Trapper Assassin is currently one of the strongest and most popular caster builds in D2R. It primarily relies on the attacking skill Lightning Sentry, but Death Sentry or Fire Blast can also be used to dispatch Lightning Immune monsters. The build is quite expensive; for optimal performance, you will need an Enigma to move quickly. The gameplay is relaxing; once the traps are set, they will do their job and take care of the enemy monsters. You can begin your ladder season with a Trapper, but don't expect exceptional results unless you're in a party with a Conviction aura or a necromancer with the Lower Resists curse.
Traps deal massive damage, so with endgame gear, you'll be able to clear mobs in no time. Boss kills will also be quick, but Uber Tristram may cause problems. As with other Assassin builds, their survivability is not their strongest suit, so I don't recommend it for hardcore players. Trapsins are excellent for MF-ing because they have a high casting rate and can wear magic find gear with minimal compromises. Once they have an Infinity on their Merc, even lightning-immune monsters can be killed by the Lightning Sentries, allowing them to quickly solo the entire game. If you cast Burst of Speed while wearing an Enigma, your run speed and mobility can be incredible. In high-end gear, a solo Chaos or Baal run will take less than 4 minutes. Trap Assassins, like Javazons, make excellent party members due to their high lightning damage and quick mob clearing speed.
Attributes & Stats
Gear of Trap Assassin Build
Weapon: Gemmed Greater Talons/Magekiller's Greater Talons
Helm: Diadem
Switch Helm: Griffon's Eye
Amulet: Skull Scarab
Boots: Shadow Dancer
Ring: Storm Band/Plague Spiral
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Body Armor: Mage Plate
Switch Body Armor: Enigma
Gloves: Magefist
Small Charm: Annihilus
Gameplay Tips
Use of a wide range of equipment for extreme conditions can increase the chances of survival. The right conditions can make your character virtually immortal.
Possessing a high Fade skill point total will increase your chances of survival. Make sure you have a point in Weapon Block and employ Shadow Master to better your chances of staying alive. If you want to increase your survival odds on hard mode, switch to walking instead of running.
The Battle Orders and Battle Command talents included in Call to Arms make it an excellent secondary weapon that may greatly extend one's life expectancy. Use of the Crown of Ages helm and the Verdugo belt, or the Stormshield and the Verdugo belt and the String of Ears, will get you very close to the 50% physical damage reduction cap. Using a Phoenix weapon to get a redemptive aura and permanent healing is a great way to increase your survivability. Even the Harlequin Crest Shako can be put to good use. You can raise your maximum resistances with Guardian Angel armor, and you can absorb fire, lightning, cold, and other elements with the rising sun amulet, the dwarf staring, the hellmouth gloves, the wisp projector ring, the thungegod's vigor belt, and the raven Frosting.
Prerequisites for Defense
We recommend the following for maximum survivability:
Make sure everyone in Hell resists your party by a factor of 75. Annihilus, Hellfire Torch, rune socketed in Helm/Shield for Allresist, Mara's Kaleidoscope, 5 Allies Small Charms, 15 Allies Grand Charms, and any combination thereof can be useful.
Have an elemental damage absorber on and reduce physical damage taken by 50% if your character is hardcore. You must use a shield and have a blocking chance of at least 75%. It is recommended that you equip the Guardian Angel Armor, which provides 90% all resist, and that you upgrade as many unique items as possible to increase your protection. Carry around a number of Full Rejuvenation elixirs in your belt.

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