Break out NBA 2K 23 again today or this will happen for the next part of your game, here is a six foot eight point guard that can get a Hall of Fame quick first step, get 92 three-pointers, has unlimited gold range, get contact dunks and most importantly can be upgraded. Many players know the six foot nine rebirths build that rules NBA 2K 23 right now, get into prison with another tall demigod build. Still, this one gets the Hall of Fame a quick first step to introduce you guys not only to this build but to the best dribble move, the best jump shot, and the best demigod build badge.
Best NBA 2k23 Point Guard Build - Overpowered Demigod Build In NBA 2k23
Of course, you can get the gold no-limit range, one is 85 three-pointers, and you can get the silver no-limit range, but there are more defensive badges that take ball handling to 89 points, ball handling speed to 79 points, and finally game making to 71 points, which gives you 20 game making badges. There are 89 ball handling to get the quick first step to the Hall of Fame, after that go for the driving dunk and finish in 86 driving which of course means you can unlock the pro contact dunk and if you hit the badge count you can also unlock the gold must take off and silver poster.
Best NBA 2K23 Point Guard Build
Choose Your Position & Profile
Position: Point Guard
Handed: Right
Physical Profile
Speed: 80
Strength: 80
Accelerating: 80
Vertical: 75
Stamina: 90
Body Settings
- Body Shape: Slight
- Height: 6'8''
- Weight: 197 lbs
- Wingspan: 6’11''
Set Your Potential Attributes
- Finishing
Close shot: 25-49
Driving layup:25-69
Driving dunk: 47-86
Standing dunk: 25- 42
Post control:25
- Shooting
Mid-range shot: 25-77
Three-point shot: 25-92
Free throw: 25- 67
- Playmaking
Pass accuracy: 25-71
Ball handle: 25-89
The speed with the ball: 25-77
- Defense/Rebounding
Interior defense: 25-77
Perimeter defense: 25-86
Steal: 25-82
Block: 25-75
Offensive rebound: 25
Defensive rebound: 25-51
Primary Takeover: Limitless Range
Secondary Takeover: Pull-up Precision
-Finishing Badges
Dream Shake(Gold)
Post Spin Technician(Silver)
Fearless Finisher(Bronze)
Posterizer (Bronze)
-Shooting Badges
Amped (Gold)
Green Machine (Gold)
Catch & Shoot (Gold)
Corner Specialist(Gold)
Clutch Shooter(HOF)
-Playmaking Badges
Bail out(Bronze)
Vice Grip(Silver)
Handles for Days(Bronze)
Chase Down Artist(HOF)
Clamps (Gold)
Challenger (Gold)
Max out your acceleration, max out your strength, max out your vertical to 75, max out your endurance to 90 and then max out your speed to 80 Overall ratings etc. Once you've got all that up to 80 you can go back to finishing and get your standing dunk to 70, that's the base build.
Unlock the silver poster and you'll have two level three finishing badges, the real badge count is going to be looking at 17 finishing 23 shooting 20 play and 17 defence and bounce which means 80 total badges, you'll have two level three and finishing no limit takeoffs and posters, you'll have two level three shots for the gold dead center so that gold can't be inserted and that will be your core badge and then you'll have handles for day silver defence and you will have the gold challenger core. You're going to max out your carry speed, you're going to max out your pass accuracy to 71 for 20 game badges, you're going to drive the dunk, you're going to get it up to 86, get your mid-range up to 81, get your speed up to 80 in this build, you're going to max out your acceleration, you're going to get your strength up to 75 for contact dunks, get your stamina up to 90.
Playmaking Moves
Dribble Style
Signature Size-Up
Size-Up Escape Package
Moving Crossover
Moving Behind the Back
Moving Spin
Moving Hesitation
Moving Stepback
Triple Threat Style
Park Flashy Pass
Pass Style
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