seal: Dragon Communion Seal+10
Dragon Communion Seal is arcane scaling which is the weapon making it really nice and effective the way we are going to be optimizing this.
Head: White Mask
Chest: Fingerprint Armor
Arms: Fingerprint Gauntlets
Legs: Fingerprint Greaves
Using the white mask and taking advantage of the Margotts Curse Sword which is going to be the passive effect of caused bloodlust buildup of 85. Wearing the Fingerprint Armor to get the poise gives us about 36 points altogether and it also gives us more robustness for this type of armor.
Shard of Alexander - Greatly boost our attack power
Carian Filigreed Crest - Lower our FP consumed by skills
Ritual Sword Talisman - Raise our power by an additional 20% and you will get an increasing of at least 100 points in your damage that you're dealing with just about anyone.
Lord of Blood's Exultation - For taking advantage of the bloodlust vicinity increases attack power
Flask of Wondrous Physicks
Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear - Temporarily boosting our fire attack, it will help with the unique skill of the weapon which is the cursed blood slice, then charge forward to deliver a downward diagonal slice, the bloodier trail of the blade is followed by a burst of flame.
Stonebarb Cracked Tear - Temporarily make stands break easier, so if you have any issues with any boss or any foe and they don't go down very easy, so it will help you take down bosses and bring them down to their knees a lot easier.
Flame, Grant Me Strength - With our flame shrouding cracked here for 33 minutes, we are going to be OP and that is going to increase the fire within that incantation
Golden Vow - Give us a buff in our offense for an additional 3 more minutes
Lightning Spear - In case we need to keep any foes from far away or if they're shooting us with any spears or any arrows, then we are able to just use that and take them down.
3 - Best Greatsword Strength Tank Build
This strength Tank build is going to make you a god among Elden Ring, not only to be tanking just about any boss and foe, but on top of that you are able to deal damage like you wear a freaking truck, no one that comes close to you is going to be safe because you are the danger in the game. So we are going to be focusing on a couple of pieces to make this possible best 150 level tank build.
Heavy Greatsword+25
This colossal sword will offer us physical damage and then on top of this, we can add ash of war lion's claw.
Eclipse Crest Greatshield+25
Using this shield fully leveled up with guarded damage negation 100 physical, 72 magic, 57 fire, 51 lightning, 59 holy, and 75 guarded boost.
Glintstone Staff
Using the spell - Scholar's Shield that is going to increase your guarded boost by 25 percent now that you are the tankiest build in Elden Ring and also going to be dealing a hell of an amount of damage to any foe.
Clawmark Seal+25
Fully leveled up Clawmark Seal has the shield and greatsword goes by strength, so we are maximizing the power that is within this god-tier tank build.
Head: Night's Cavalry Helm
Chest: Night's Cavalry Armor
Arms: Night's Cavalry Gauntlets
Legs: Night's Cavalry Greaves
What type of armor are we going to be using to be such an honored tank and none other than the Night's Cavalry Helm in the entire armory? Another different type of option you can go with is the fingerprint, but have in mind that level 150 you become heavy. You start moving like a truck, but we just want to hit like a truck and move around just like a ferrari really fast, so Night's Cavalry Armor set is a better choice.
Shard of Alexander - Boost our attack power
Great-Jar's Arsenal - Maximizes your equip load by an additional 20%
Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman - Boost your physical damage
or Old Lord's Talisman - Extend the spell effect duration of the shield
or Ritual Sword Talisman - Deal an additional damage
Radagon's Soresseal - Gives you five points to five different attribute categories, and raises your vigor, endurance, strength, and dexterity (all those four are one of the keys that makes this tank build a guard tier).
Flask of Wondrous Physicks
Strength-knot Crystal Tear - Temporarily boosts strength, maximizes our strength in our build
Spiked Cracked Tear - Boost any charge attack powers for three additional minutes
Scholar's Shield - Increase your guarded boost by 25 percent
Flame, Grant Me Strength - Additional power to boost this build for additional 30 seconds
So these are the best builds we think you should take a try after 1.06 patch in Elden Ring, if you need cheap Elden Ring runes and items to build up your character, get the best deal from UTPLAY.COM!