This follow-up guide addresses the recent Blizzard Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 patch hotfixes. We share our educated guesses and findings concerning Diablo 2 Resurrected Sunder Charm drop rates and the Find Item glitch (bug).
D2R Sundered Charms Pandemonium
Our initial D2R 2.5 patch guide highlighted important Diablo 2 Resurrected Sunder Charm logic issues embedded within the TCEX and new Desecrated TCs. While these Diablo 2 Desecrated TCs will help Blizzard control more on the Server-Side, there have been unintended consequences. This has created chaos, swirl, and high emotions throughout the Diablo 2 community. Diablo 2 Hork Barbarians using the Find Item skill leverages its own internal "No Drop" and intentionally ignores the NoDrop values set for a Treasure Class -- it proceeds to use its own calculation. Our current observation is that they may have decided to set NoDrop to some value (likely significant) on the Sunder Charms TC on the launch of 2.5 to increase rarity. They very likely forgot to account for Find Item's internal functionality.
Server-Side VS Client-Side
Real drop rates aren’t in client data, drop rates are determined by the server, this is just reflecting QA ensuring that the D2R items do drop by setting them to 100% in terrorized zones, expansion only, etc.
The Find Item Bug
Educated Interpretation of Events.
Validated by Nizari of Phrozenkeep.
Find Item Does Not Have a Bug.
Find Item Uses Its Own NoDrop.
NoDrop Doesn’t Function w/-Pick.
So as a preface to our findings, we wanted to collectively state that this is our best-educated guess on what we believe actually happened on the server side, specifically again we're not here to talk about server-side and client-side being 100 arguing one side for another, and we going through our findings the mechanics making sure that we had some validation academically about find item how the actual skill internally works, and we're excited to report that he did give us the thumbs up before we made this guide, so he also does a line with the hypothesis that we are essentially about to dive into, so really the big thing that we're here to talk about in The Bold statement is find item does not have a bug, stated this specifically in their content, that is technically empirically inaccurate, find item as a skill is polished, it's coded, it's sequencing, and functioning as intended, now it's important to understand though how does find item actually work, so find item has its own internal no drop where it effectively ignores intentionally the no drop that is typically embedded and then govern server side on the standard treasure class data, and then it then proceeds to use its own calculation, so as you know find item has a fine percent, so in a basic example if we had a find item percent of seventy percent then the no drop of its internal system is the difference or thirty percent being a failed role, so in that instance even if there was a no drop set, it blatantly ignores it and goes by its 70, 30 split in that case, so it's important to understand that no drop does not function with the negative picks, so what we believe actually happened was that they brought the no drop up to the Sunder TC specifically, however what we think ultimately happened was they made one change and they forgot about the residual adjacency and ramifications of the way that find item in the Hawker specifically functions because again it has its own internal no drop functionality and it completely ignores the coding and the governance that they tried to Institute, so it was honestly we think in honest oversight, it's an oversight in terms of the server side, and the governance, it's not a bug of the skill itself, and this is where we strongly believe this went wrong we know that it was a hot fix so they clearly got down to the bottom of it which is great.
Mod/Simulation Reflecting Educated Guess NoDrop Adjustments
Area Level: 85 (Modified)
Champions, Uniques, and Griswold TCs modified to their “Desecrated” variant, modified the NoDrop field for “Sunder Charms” TC to “5000”. We saw the Oct.7 th update on the patch notes for 2.5, this is now indeed fixed.

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