We're going to showcase the phoenix bow, so it'll be Godly, the best bow ever than Mist, better than Windforce, better than Eaglehorn, better than Brand, it's gonna be amazing, so basically, it's an expensive bow on a budget build.
Skill Tree
Gear of Amazon Phoenix Bow Build
Weapon Runeword: Phoenix
That's fine with four sockets, it's Epic vex, vex, lo, Iah, level 12 Redemption Aura when equipped, 100 chance to cast level 40 Blaze when you level up, forty percent chance to cast level 22 Firestorm on striking, through the bow and crossable skills, 386 percent enhanced damage, it's kind of a higher roll, doesn't it range 350 to 400, ignore Target's defense Epic Mod when you put it on a weapon, 40 to battle stolen per hit, negative 28 percent to enemy fire rest, twenty percent deadly strike, 377 defense versus missile, plus 15 fire absorb, the Savannah Expo, and no mercenary this is the spiritual journey, no mercenaries allowed, we do have teleport on the switch, and we're using immolation arrow, we maxed out its damage per second synergy, so and it still does complete ass damage 285 to 330.

100% Chance To Cast level 40 Blaze When You Level-up
40% Chance To Cast Level 22 Firestorm On Striking
Level 10-15 Redemption Aura When Equipped (varies)
+350-400% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignores Target's Defense
14% Mana Stolen Per Hit
-28% To Enemy Fire Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
+350-400 Defense Vs. Missile (varies)
+15-21 Fire Absorb (varies)
100% Chance To Cast level 40 Blaze When You Level-up
40% Chance To Cast Level 22 Firestorm On Striking
Level 10-15 Redemption Aura When Equipped (varies)
+350-400 Defense Vs. Missile (varies)
+350-400% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-28% To Enemy Fire Resistance
+50 To Life
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
+10% To Maximum Fire Resist
+15-21 Fire Absorb (varies)
Weapon: Matriarchal Bow
Bramble Mitts: Laying of Hands
Ring: Raven Frost
Belt: Razortail
Boots: Aldur’s Advance Battle Boots
Amulet: Atma’s Scarab
Bone Visage: Giant Skull
Body Armor Runeword: Treachery
Body Armor: Dusk Shroud
Gameplay Tips
Don't use emulation arrow no matter what so that could probably be fixed if these devs ever played the damn game, we know that in pd2 it's a lot better you can actually make a fire Amazon, and they can do quite well, in fact, we think it was even in path of Diablo where we had a nice hybrid where she used multi-shot and we did max out emulation arrow and it really melted the bosses, and it was a great blend because you could actually adequately kill bosses with the Boson, and it was a bit strategical you had to evade a lot and you had to get him to stand still and time your shots and all that so that it the fire would burn beneath him without him getting out of the way depending on you fought of course some bosses moved more than others, so there was still some we mean it was just nice that you could actually kill bosses reasonably with a Boson, some pretty damn thick bosses at that, so the immolation arrow we just wish it had a use you know like this damage is pretty pathetic, you see that this is players one we guess we could experiment and put on a flickering flame Helm, and use a torch, use a bunch of charms, and hell, we'll try to make a Godly, basically, a Godly fire Amazon in which case this might be the bow for it, because it has a nice enhanced damage to it, but it has the fire Pierce embedded in the d2r rune word and it's always a negative 28 percent so maybe if you fill the inventory with charms if you make yourself like a pure fire Amazon, but the problem is you still have this cooldown to deal with.
That would be interesting if we could have an emulation Arrow Amazon but we will try one out we'll see how well one can do with a Decked Out inventory who has a torch and an Annie who has probably the flickering playing Helm doesn't have three to five skills as well so that'll be nice, and of course more fire Piers all right so we were able to do the chaos with a mercenary, if you and max the whole fire build aspect, the problem is this has a cooldown, so basically, you’ll have to be using the exploding arrow, it doesn't suck, are any of these skills good, it has one Synergy plus fourteen percent fire damage per level, it’ll suck but it won’t be as bad as what you've seen here obviously, in fact, if we don't use multi-shot it's going to be even worse, so that's kind of the problem here is we're going to not be able to max out our guided arrow for multi-shot synergy if we want to Max this out and that's going to be a bit of a problem our multi-shot is going to be doing less damage, and we're going to be more reliant on this fire.

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