There is a critical update from across Sanctuary surrounding the most recent ladder reset for Diablo 2 Resurrected. Some of the first sunder charms appeared for trade on d2jsp rather early into launch. If you were wondering about their price, some of the first initial posts fetched anywhere between 3 and 7 000 forum gold. But the market was quickly flooded with them, and their price dropped by over 90% within hours. If you were running through the game with just the right character builds on your team, you might have already discovered why. Today, we talk about D2R 2.5 sunder charm drop glitch, so that you can get the guaranteed charms early on.
D2R 2.5 Sunder Charm Glitch - How To Get Sunder Charms In Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder 2 Reset
Sunder charms are dropping in excess, but not when you kill monsters. If you kill a monster normally in the normal way, we have not gotten a single sunder charm from them that way, and we assume that that is most likely the real drop chance, which is probably pretty rare. However, the Barbarian skill find item is, however, pulling these sunder charms from a different pick list. Apparently more along the lines of the pick list that is in the files than the one that is on the server, and from what we can tell it seems to be about a 50/50 D2R 2.5 sunder charm drop chance that it will be a sunder charm.
The new sunder charms had their own desecrated treasure class and drop table that was responsible for spawning these unique items. While most magic-finding characters might have run through the terror zones and not even found one of these new additions to the game. If you happen to start up with the right class, you might have been swimming in them. The Barbarian is one of the least selected classes at ladder resets, however, if you were one of the lucky few who chose to make a horker barb this season, you were likely the favorite person on your team.
Due to a critical oversight in the programming of this new drop table, horking unique monsters in terror zones guaranteed a Sunder charm drop. It was possible to drop all 6 unique charms within the same game and, much like other drop tables, it was possible to get a failed unique when the same one tried to roll twice within the same game. This caused insane drop rates for both unique sunder charms and magic grand charms with high item levels. So every time a barbed a unique corpse in a terror zone, guaranteed fortune awaited. It's really too bad Blizzard didn't have a heads-up about the potential for this happening three days before launch or something.
Many sorceresses respect their characters to blizz sorcs after discovering how cheap sunder charms became early on. This makes the most sense because the recent one-fifth nerf to sunder charms practically every other element and on a budget, which sunder charms certainly were at this point. This class dominated the entire game if you maxed out cold mastery. Blizzard is aware of this glitch, and it will likely be addressed very soon. However, the drop rates that exist otherwise need to be increased for these things. Additionally, the recent one-fifth changes should be reverted. So many classes are dead on arrival in the early ladder, but it was refreshing to see these charms drop like rain and allow early builds to have a shot in any area in the game so early on.
Some players were upset about this D2R 2.5 sunder charm drop glitch, others found it refreshing that they could achieve these new charms so early on with all the excitement that surrounded them.

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